
Rescued 3

The car stopped.

We're here boss,"Min Feng said to Shin yu, stopping the car in the last spot of the CCTV close to the mountains.

They all got off from their car.

Look!!!there is the car"Zha rin gazed at the car that was covered by the mountain trees and shouted while pointing his s finger towards the direction".

They all went towards the car to check it out,but no one was there.

Who would have done this crude thing,"Li yun stated".

We need to investigate this, but first let's search the area for any clues of their whereabout,"The head of the cop said while directing his men into the mountain".

I see lights,"Chang li exclaimed in surprise".

Maybe we're almost out of the mountain,"Violet replied". They both ran towards the direction of the lights.

Who's there!!!"one of the police man shouted been caution and alerted of the sound he heard".

Violet and Chang li heard the questioning voice. They turned back to run but stopped when they heard a familiar voice.

It was Li shin yu,he was asking the police man that seems alerted a question??

What is it,any problem??"Shin yu asked the police man".

Just as he was about to answer, Chang li exclaimed in joy and called out her brother.

"Big bro"

Li shin yu recognize that voice,"of course it was his troublesome nagging sister".

And just as he was about to look behind the leave that seems shaking, Chang li flew out and gave her brother a big hug.

Big bro!!!! Thank goodness that it was you,we were really scared to death??

We?What do you mean by, We?"Li shin yu asked while raising his brow because all he saw was only Chang li".

Big bro,are you joking? Your wife is behind me. Chang li turned back to show him Violet but was dumbfounded when she pointed to him the wind?

You were saying,"Shin yu asked". Deep inside he was confused and really worried".

Violet was behind the bush, busy with her thoughts of whether to she should come out or use the opportunity to run.

Chang li let go of Shin you,she quickly ran towards the bush and drew out Violet who was busy with her thoughts.

Here she is,"Chang li smiled as she brought out Violet behind the leave".

When Shin yu saw her,he signed in relief.

Omo!!!Chang li, you're alright"Li yun exclaimed in joy alerting the others that was still busy searching the mountain".

M...mom!! What are you doing here??Chang li asked in surprised but was even surprised when she saw the Li family standing in front of her.

Li yun didn't answer Chang Li's question, instead she came forward to check if there was any scratch on her body.

Hmm.... you're alright.Who is this beauty behind you,"Li yun muttered to Chang li pointing her finger towards Violet".

Oh...my apologies mom,I forgot to first introduce your daughter in-law,"Chang li apologize to Li yun before she pulled Violet that was behind,forward to  her".

On hearing this, Li yun shifted Chang li away and came to Violet,"Chang li was dumbfounded by her mom's action".

Aiya,are you hurt my dear?"Li yun asked worriedly".

I am ma,"Violet replied before she greeted her politely".

Mom!!!I am also hurt here, you know?"Chang li childishly complained".

Aiya, Chang li, don't be jealous if your sister-in-law,it's rude and impolite of you."Li yun said to Chang li".

Don't mind her dear, she's just being jealous,"Li yun said to Violet while caressing her face".

Okay ma,"Violet chuckled". She has never felt this warm again since the death of her foster mom.Thinking of this almost made her tear up a little.

You can call me mom,"Li yun corrected her".

Ok mom,"Violet answered Li yun which made her happy".

Miss please may I ask what happened to you both,how did you escape the men??"the head cop asked Chang li and Violet".

We didn't escape that easily,"Violet said to him".

We were rescued by a handsome good looking tall man,"Chang li said while describing her saviour to the police man,upon remembering her saviour's face she smiled and started her awaked night dream again,but was tapped by Violet have to reality".

Do you still remember the place,"Grandfather Li spoke out".

Yes Grandfather,it's inside the mountain,"Chang li replied".

And do you know who was behind this,"Grandmother Li also asked Chang li".

Yes Grandmother,"Chang li answered".

Then who was it,"Shin yu asked impatiently,ready to break the culprit's neck".

Yi Yuan,The CEO of the entertainment company.

How dare him,"Shin yu said coldly".

Can you lead us there,"The head cop asked them".

Violet and Chang li stood in front leading them the way to the abandoned house in the mountain.