
First day trouble

Note: more updates coming in, thanks readers 😘

As she was about entering the cafeteria she accidentally slipped off but was suddenly caught by a strong hence was prevented from falling to her face.

Violet was in an awkward position,she "cough". Y... You can let go now.

He was lost in this innocent girl's beauty that he had forgotten their awkward position when suddenly he heard her tiny voice. Oh, he said before finally letting go.

Violet adjusted her dress. Thanks

Mmh.... May I ask....

Violet left to the cafeteria counter before he finished his words.

"Shit" I missed a golden chance here. He said feeling disappointed, well I guess there is a next time. He quoted before heading his way


Meanwhile a girl was hidden in a corner and saw the scene that just unfolded, she tighten the grip of her hand. Chan yun must know about this, she said and soon left.


Violet was already done eating, she went out in search of Chang li. Sis Chang li, just where are you? 

Huh.... Isn't it that the elevator dude... "Smirk". I could use him to pass a good time. Hmm... What about me getting my revenge now. Haha

Violet followed Ji nan that was heading towards the University drinks machine.


Ji nan was about collecting a drink from the refrigerator machine when suddenly a small hand went through his head and spanked it.

"Aww" who dare hit me.

"Laughs" I dare. She said as she showed him her tongue.

You again...


Not the trouble lady again." Ji nan thought".

"Sighed" he tried to act cool, that little spank can't bring out the best of him like making him in pain. His a strong man

You done.....

Of course not, why would I be. Violet said with a smile.

What did I ever do to this lady, she's so troublesome." Ji nan thought".

Violet noticed the drink on his hand and intentionally snatched it away. You having a drink, hmmm.... Smells good.

She opened it and sipped from it. Ahh, so nice... You want some.

So childish. No.... you can have it.he said and was about to leave when someone grabbed Violet's hand.

Who are you. He stopped on his track when he heard her caution voice. He stood behind and watched.

Em... You don't remember me.

I asked who you are, if I knew you I won't have asked .... Violet said while still trying to let go from his grip.

Oh, so sorry about this... I was the one who prevented you from falling a while ago at the cafeteria. He said

Okay... Can you let go of my hand now. She said.


So what, you prevented me from falling. Okay thanks, alright then I'll be on my way.

Wait am not done yet. He grabbed back her hand again and pulled her closer to his chest.

Let me go. She yelled at him

I don't know but I think I fell in love with you at the first sight. He said sincerely

Go love your Mommy, let me go.

Who do you think you are, I can have you if I want. He said with a devilish smile.

Let go you pervert...

Yes you're right, am a pervert and see how I will deal with you like a pervert.... No body dare stop me... Do you know who my father is.

Who cares...

You'll see.... 

Ahh.. he was about dragging Violet when suddenly Ji nan came infront and punched him hard multiple times.

Let go of me you rascal, do you know who I am...

Who are you jerk. Ji nan yelled at him already feeling disgusted and irritated by him.

Ji nan punch him really hard that he stared bleed through his nose.

Hey... Don't get in trouble because of me. Violet tried to pull Ji nan away from him but he didn't stop he just kept on with the punch after punch.

Stop it you two. A voice suddenly spoke out. He was attracted here because of the crowds that kept on multiplying. He was the head of their department.

Ji nan finally let go of him but he was already badly injured.

Jan Cha!!! Chan Yun screamed out.. how dare you two.

To my office you three. He ordered

Are you okay.. Violet asked Ji nan.


They all followed him and gradually the crowd reduced... Chan Yun clutched onto Jan Cha

How dare you two fight, huh...

You three tomorrow get one of your guidance here or you'll be expelled from this school... You all are dismissed now...

They all got out...

You two just wait and see how I'll repay you fir doing this to my boyfriend. Chan Yun yelled at them and then helped Jan Cha out.

Why did I do it, I just felt an immediate sign to help like she was deeply connected to me, but why? Ji nan thought as he looked at Violet.

"Gaps" you're bleeding, let me help you with it.

No need, he sincerely said before going away...


What will I tell Chang li now, phew, my head hurt already.

Violet just your first day turned into a disaster.

Violet thank goodness I found you, I searched everywhere for you. Are you okay, sure you're not hurt anywhere. Chang li studied her body and was satisfied when she didn't see any injury.

Am fine sis V. Violet held her hand and assured her.

I heard what happened now.

Huh... So soon, am doom. Violet thought.

Let's head home first, Chang li said.



"Phone ringing". Aiya Jan Cha am sorry for shouting at you earlier, you know I had to act though on this so it would look real. It was the head of the department" Mr Gun".

I know already, you can hang up now. Jan Cha ordered.

O... Okay. J

Cha father is a well respected man who work in the high law Court.