

The Ji family mansion........

The mansion was a very large building and spacious, it had many maids and bodyguards just like the Li family mansion.


I can't believe that this holidays is gonna end today.....And now I will be back to college,"Ji nan complained to himself in his room".

Ji nan is the late Ji na's twin brother, he was just 19 years, just a Young lad who had always hated school".

But the funniest of it all was that he always comes up on the top first best student in all examination scores. He is a Mommy's boy and he always assumed himself to be rude and cool.

The room door opened......

Omo..... Ji nan ain't you going to pack up for college tomorrow?"Ji ah asked him".

Mom.....can't you do it for me,"Ji nan pleaded giving out his best puppy eyes".

Aiya......this boy when are you going to grow up and act as a matured guy....... just for once follow the steps of your elder brother."Ji ah said and nagged him".

Huh.....No way, big bro is way too scary.....I wonder what kind of lady is gonna marry a guy like that, or maybe because of his handsome expressionless face."Ji nan shivered and said some words about his elder brother".

Aiya....you silly boy, when are you gonna ever learn,"Ji ah hit him gently on his back and gently scolded him".

Mom....are you still going to help me do it,"Ji nan pleaded, holding the tips of his Mother's dress".

Okay okay......I will,now stop nagging me before I change my mind,"Ji ah said and jokingly warned him".

Okay Mom, you're the best,"Ji nan happily answered and praised her".

Now go take a shower and come for breakfast,"Ji ah said".

Okay Mom....., I hope big bro is not going to come back yet....I can't probably eat well with him staring at me,"Ji nan asked and said to his Mom".

He will be back today....I asked him to come over,. Omo,have you forgotten about your elder brother's birthday"Ji nan asked".

I just remembered now.....his birthday is two days away from mine,"Ji nan signed and said".

Now hurry up and go take your bath, we are celebrating your brother's birthday today,"Ji ah excitedly announced".

Okay Mom."Ji nan replied".

What's so exciting Mom, you fully know that big bro hates to celebrate his birthday,"Ji nan thought to himself before going to take a shower".

Now I look so cool,"Ji nan proudly complimented himself while facing the large wall mirror".

He got out of his room.

Attention..... Everyone come take your seat,he will be here anytime soon....and you guys quickly serve the meals already."Ji ah yelled excitedly to all the family and ordered the maids".

They all took a seat each. Ji ho took a seat right to his wife Ji ah, Ji nan seated at the other side also beside his mom, Grandmother Ji and Grandfather Ji also took a seat.  Grandfather Ji seated at the head of the table as the Superior head of the mansion while Grandmother Ji took a seat beside him.

10am....in the Li family Mansion...

Li Yun was finally done dressing up...she took her purse and came out of her room.

Chang li, Violet dear...."Li yun yelled out before making her way to Chang Li's room".

Oh..... Morning Mom,"Chang li and Violet greeted the same time".

Aiya....I see you guys are busy packing up things for school tomorrow...... I am off to see Ji ah...so I won't be back that early,"Li yun told them".

Hallelujah,"Chang li praised".

Okay....no problem Mom.Chang li said. Goodbye Mom,take care."Violet said".

Okay...I will,"Li yun said".  She came out of the room and out of their large Mansion, she entered her car and the driver drove off".

The Ji Mansion.....

After some minutes,a black expensive car entered the Mansion and a tall godly handsome man came out of the car and heads towards the large Mansion.



YOUR AUTHOR: Tina nwuba 😊🥰😻