
Both brothers... Nan and Min.

Nan nan was still busy complaining inside his head.. although he is now eating to his satisfaction, but he was at the same time still feeling a little bit dizzy because of all these cameras and also cell phone cameras pointed at him. Can't someone eat in peace? He mumbled a little to him self but some one that is eating beside him definitely heard that.

Nan nan: Hh huh? Where is he going now? He muttered to him self after seeing Ji Min excuse his self from the table where they both are having their lunch time..

Nan nan: [eyes widened] what Ji Min did next made him opened his both eyes wide in disbelief. Did he just ordered this people that is taking pictures of them to f*ck off! [Nan nan was actually still in disbelief. His big brother actually did this for his sake?].

[This actually made his mood lite up. All the lots that was taking several pictures of them already stopped that. They too wanted to apologise to this fearless handsome guy for that, but Ji Min didn't give them any opportunity to talk to him, he just walked back to where Nan nan is seated now.

Nan nan seeing that Ji Min was back to his seat, he couldn't help him self from muttering to his brother now in a much lower tone "Thanks". He smiled after saying this.

Thanks? I actually did that for my self.

Nan nan: huh-_-*? [ Nan nan was really embarrassed now when he Ji Min said this. He really thought that it was for his sake that he went over there to warn them not knowing that it is for his own self!] [Nan nan face was really red like a cherry now. He tried his possible best to hide his face from Ji Min now. He really is in an awkward situation now and definitely really needs anyone helping hand now].

Now that actually do makes sense also. Because, not only pictures of him was taken. Nan nan thought. [Without staring back at Ji Min face, he continued with the food he is eating while still avoiding eyes contact with Ji Min. His face is really flushed now because of embarrassment.. damn!].


Ji Min smiled seeing his younger brother all cute behavior now when he actually did told him that it was for his own sake not his now..

Earlier before now...

He was a little focused when eating his food now.. he wasn't feeling that hungry much but still decided to stuff some inside his mouth. [And of course, he did noticed that all the people inside the room was taking pictures of them. He didn't mind that at all as long they don't do anything that provoke him.. but what about his younger brother "Nan nan"? Is it ok and comfortable with this?

Ji Min then turned to face Nan nan that seems to be thinking about something inside his head. His face now looks disturbed and he also did noticed that he wasn't chewing his food more faster than before. Is he feeling uncomfortable with all these cameras at him? [Of course he should.. they are damn snapping and taking pictures of them when he is eating now.. of course it sure is really uncomfortable for him].

He hated seeing his younger brother feeling uncomfortable like this, so getting up from his seat, he approached them all taking the never ending pictures of them.. he warned them.. [Ji Min didn't even waste his words at them.. before he even got to them, they all have kept back their tools back to them selves].

He noticed them about to say something but didn't give a f*ck.. he just then headed back to where Nan nan is seated. Where he stood up from just now.

Present time now....


[Author Tina nwuba: Hope you guys like my story. Don't forget to tell me what you think about it. See you all in my next update]

© Copyright Tina Nwuba.

Facebook page: Author Tina-nwuba

Love you all my amazing readers 💞🌌💞. See you all in my next update 😚🌌💞. Hope you guys enjoyed this both brothers chapters 👬
