
Beach trouble!!?

Li Yun: -_-*? Hmph! So annoying.. "she sigh deeply" before sitting down on the sofa.. how she wished her little daughter in-law is here with here now.. she thought. .. she knew her little V will never decline her request... Ha.

Hmph.. stupid Shan.. she jokingly cursed. [She didn't get the reason why he ran off when she asked him to assist her.]

Back to present time....

"Laughs out" Chang Li couldn't help laughing out of her Mom story. [She was laughing out hard now, because she definitely did know the reason why her Dad, declined her Mom request immediately. Li Yun sure don't know this, but.. she really does over do her stuffs]

Hmph.. That's not funny Chang Li. She folded her hands below her chest as she said out. [She was staring at this daughter of hers that wouldn't stop laughing out at her now. Why is she even laughing.. she asked her self this because she doesn't actually get why her Chang Li is laughing out at her now. Is it because of her story or what? If not that, then what actually?]

Anyways.. since you're here now.. I don't have to worry of anyone keeping me company. [Li Yun that wave all her thoughts, now said to Chang Li that definitely did stopped laughing out now].

We could even go shopping now if you like?? Li Yun that is over excited that she have found some one to go shopping with her now, said to Chang Li. [Chang Li face was getting a little pale gradually now. She definitely don't or would like to go shopping with this her over do Mom].

"Gulped"... Yeah.. she laughed awkwardly as she replied.. But I think I should go greet Grandmother and Grandfather first.. she started walking away from her Mom with style as she still continued laughing awkwardly.

It's best to prevent it from happening than to be sorry later on.... she thought. Now running away from the living room where her Mom is now.

Just talking with her already makes me feel much better.. Li Yun smiled relaxing her head on the couch. [She sure do wish also the her little V also came with Chang Li.. this way, they all would have being on their way already to the boutique. There is no doubt about that].


Dad!! Chang Li yelled out seeing her dad coming out from her grandfather office like room.

Oh my Chang Li. [Li Shan that face to the direction of the voice calling him, called out when he saw that it was no other than his dear daughter Chang Li].

Chang Li ran and gave him a big opened warm hug.

I really miss you all.. she said in their hug.

We do too sweetheart.. they break their hug.. have you met your Mom? He asked. [Yeah.. she definitely would have already met her Mom. No doubt. He thought].


Nice.. go greet Mom and Dad.. he said to her.. [Author Tina nwuba: He said his Mom and Dad that also means Chang Li grandparents.. I point this out because of those that don't understand the word 😉].. You must be really exhausted from driving?.

Nah Dad. [How can I be exhausted when I did race on my way here?, She thought after hearing her beloved Dad question to her].

Anyways.. just go on.. I'll have the maids prepare your favorite. Li Shan said hugging her one last time before letting her go to her room. [Even though she did tell him the fact that she indeed wasn't exhausted at all, he still was caring over his little pumpkin].


Grandfather Li was busy with some files on his desk.. "Although his a grandfather, but he look way Young also just like his wife.. seems like they got married pretty early".

Grandfather.. Chang Li called out thus distracting Grandfather Li that was still busy.

Oh dear.. Don't mind you grandfather and come give him a hug.. he said stretching out his hand to her for a hug.

I miss you grandfather.

Same here my dear.. and please don't mind your old man here for not calling you.

It's nothing Grandfather.. she smiled sweetly as she said to him... Her wide smiling made her both eyes close a bit.

She had a small talk with her sweet Grandfather before going out on her way.

Chang Li also located her grandmother Li location as she also greeted her, her welcome huggings just like she did with the others.

This calls for a feast.. my little Chang Li had finally finished school.. it's just as though it was yesterday..  she smiled warmly at her granddaughter while holding her hand.

Yeah grandma.. am so excited.

Yes, yes.. you sure are.. the both laughed out.

Go take a rest and come out.. you must be hungry.. don't worry, this grandmother of yours have you covered.. now go on.

Ok grandma.. she kissed her grandmother on the cheek before finally going upstairs to her room.


The Ji family Mansion.

Finally back here.. he said.. the bodyguards opened up the large gate for his car to drive in.

Nan nan got out from his car, going to the back seat to bring out his bag before heading straight for the Mansion.

Nagging Mom.. here I come. Now you won't treat me like a child anymore.. he thought "sighs".


Nan.. you're finally home.. Ji ah announced him.

Yeah Mom.. I'm back as a fully grown up now.. he boosted.

Yes, yes.. you are.. but you're still your Mommy's boy okay.. she said petting his hair.

Mom!.. you'll ruin my hair.. Nan nan complained.

See.. you act more like a child.. my child to be precise.. she joked..  "Seems like Nan nan got all his teasing power from his Mom.. his Mom in her early years was named the teasing Queen ". "Just like her best friend Li Yun who was named the Shopping Queen.. back then, during their old school days".

Looks like am gonna leave this Mansion soon for my own apartment.. he joked.

That means I'll have to insert an iron door and a window so you won't escape me.. This made the both laugh out.

But seriously.. I mean it.. she said seriously..  Nan nan: "Gulped" ?.

Just kidding.. she laugh as she say.. seeing the look on Nan nan face thought she really will do it .

Yeah.. I pretty much know that.. he smiled awkwardly.

Your mom here really miss you my boy.. now go greet the others and come back for breakfast..  "The time was 9:30am in the morning now".

Sure ma.. he carried his bag going upstairs.. after taking a while to freshen up he came back down.. his family where all waiting for him to come join them on the large family sized dinning table.

They all congratulated him for now being a full grown up.. All his favorite was prepared for him as they celebrate him for finishing college.


Whoa!! No way.. she said out excitedly.. this was one of the largest beach in China.. mainly for pinic..  but mostly only rich people can get to see it..  The place was government reserved.. their was also a large traditional building hotel that was not far from the beach with lots of staff to attend to their visitors.

Violet couldn't wait to jump down from the car already.. she just felt the urge need of swimming inside the visible large beach clean water.

Shin Yu stopped the car, without wasting much time she got off from the car as she plan in her head of running towards the beach that was tempting her... "Shin Yu had already made a reservation for them both".

Huh?? Violet turned back because someone had already grabbed her hand, preventing her from moving forward.

What are you doing? Violet was confused of why he was holding her hand and refusing on letting her go.

No swimming for you my dear.. he announced to her as if he had already read her mind.

B.. but but.. she tried to persuade him but he wasn't listening to any of her word.. he only brought her here to enjoy nature gift but not to swim in it -_-** as he was really scared of her drowning.

But I can swim.. she said looking at him with her pitiful large tempting eyes..  but faded since Shin Yu told her a big capital NO*

Then why coming here if i wasn't allowed to go swimming.. she murmured complaining.

How silly.. he said before bending to kiss her.

I'm not that weak or fragile you know?? She said facing her head to the ground.

"Sighed".. okay.. but I'm gonna keep a close look on you.. he suggested.

Sure!! Violet excitedly jumped up after hearing this..  let's go then.. the beach isn't waiting for us you know. She said dragging him quickly along with her.


Before goin to the beach.. they both went to their room reserved for them.. nice!!.. It was really special and in a kind of way.. The decorations are all ancient added with some modern things thus making the room look really unique.

Too bad you didn't inform me that we were going to the beach.. "she sighed deeply sitting on the bed".. I can't possibly swim with this.. she said holding the top she was currently wearing.. "she was wearing shorts matched with a bigger sized grey long sleeved T-shirt.".

Just then they heard someone knocking on their room door.

Here you go Young Miss.. she gave Violet the leather she was holding before excusing her self.

Violet shut the door behind her.. she went ahead and sat on the bed before curiously opening to see what was in the leather.

No way!! She yelled out in excitement as she hugged it.. "It was a swimming suit track.. a half crop leather top with a short pants".

She didn't waste any time as she was afraid of her Boss changing his mind.. within 2 minutes she was now wearing the swimming suit.

Thanks.. I love you. Muah.. Violet was all excited.  She reached her out her one hand to open up the door when Shin Yu held her back.


I still have to take a closer look at you.. he said seriously.

Ok.. sure, I guess so.. she replied.

They both walked out hand to hand before locating the beach that wasn't that far from the building.

Ok.. thanks.. now you seat here.. while I go swimming over there. She said while gesturing him with her hand for him to seat on the medium sized rock.

Shin Yu found a comfortable spot to seat on the rock.. "He was wearing only shorts leaving his hot packed chest opened".

Violet glared wickedly at the ladies that won't stop admiring her man.

Are you jealous?? 

Nah.. why would I be.. hmph. She turned as she ran straight for the beach.

Not so far ok, I'm watching you over here.. "He ordered her".

Sure.. you got it Boss.. she replied back still continuing to run quickly to the beach water.

"Splash!!". Violet jumped into the water.. she was really enjoying playing with the beach cold water.. Shin Yu just enjoyed watching his little Wifey from where he seat.

Just then his phone ring... It was Min Feng calling.

The beach was a little noisy for him, he wasn't hearing much of what Min Feng was saying "he deeply sighed".. he had to moved away from the rock he was seating to another side not that far from the rock~.


Ha.. it's really fun in here.. but I think I'm gonna catch a cold if I don't come out soon.. Violet said.. she happily splashed some more of the water before finally coming out from the water.

Violet:-_-?? Huh?, Where did he go? I thought he said he was gonna take a closer look at me.. Violet thought in her head as she was still wondering where her hubby had gone to.

Hey sexy lady.. a tall guy greeted her.. " Violet hair was still wet of the water that was dripping now her face.. her swim suit was glued to her body".

Hello.. she said without looking at him as mind were all focused on looking for Shin Yu.

After that she tried walking away from him.

Are you ignoring me? Who did you think you are pretty face!!.. He yelled at her.. "He was tall but when they come to the aspect of beauty or handsomeness.. he was no way close to it". It wasn't handsome nor attractive.

In Violet opinion he looked more like a thug.. she could perceive the alcohol and cigarette smell that was coming out from his mouth.  This made her stomach feel really uncomfortable.

Violet: what the? Who the hell are you!!!


Please my dear amazing readers, let's get "The Demon CEO little wife" far to the top by rating and commenting for your Author 💞 in my book review section.[Author Tina nwuba: Hope you guys like my story. Don't forget to tell me what you think about it. See you all in my next update]

© Copyright Tina Nwuba.

Facebook page: Author Tina-nwuba

Love you all my amazing readers 💞🌌💞. See you in my next update 😚🌌💞. Read my other books

Ongoing- "The cold prince stubborn wife".

Ongoing- "Reborn of the Demon Empress". By Tina Nwuba. Love you all💞.
