
Bad food gone wrong

I entered the mansion and it was unlike anything I have even seen before,it was like Heaven on Earth.

I approached the bossy man,"Wow he looks damn hot",he was busy with his laptop.

Violet smiled at him before asking.."why did you send for me.

He looked at me and gestured his hands towards the kitchen's direction.

"Go make me beakfast", li shin yu commanded.

Violet didn't say anything and just went straight towards the kitchen to make the breakfast.

On arriving there Violet saw a woman who was in her mid's 50 she was the head maid in the house,she was in charge of everything,I greeted her politely.

Mrs wang was nice enough to offer Violet a helping hand but but Violet decline politely.

I don't want her to ruin my plan of making a nice quality meal ever and by that I mean the opposite of a nice meal"Violet said to herself while preparing to cook the meal".

Looks like I will make fried rice with omelette"Violet suggested".

Violet purposely added a lot a salt and really spicy ingredients making the food horrible.

Violet tasted the mean and was satisfied with her actions,she served the food on the plate and walked out to serve the bossy prince.

Violet smiled as much as possible while serving the food to him.

Li shin yu signed and turned his head towards Violet,he said"why don't you first taste the food yourself".

Violet was taken aback as to what..she did to the meal"well I just have to eat a spoonful and pretend as if nothing happened, she said to herself".

Violet took the spoon and ate a spoonful of rice and a little of the omelette,she took a bite and ate, Violet pretended that the food was worth saliving for.

Violet then shifted the meal back to him,li shin yu stopped what he was doing and ate the food,he acted as if nothing was amidst to avoid being a laughing stock to his secretary.

Violet on the other hand was busy laughing her heart content on her mind.

Li shin yu looked at her with a cold face while crossing his legs,he said"I never taught that a meal made by someone could stop one from being hungry.

Violet could see in his eyes that he feels like throwing up any minute from now but all she did was to laugh on her mind".

The bossy prince could be intimidated like this"Violet said while still laughing on her mind".

Violet controlled her laughter and she looked at his face and thanked him for his compliment.

Okay"he muttered".

Li shin yu then picked up the plate and passed the food to her and told her to eat it in his stake.

Violet was dump founded for some seconds before she finally replied,"Em...I had eaten so I don't want to eat again she declined his offer".

But fate was not on her side today her stomach growled in sign of hunger and she was caught off guard.

Li shin yu gave her the food and Violet ate it in regret.

Li shin yu was not pleased and satisfied with the payback punishment and decided to payback extra.

You started it don't blame me "li shin yu said to himself".

Li shin yu ordered for a certain document,he commanded Min Feng to go bring it when Violet was not there,Ming was really amazed was this really happening but he didn't ask and decided to go bring what his boss had requested for.

Violet manages to finish the food a little before she washed the plates and came back for her next task.

Meanwhile the documents li shin yu requested for had already been brought by Min Feng.

I want you you to sign this "he said".

Violet did a fake smile what was time.

Do I have to have to explain myself,it's part of the task agreement"li shin yu replied coldly.

Violy didn't want more talking and arguing today because she was already feeling dizzy, Violet just decided to sign the document papers.

Li shin yu smirk at her and said to her,"Welcome home little wifey".