

SYNOPSIS/ BLURB “I’m pregnant …. But … but I intend to remove this baby. "I stammered, attempting strongly to keep my voice firm and serious. I had rehearsed the same sentence the night before. Why is it so hard now to get it across to my mate? From underneath my thick lashes, I saw him scrutinising me like I had grown millions of horns on my head, “you must be sleep talking right!” Alpha Axel roared, jeering me into a straight standing position at once.  His eyes became darker just like I feared and I moved farther away from him carefully, knowing it is wise to stay away from the Alpha whenever he’s furious, because his demon always take the forefront, “it’s very rational Axel … your mate is here and … and you can continue…. Continue… Eeeehm… from where you stopped, she have your daughter too… I don’t fit in the picture and …  I couldn’t continue my well rehearsed speech, at once I felt my tongue being sucked into Alpha Axel’s own, I squirmed with wide eyes filled with astonishment into his mouth and tried to push him off me but his hard body didn't bulge. After he had kissed me brutally and hard to his content, he shoved me roughly away and pointed his fingers at me, his veins indicating all proof of his rage. “That kiss was to calm me down … I would have strangled you if it wasn’t you… Dawn don’t play with me and don’t you dare try to hurt my baby or try to leave this mansion…!!.... I swear I will not take it likely… who told you I care about lyra…. “I stopped caring since when she left me …. You are the one I love and want and even though I’m confused as to why I have two mates… I choose you over and over again… lyra already knows this because I told her!” He confessed his feelings tome again, I didn't say anything g to that, I was still gasping for my breath.  I finally Opened her mouth to say something in retaliation but the stiff and threatening glare he conveyed to me shut my mouth Close at once, with those words of finality, Alpha Axel sauntered away from my sight.   “I know it won’t work! … ohoooo what will I do now!” I cried out and questioned my self, falling into the couch behind my trembling legs. I understands already that the Alpha will never agree to removing his baby or letting me out of his presence. I also didn’t plan to kill my own baby, only said it due to anger, the whole drama was getting too much and lyra’s arrival with his four year old daughter was affecting me emotionally, my jealousy spiking up everyday. Dawn lost her parents on  the same day and had to flee from Alpha Elias and her real pack; she even had to live with the humans for a period of time before she met her mate; Alpha Axel. Now he has her in his clutches and would never let her go, even though she’s his second mate.  How will the two navigate all through the betrayals, secret enemies, back stabbing and rivalry to protect the love which seems to keep pulling and attracting them together? Will Alpha Axel and Dawn fight against all odds to be together? Who will Alpha Axel choose between his two mates; Lyra or Dawn? Will Alpha Elias fight back to win Dawn back to himself .

Daniel_Bukola_9754 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

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