
The Demon's Release

I'm a monster searching for redemption. I'm a demon searching for redemption. I'm a villain searching for redemption.

Nyx_Berlin · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
5 Chs

Chapter 3: New Start and a Tour

Our last week at the base ended with a ceremony and feast which the general and all the high-ranking officers organized and held for us. "To our Hellhounds. May they find their own path and live their dreams." Pa said and we all raised our glass. We had fun and Mastermind, aka Hironaka Teruko, was the only one to get drunk or at least tipsy. We then headed out that Saturday night and arrived early Sunday morning in Musutafu to find that the general had found us a place to stay while we were teaching U.A.

We decided to go explore the city for the majority of the day, after unpacking, taking about five minutes, and were in civilian clothes while we were out in public. We made sure to let Teruko memorize our route to U.A and the layout of our house and different parts of the city so she could make different defensive plans for the different areas. We went to U.A and met with a few teachers, including Nezu. I smiled, remembering the little white chimera that taught me to play chess. "Principal Nezu. It's wonderful to see you again." I said looking at a gray scarf wrapped around the neck of a 6-foot tall man wearing baggy black clothing. The chimera popped out and grinned.

"Hellfire. It's so nice to see you again. How has the general been treating you? What about the army?" He asked and I laughed, earning a bunch of confused glances my way by everyone in the area. My crewmates were shocked and surprised that I knew Nezu but that I had no will or want to be a hero on top of the friendliness I was showing while the teachers probably had stereotypes that didn't match up to the friendliness I was showing.

"Yes, yes, everything has been going smoothly and I've been treated right," I said and smiled but my eyes held a certain light in them that brought us to why my crew and I were here, keying both Nezu and my crew into it. My crew knew things no one else could base on my body language while Nezu was forced to use my eyes. He nodded and had us all walking into U.A and gave the infamous Hellhounds a tour of the most prestigious hero school in Japan.

We all stayed with Teruko so she could do what she did best, strategize and plan, while the teachers, other than Nezu, wondered what we were doing. We paid them no mind and stuck to what made us monsters in war and battles. I could hear them murmuring, wondering if this was really the same Hellhounds that had almost completely single-handedly won the last three major wars Japan had been through. I pretended not to notice as we hadn't even started. Chiasa, Ayaka, and Shizuka also heard but only Chiasa spoke up. "Wanna say that to our faces? We'll prove it to you that we are the same Hellhounds you degrade now." She only stopped as I put my hand on her shoulder. The teachers all shook their heads though there was one that didn't give much of a reaction. I just looked from Chiasa, Ayaka, to Shizuka before looking to the teachers and faculty.

"Wanna explain what she means?" I asked and walked over, having everyone including Teruko following without a word to command them to do so. The teachers again shook their heads and the same man dressed in black never gave much of a reaction to our intimidation attempts. 'He's going to be interesting to work with.' We were almost done and we knew which class we'd be teaching in so none of us particularly cared about much else. Though something seemed off about this. "So, you want the Hellhounds to split into two groups when I'm the only one out of all of us who can lead this chaotic group of idiots and have us in completely different areas? Is that what I'm hearing?" I asked and none of my crew verbally disagreed but their body language stiffened, giving me the notion that they were offended but weren't going to tell me I was wrong.

"Well, when you put it like that..." A big burly guy with white hair began then trailed off as he didn't have the words he wanted to say but I just waited. Then another guy who I couldn't see the face of spoke up in place of his colleague.

"If what you say is true then your entire group can teach one class per week then switch to the other class the week after." He said and I just nodded. All the teachers relaxed and sighed before introductions were made. Eraserhead was the one with the scarf Nezu was in, Vlad King was the white-haired guy, Snipe was the one who made all the teachers relax. There was also Midnight, Power Loader, Cementoss, and a few others. We were in between two classrooms right then. One was 1-A and the other was 1-B, both of which would be our job to teach in. I was pretty sure we'd only be learning in Eraerhead's classroom.

"Fine, but we do this our way," I said and we all smirked and/or looked very content or smug in general. The teachers looked very scared for their students while Eraserhead seemed pleased by this. They all nodded and didn't offer any arguments or disagreements. I nodded, and was pleased they didn't argue. "So , the only question is, did you guys want us to give them military grade training?" I knew we were going to do this either way but I wanted to get their permission beforehand so we wouldn't be responsible for any damage done to them in any way, shape, or form.

"Yes, that is why you girls are here." Nezu said and I just grinned, seeing as words couldn't express the dopamine flowing through me at that moment and my crew knew this and just smiled at me, shaking their heads. The teachers seemed even more put off aside from Aizawa.

"Perfect, so when do we start?" I asked and began cracking my knuckles. The only one to shudder or give any other type of reaction was Midnight and I could only imagine why.

"Tomorrow... Did the general not tell you all this?" Nezu said and tilted his head. I just chuckled.

"No, he did, I just wanted you to say this stuff on camera so we wouldn't be responsible for any harm that may come to them mentally, emotionally, and/or physically or in laymans terms, I just wanted insurance." I said and turned my happy ass around and began to leave campus.

"Dorms? We haven't gotten there yet." One of them said and I couldn't recognize their voice. I just made a gesture essentially meaning we wouldn't need them and beyond that, we went back home and relaxed.

Before bed though, I went online and made a subscription to a local gym for all of us. 'You're welcome ladies.' I though to myself as it was around 8:45pm so I was exhausted. After another 15 minutes, I was all ready for bed and went to sleep.