

Si Nian and I have been torturing each other for almost a decade.

He paraded one lover after another in public while I refused to let go of his significant share of wealth.

We both held each other's weakness, unwilling to show any vulnerability.

But today, I'm ready to divorce him

because... I'm dying.


For a long while, I stared at the diagnosis in my hands before finally dialing Si Nian's number.

"Where are you?"

"What's it to you?" We were married, yet even inquiring about each other's whereabouts seemed like an intrusion.

"Come home," I said, tapping the table. "We're getting a divorce."

"Ha!" He scoffed and hung up. Rightly so. I had used this tactic too many times, often just an excuse to see him.

He didn't believe me.

I waited for two days. He didn't come.

Looking at the diagnosis indicating the end of my life, I didn't want to waste another second. I grabbed my bag and walked out.

To find Si Nian, there was one proven method.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!" I knocked on the door in front of me. A sweet, young girl appeared.

"Miss Lin..." She looked terrified as if I could dismember her through the door.

Rolling my eyes, I told her, "Hey, tell Si Nian to come home. Tell him I want a divorce. You're my favorite among his mistresses. After our divorce, who knows, you might become Mrs. Si."

Her eyes reddened. "Miss Lin, I didn't plan..."

I sighed and interrupted, "Spare me, relay the message promptly. If he doesn't come home tomorrow, I'll break into your apartment. You think a simple doorbell can stop me?"

I turned and walked away. If everything went according to plan, I would see Si Nian tonight. His precious Qiao Xin, me challenging her, he wouldn't tolerate it.

Just as dusk fell, he stormed up to me, livid.

"Haven't I told you not to bother Qiao Xin?"

I leisurely poured a glass of red wine, looked at him and said, "So what? What can you do about it?"

Frustrated yet helpless, he could only throw words I didn't want to hear, "What's the point of this? Qiao Xin has been obedient. We're void of affection, yet you refuse to divorce and won't let me keep someone I like. Do you wish everyone to be as lonely as you are?"

"Bang!" I smashed the glass in my hand.

He was right. I was lonely, which was why I clung to him all these years, refusing to divorce even when we were clearly out of love.

"Right, I'm in hell. How can I let you ascend to heaven?" I retorted, tilting my head to meet his gaze.

I felt tired. All these years, our interactions were nothing but confrontational. What was the point?

I poured another glass of wine, sat across from him, and placed the divorce agreement in front of him. "Sign it. Even if I'm destined for hell, I don't want to see you there. We've grown sick of each other in life. I don't want you to disgust me in death."

Si Nian scowled and began to read the agreement. Through the glass, I watched him. He was still handsome with strong eyebrows, large eyes, a high nose, and thin lips. No wonder he was fickle.

How unfair life is, blessing some with unwavering charm for a decade.

"What are you up to now?" He eyed me suspiciously.

I sneered, "All I want is this house. Everything else is yours. All our shared assets, I renounce. Can't you see?"

He was wary, maybe because I usually demanded more, and now my sudden request seemed off.

This house was our marital home. Although it's old and wouldn't sell for much, I couldn't stand the thought of another woman living here with him. I'm petty. I couldn't stand him being lovey-dovey with anyone else.

And besides, even if it's not worth much, it could be traded for a better plot for my grave. Coming into the world empty-handed and leaving empty-handed seemed rather liberating.

Si Nian scrutinized the agreement once, twice before finally saying, "I'll have my lawyer draft a new one. The house will be yours. In addition, I'll give you ten million. We'll cut all ties."

I raised an eyebrow. He was quite generous, spending ten million so easily to buy off our ten-year relationship.

"Your lawyer? You don't trust mine, but I should trust yours?" I couldn't help but take a jab at him even at the moment of setting him free.

Deflated, I softened my voice. "Forget it, I agree."

He grabbed the agreement and walked towards the door. "My assistant will bring you the agreement tomorrow. You better sign it immediately."

He had been waiting for this day for a long time. I suspect he was about to convene his lawyers in the middle of the night, discussing whether I had set a trap for him.

I shrugged and said fine, the sooner, the better.

He still looked at me suspiciously, raising the stakes, "I hope that once you get the money, you can leave C city. We should have our own lives, right?"

Bitterness welled up again. I promptly pushed him out and shut the door, out of sight, out of mind.