
The Death Of Death

This story about three teenager boys who want to find their real mom dad. But they didn't know that what are they. It's all about adventures. And they have to do struggles to survive in this horrible situation. They do adventures and they want to solve mystery about their real mom dad and the man who responsible for this destruction.

Anu_gaiwalla · แอคชั่น
2 Chs

CH-2 New Friends and New Problems 

A city that was once full of happiness. Where laughter echoed. One day a dust of darkness came and surrounded that city. Ken, Kemy and sakiyo who is teenager.In zombies apocalypse, They have lost their mom and dad. And lost a girl whom Ken loved.After all this, life is not going to be easy for all three of them.

It is morning time. All three of them are standing on a building looking at their city. The city where they once lived with their family.Where they used to have a house full of happiness.

"Look brothers, this is the beginning of our story, we will never leave each other". ken says to kemy and sakiyo.

Kamy and Sakiyo smiled at Ken. 

There was a sparkle in the eyes of all three of them. The circumstances in which all three had gone through. Those circumstances made all three of them strong and has made them courageous. All three of them have chosen the purpose of their life. Now all three of them want to know who is responsible for all these devastation.And suddenly a thought comes in Sakiyo's mind that "Only there can we find any clue from where this trouble started."So all three of them set out for their home. 

On the way, Kemy and Sakiyo got tired and sat down at a place. 

 "Why did you sit down?"We have a long way to go." Ken asked them.

Kemy says, "I can't walk any further, I don't have any strength left."

​"Yes, I am also tired, let's do one thing, We all go there in one of these vehicles that we see on the road." sakiyo said 

Ken agreed to what Kamy and Sakio said.

The three of them go to a normal looking red colored car.

"Do you know how to drive this car?" Kamy asked Ken

"Once upon a time, Papa taught me to drive a car in the ground in front of our house." Ken said to kemy and sakiyo

​But Sakiyo was feeling scared. He felt that if Ken crashed the car somewhere then he might die before finding out the truth.

Due to fear, he was not agree to sit in the car. So Ken and Kemy picked up Sakiyo and put him in the car.Sakiyo was looking at the faces of both of them and then all three of them leave for their home in their car and then after half an hour they All three of them reached their home. Their house was the same as they had left it. Yes, but some things had fallen here and there.All three of them go to their mom and dad's room and start investigating. While investigating, they find their family photo frame on the table.They think it is a normal photo. Ken,Kemy and Sakiyo decide to take the photo out of the frame and keep it with them as a memory of their mom dad.They take that photo out of the frame but there was a key behind that photo.

Seeing that key, Sakiyo remembers that his father used to keep an old suitcase and that suitcase was always locked, Sakiyo runs and brings the suitcase from the basement and he opens that suitcase. . An old document is found in the suitcase. "Blood 7" is written on the document. The three of them open the document and look at it. They were not able to read what was written in the document, then Ken remembers something called "Blood 7", that a few years ago when they were young, his mom and dad used to work on a secret research mission. They wanted to find out what was behind those big mountains which remains a mystery till today. [Their city is situated in the middle of big mountains].Till now no one knows what secrets are hidden behind those mountains. One day his mom and dad were talking about a building where they were doing research on "Blood 7". 

Ken had secretly heard their conversations, and he also remembered all these things.

Ken tells kemy and Sakiyo that "there is a building where Mom and Dad used to do research on "Blood 7". and then kemy said that "we will know about "Blood 7" only by going to the building".

But there was a problem that all three of them did not know the way to reach that building but Sakiyo had a sharp mind so he opens the drawer of the table and finds out from it the old ID of his mom and dad's research lab. On which the address of that building was written. That building was 55 kilometers away from their house and it was going to take them at least two hours to reach there, so they went to the nearby mall and take some food and other essential items and while coming back,

 All three of them went their home and they collects memories of their mom-dad and after coming out of the house, Those three look at their house.There they sees their mom and dad playing with them. But they knew that they was seeing their home for the last time, because after this they would never come back here. Ken, Kemy and Sakiyo get a bit emotional and sit in the car and head towards their destination.

After some time it started raining, all three of them stopped the car in front of a cave to avoid the rain, then all three of them went inside the cave, there was complete darkness, all three of them sat at one place, At that very moment the sound of some people shouting was heard.All three of them run inside. Suddenly a hand appears from behind a stone and pulls all three of them behind the stone. All three of them hurriedly turn on their torches and see. That some people are in front. One girl and two boys. The girl asks for help from Ken, Kemy and Sakiyo. That girl and two boys were very scared. Before they could say anything, another scary sound came and hearing that sound, it seemed as if a monster was coming running out. Then all the children got scared and got up.They Started running outside. They went out and stood near the car. They were all scared and felt as if death was coming running towards them. Then without thinking, they all sit inside the car out of fear and leave from there. In the car, kamy and everyone else ask them

"Who are you, and why you're scared?" 

Then the girl tells them

"My name is May and these are my friends Karo and Okaro, I have lost my mom and dad in this zombie trouble. Karo and Okaro also lost their family".

Ken finds their story similar to his own, so Ken says to May and her friends

"Okay! Would you like to join us as a group?"

Thinking about it, May says yes. Ken tells May, Karo and Okaro about his plan. And now May, Karo, Okaro also want to know who is the person because of whom they got separated from their family. Then they all go to that place and see there is no building there. It was as if the building had disappeared overnight. They all feel sad because as their mom and dad had said, there was no building nearby and then they all start thinking. 

At the same time May tells everyone that

"If we want to read this "Blood 7" document then we have to go to my uncle's research lab. My uncle was also a scientist and in his lab there is a machine to translate any language".

So they all get into the car and head towards May's uncle's research lab. From some distance, they saw some people outside the lab, they thought it was an army man, so they all moved forward slowly out of fear and stopped the car near the wall of the lab. There was no army there but there were some people even more dangerous than them who were armed with dangerous weapons. Seeing them a question arises in Ken's mind that

"Who are these people and what are they doing here?"

Then kemy says

"Now how do we all get in lab?"

Everyone started thinking. After thinking for some time Sakiyo came up with a plan. He calls everyone near him and whispers something in their ear and after hearing the plan, everyone started looking towards karo but he was not ready for this plan.

Then after some time, Karo goes in front of those dangerous people in the form of an old man and tricks them with his bored talk and those idiots were also listening to him.then Ken, Kemy, Sakiyo, May and Okaro come inside from behind them. There were many things inside the lab like "Signal radar" which sends signals and receives signals. And the "single machine"that absorbs everything inside itself and there was also an article in which it was written about a mission. A mission which was done to solve the mystery of that mountain. In that mission, a plane was flown to find out the mystery behind those mountains, but that plane got lost somewhere in the sky and whether its pilot was alive or dead remained a secret. They keep all the gadgets with them for emergencies and then they see the thing for which they came here, the translator machine. They all go to the machine and they are about to insert documents into that machine. Then suddenly a shadow comes running out from a dark place in the lab, screaming like a ghost.

And after pushing them, he broke the translator machine and ran away shouting outside with that document. Ken and everyone else also ran outside after him. They saw that the shadow ran away screaming with his people. And Karo was hanging on a cross type wood and had a board on it which said "Don't try to find out our secret, you all tie a rope around your neck and hang yourself from the tree". Then the sky was also filled with dark clouds. Seeing all this, Ken, May, Kemy, Sakiyo and Okaro got very scared. They all went first to bring Karo down from the cross and brought him back to consciousness. 

May asked Karo

 "What happened to you ?" 

Karo tells them "I don't remember anything, I don't remember what happened, how it happened." 

Seeing all this, Kemy, Sakiyo, Okaro and May They start crying but there is not even a drop of water in Ken's eyes. He stands still. Then they all sit in the car and chase the shadow. While chasing, they reach a ground. And then Ken, Kemy, Sakiyo, May, Karo and Okaro move forward to fight that dangerous threat.There is a scuffle between them. Ken kills half of the enemy's men using a laser weapon.Then he goes near Shadow and starts attacking Shadow's body with the laser weapon.But there was not even a scratch on that shadow's body.Shadow grabs Ken by the neck and lifts him up. Then May runs to the car and brings out that "single machine". 

And after turning on that machine, May locks Shadow in that small "single machine box". And she picks up the "Blood 7" document that has fallen down.

​Then they all go to Ken and support him and lift him up. But Ken starts laughing because he had started avenging his dead parents. Everyone else also becomes happy.But suddenly cracks start appearing in that single machine box. And then the box breaks with force. Because Shadow's strength was very high, Shadow comes out. Because of that single machine, that shadow seemed much weaker than before.

Then Ken stands back up to fight him.

​Then Shadow sees them and flies away from there laughing and shouting. They all go to their car. And they think what to do next, then suddenly the location of a place appears on the screen of the signal radar they have. But they wonder whose unknown location is coming on the screen after so many years.

 Ken tells them, 

"Look friends, a New door has opened for us, we have to go there and find out who is behind it." Saying this is not the end of our journey".

 They all set out on an unknown journey.

2nd chapter of "Death of Death" novel series. imagine while reading. thank you

Anu_gaiwallacreators' thoughts