
The Death Collector

==The forbidden tale of the Death and a mortal girl== Step into a world where darkness dances with desire and fate is but a pawn in the hands of the Death Collector. In this tantalizing tale of forbidden love and redemption, follow the journey of Dante, a mysterious figure who traverses the realms of life and death, guided by an insatiable hunger for souls. With his enigmatic charm, haunting presence, dark and mysterious aura, Dante beckons them into a world beyond the veil of life; drawing them into a web of secrets and forbidden desires When Dante navigates the realms of existence with an irresistible allure, drawing into a whirlwind of secrets and sensuality alike, he encounters a one spirited soul. Everything he thought he knew is challenged, and he finds himself torn between his duty and a love that defies all boundaries. With danger lurking at every turn and secrets waiting to be unraveled, embark on an unforgettable adventure where passion ignites, destinies collide, and the line between light and shadow blurs into tantalizing uncertainty. Are you ready to surrender to the ultimate temptation and indulge in the seductive allure of 'The Death Collector,' where passion intertwines with mortality in a mesmerizing dance of desires. Experience a romance that transcends the boundaries of time and space

AkumaQuil · แฟนตาซี
66 Chs

Chapter 9: The Carnival (Part 3)

The Carnival (Part 3)

"Forget about her, she was always the sour pickle." Teresa tried her best to refraine from cursing her. She knew that although Sia put up a strong front and never always teach a lesson to those who try to bully her; she was still a girl and it does effect her sometimes.

Not wanting this little encounter sour both their merriments, Teresa offered, "Alright, which should we try first?" as they moved forward. Teresa could tell Sia was still thinking about their little encounter.

At the heart of it all, the main thoroughfare beckoned like a beacon, lined with towering attractions and bustling crowds. Ferris wheels loomed against the twilight sky, their brightly lit cabins swirling gracefully overhead. Carousel horses pranced in a merry circle, their painted eyes gleaming with mischief and merriment.

"Look!" Sia suddenly exclaimed pointing in some other direction which was absolutely opposite to where the main attractions were.

Confused Teresa followed her line of sight only to see a jumble of head all gathered in a small area.

"What's there?" Teresa asked unable to see the attraction it self but judging by the rush of people there- mostly adults- she guessed in her mind it must be something good enough to check out.

"It's a tent. It looks honestly quite spooky. I bet there's where that gypsy, Max was talking about, is." 

"Okay, thanks for pointing that out so we wouldn't even accidently happen upon THAT place. Let's go on the Ferris wheel." Teresa answered emphasizing the word 'That' and a straight face after finding out what the place was about and began to pull Sia away from there.

"Oh come on let's just check it for a bit. What if she knows magic too, we can ask her to turn that Karen into a toad or something." Sia was excitedly squealing and not at all looked like she was joking about the -turning Karen into a toad part.

"All the more reason not to go." It looked like Teresa and Sia at this point were playing tug of war with their arms.

"Please, please it'll be so much fun. I heard this gypsy did some crazy stuff yesterday evening too. If we are lucky we'll catch at least some of the interesting parts of her show at this hour." Sia being slightly taller than Teresa was able to drag her a few inches closer to the tent's direction.

"Si, I don't wanna go there, I'm getting a bad feeling about it." Teresa tried to further argue, which although sounded like wailing.

"Oh your not the one with hunches and gut feelings, I am. And I'm getting a good feeling about this. We Have to go. it's calling us there." Sia giggled as she was finally able to make Teresa walk with her on her own free will; although still dragging her feet considerably much.

By the time they made it closer to the tent, the crowd began to thin out considerably much, which in turn made it easier for the two girls to walk up close.

"Hey, what's going on, is the show over already?" Sia asked the first person of the crowd she met eyes with after seeing the lessening of the crowd.

"Yeah, I think I heard someone say that the gypsy woman got tired or something. Anyway, she must have run out of the same old tricks up her sleeves. Wasted my time" Grumbling the man dismissed the conversation by flipping his hand in the air turning away before either of them could give their own input and walking away.

"Well there you have it, it's over. And even that redneck thinks she's a fake, so let's get out of here." Happily Teresa chimed, fully turning around holding Sia's hand.

Quietly Sia was begun to get dragged in the other direction, but still her eyes remained lingered on the Tent which was now getting distant. 

Looking back Teresa noticed Sia's unusual quietness as no counter arguments came from her. She seemed to have been in a thought.

Teresa tried to brighten the mood by joking, "It's ok don't look so dejected. I'm sure we can find someone else to get Karen turned into a toad."