
The Death's Wolves

Mother and Father left him to die. Earth rejected him. Faith brought the trouble. Blood is his natural scent. The twin planet called Glow became his new home. His second chance. His second chance at happiness. However, the hurt doesn’t want to give him a break. His faith in the world dies, taking away that second chance, when he is banished from his new home and thrown back to Earth. However he didn't return one hundred percent alone. The Assassin, Wolf. Has traveled behind him, with one murderous agenda. One word. Execution. With the help of some new friends, can Colt survive his return to Earth? Or will he fall victim to the sharp teeth of the white haired wolf chasing him in the dark shadows.

Autumn_Ridgen · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs


Colt drifted in and out of sleep, as he awoke, startled each and every single time, his body dozed off, and slouched sideways, his shoulder leaning against the shoulder of the girl he'd committed wrong doings to. Tori Gravestone. The girl who introduced herself as Tori, the girl's who's names and face was the freshest in his mind, still from the night before. He couldn't allow himself to forget her, or her friend, Blair, not after everything he'd done to them. For what happened to them, for what happened to her, most of all. It was his fault, his fault, no one else. His mistake had been a big one. A dark one at that, a mistake that had almost costed her her life. Although his first mistake, the very one responsible for his banishment, that one did not almost end in murder, it had ended in murder. A person he trusted with his own life, a person he was sure he could be himself, who he truly was on the inside, she'd been murdered that day. On the previous day, before his banishment. Leading up to the day he'd be banished. Murdered, killed, right in front of him, when the sky above them, turned dark, and shattered into pieces. Ending with blood everywhere, and all over him, and everything else. He'd been there, he'd caused everything. He'd been warned from the moment he first steps had happened there, on Glow, what would happen if negativity, and darkness broke the happiness of the peaceful planet, the fragile planet that was Glow, he was warned, and still, because he allowed himself to become angry, that person was lost. The same person who'd first welcomed him, he lost her.

Because the murder had happened because of him, there was no chance for redemption, no trial, no revision of his case of the crime. He knew he was going to be banished, he knew he deserve such a punishment, as to be kicked from his very home. Although, he wasn't sure, in the back of his mind, if he truly deserved the punishment that still awaited him. The demon who'd been sent to destroy him.

Following every footstep he made, every breath he took, he knew right from the beginning, he was to be targeted for what had happened. Glow wasn't angry with him anymore, since he couldn't be a threat any longer, but it wasn't Glow he had to be scared of. It was a person on Glow. A person he feared more than demons themselves. Colt was very aware why he wanted revenge, why this person wanted nothing else, but to kill him. Finally be able to use the teeth he'd been given, to act on his one true nature, the nature that'd given him his name. A wolf's nature, was to protect themselves against those who've wronged them.

And the black stallion, had threatened the wolf, wrongfully.


The darkness all around him, craved, and clawed at his mind in seconds, covering his thoughts up like some blanket made from pure blackness. He opened his eyes, unable to get anymore sleep, even though his body surely needed it. He knew full well, if he continued on, with the restful nights, and late daydreams, he'd become sick, in just a couple days. And the more sick he'd become, the closer he'd get to death. But was death such a bad thing? If he died right now, surely it would help solve his problem, wouldn't it? Either way he knew he was bound to die, who cared which way he went out? From sickness, or from the hands of the man who hated him so deeply, nothing else would be able to give him such a joy, bigger, than to see the blood of his prey, leave the body.

No, there had to be another way, there just had to be! He didn't survive being left to die, as a young infant, just to grow up, and revist his first home, just to be murdered days of his arrival! No, he didn't lose his one true home, just to be brought back to the hell he hated, and to be tormented by the big bad wolf! He was better than that! He knew deep down inside he was. His fear had just taken control for much longer than he'd planned.

Colt's expression changed from serious to peaceful in seconds, as he took in the soft yawns, and full breaths of his longing need for oxygen, as he turned his body to the side, where he sat on the soft, fluffy, couch. The girl, Tori, was there, her eyes pinned on him, with no desire to remove her gaze any time soon. Her body was slouched comfortably in a small ball, with her head laying still, upon both her hands over one another, on her lap, her head was now rose, with slow blinking from her still green eyes, she continued to stare at him. Her light green eyes, still seeming covered with small bits of sleepless, dust, brushed softly underneath her eyes, just now along her cheeks, as she tried to slowly swipe them away.

''Are you okay?'' She whispered.

''I'm fine, thanks for asking.'' Colt replied suddenly. ''You should go back to sleep, it's still late out.'' He advised.

''I know what time it is, you don't need to tell me...'' She hissed annoyed. ''I know this is a little bit off topic, and not really my business, but I can see something is troubling you, what is it?''

''Its nothing! And you're right, its not any of your business! Now go back to sleep, dammit!'' He hissed angrily.

''It's kind of hard for me to sleep, when the entire time, you were sleep talking! Non stop about some wolf!'' Tori hissed, dramatically jumping to land on all fours, as she stared at Colt, with an angry gaze. ''I'm just asking, because I'm concerned!''

''A wolf? Sleep-talking? How much did you hear?'' He questioned, a look of utter concern, and the constant fear, he'd shared to much, suddenly weighting over him.

''Enough..' She softly answered. ''Enough to know you're terrified of something. Someone wishes to hurt you. don't they?''

''Yes...but not anyone you'd be able to help me with....he'd just hurt you in the process. Honestly, I couldn't bare that. I'm here to help you, not to let my mistake, fall upon you, for a second time.'' He hissed.

''I dunno, I'm a pretty strong fighter. took many self defensive classes growing up?! I might be able to help more than you'd think.''

''Not with this guy. Not with Wolf, his name surely tells you exactly what you need to know about such a person. And for Wolf, he's exactly his name. A man with the ears, eyes, and senses of a wolf, a wolf eager to watch my blood leave my body. He hopes to kill me himself, I'd hate to think what he might do, if I'd died in some other way, that wasn't his own...'' Colt breathed.

''Why his he hunting you? You could've have done something so bad, to have a wolf come targeted you, could you?'' Tori asked.

''He's not a real wolf, his type is a wolf. His species in which he comes from, our rocks. Better known as gemstones, or healing stones. In past time, he'd been know as ''Wolf's Eye'' A gemstone known for its healing abilities...What had once been a powerful healing medication, had been gifted a human form. A human body in which he can walk, talk, eat, and most importantly fight. Once he'd been given this gift, he abandoned all his gifts, and stop allowing people to use him to heal themselves. A lot of people weren't able to get the healing they needed, and suffered gravely, till it was their times to go. He wanted a life, if anyone could understand that, it was me. Although, the life he got, was one made from a dream. The perfect land. the perfect maiden, the best friend, he had everything. Till, one day, his best friend, stopped being his best friend, which grew into arguments and lots of fighting...'' Colt's face suddenly turned dark, as an invisible shadow formed across his entire face. He was silent for a moment, before the words continued on.

''Then fighting turned into the biggest mistake, I'd ever made. The sky literally shattered all around us...the darkness in my heart, escaped my body, and infected the land, which in the end, costed life to one of the parts of the planet. Glow lost a part of its self that day, because of me. But that wasn't the only thing lost that day. The fair maiden's life was taken in the process. She'd been unable to flee from the scene fast enough...

She'd been dismembered.....that's where I think Wolf completely lost himself that day. He vowed to get his revenge on me, make sure I died....make sure I died by his hands, and nobody else's...he followed me here. Now I fear, he won't stop, even when I'm gone.. Now that he's found me, I fear he'll want his way with this planet, and head home to Glow, seeing as the result of the fair ladies death was upon me, not him, he sees no banishment, not as I..''

''But from what you tell me, it wasn't just you're fault! That wolf guy had a part in it as well! He should've been banished, he shouldn't be allowed to go back! If your people learn the truth, won't he be banished then? If they find out he wants to kill you, doesn't that mean his heart's filled with darkness, meaning your planet will break again! Which'll mean more people are gonna die? Right?!'' Tori snapped, her mouth half opened, half closed, from the drama being told her.

''I honestly don't know.....

By killing me, he might finally be released from the darkness trapped inside his own heart. Its hard to say for sure, what'll happen after I die.....I only know he won't stop hunting me, till I've stopped trying to get away! He'll want to make sure I'm dead, and that I remain that way. He'll take a few more lashes upon my dead body, once my soul's finally passed on, I'm sure of it.....just for good measure, to make sure he'd finished the job, he'd come to achieve.'' Colt's voice softened, as he couldn't stop himself from imagining what the pain would be like, when the time finally runs out, and there's no where to run anymore. What his fate will be like, once the big bad wolf finally comes for the black stallion...

Was it okay to admit to himself, he was a little fearful for the ending fate, that held his destiny. ''I won't let that happen to you!'' Tori hissed holding her fist up in the air, punching it. If she possessed a smile, she never presented it for public display. ''What?'' Colt questioned his eyes softened as his eyebrows rose. ''You're just a human! How do you plan to stand up against some one as strong as Wolf? It's inhumane!'' He snapped. ''No, its not! By the way, I think your using that word wrong.....'' She whispered. ''But who cares, back to what we were talking about! I'm not just a human anymore, you've given me some of your magical power?!'' She breathed. ''I've felt it inside me, ever since we started talking!'' Colt stared at her with a blank expression, before he began rubbing his skin, with curiosity corralling through his veins. Could it really be possible to transfer some power to a human? Had he already done so, like she claimed he had? ''That shouldn't be possible? No one unless they came from Glow, should be able to take, and master my powers?! How did you?!'' His eyes were wide now, as Tori laid back against the back of the couch she sat on, crossing her arms almost in annoyance. ''Who said I mastered it? I only can feel it. Its tingly.'' She said. ''And you can feel the same power you had before? The fire?'' Colt asked. She nodded without even a second to think over what he said, then without even a second's rest, a fireball appeared right there in the middle of her palm. Orating back and forth, but no signs that it was activated, which mean't if he was to reach out to touch it, the temperature wouldn't harm him.

''See?! I can help you! We can kill Wolf together?! Then you can prove to your people, you deserve to go back! Its a amazing plan!'' Tori happily shouted, her eyes filling with such excitement, Colt wasn't sure he could just decline. And those thoughts, though now vague and indefinite, again possessed his soul. He couldn't allow this, he had to say no! He had too! There was no way he could allow anymore mistakes, he couldn't allow a human, he'd just met, and who accidentally absorbed most of his powers to fight the wolf! Colt wasn't a coward, but he sure was acting like one. He cursed under his breath, angry with himself at what he was about to do. However, that was going to have to wait, for the sounds of unfamiliar footsteps, altered the both of them. Tori slipped off the couch, and joined Colt's side as he did the same, the two standing so close, the warmth of their bodies, combined, creating one single temperature between the two. ''I got this. I'll protect you.'' He heard Tori whisper, before she was completely out of sight. The fight didn't last very long, and Tori was back where she had been, lying flat on her stomach, back on the soft, warmth, of the couch's material. Her head pressed down, and her eyes no longer visible. Colt was about to shout for her, when his senses finally kicked in. The surprise attack failed, and with the kick of his boot, he sent the attacker flying through the air, landing with a thud, then an escape grunt of pain, followed by Colt as wind trailed behind him. Seconds passed, and he was now standing over the attacker.

However, his eyes widened when he looked down at who it was. ''Klaus? What're you doing here?!''