
Chapter 6

1 year later

Fergus was an elite soldier of the Hades group, he worked in a secret underground facility that tested mutation or as the men preferred to call it, 'forced evolution'. He had been working there for 5 years now. He was nothing but a lowly guard set to watch the failed yet alive test subjects. To the whitecoats, they were nothing but experimental failures, but Fergus saw what they truly were. Just children were what they tested it on. Little scrawny children. He had seen the worst of them of course. Their body was like animals, bulging bubbles of pus and flesh. But they were just the first experiments, the dead ones. The ones that remained alive were even more pitiful. They had no sanity left, and were truly nothing but beasts. Their body was utterly disfigured with protruding shapes like no other. They were the ugliest creatures Fergus had ever seen. But he sympathized with them. Fergus had only been here for 5 years, and in those 5 years there were only 2 new subjects that had come. One of them had just been introduced last year. Poor fellow, his body was filled with balloon like protrusions riddling his body like scars. He was the latest one, they had said. And the one before had just died a few weeks ago. Occasionally the whitecoats would come to note how much the subjects had died. He brought food to the latest subject, he had no name, just a number, 567, Fergus trembled as he thought that this was the 567th child to have had gone through the mad men's torture.

Of course, he never expressed his thought out audibly, he got food and a place to sleep due to these mad men, which was more than he needed.

Fergus had noticed that 567 wasn't just mad like all the others, he still understood human speech and would nod or shake his head sometimes when he was feeling chitty chatty.

So Fergus, for the lack of either friends or to kill some time, would talk to the bulging creature known as 567. Of course, he himself did most of the talking.

"....and so I punched the fucker on the nose. And all the other men started laughing."

The bulging creature let out a low toned squeal which was his way of laughing.

"You know, my old man would tell me stories, how his father before him was a fighting man, he fought in the army he told me. In fact, my name was also placed on his, Fergus. This is what he gave me the time he was dying."

Fergus showed a gleaming necklace to 567, he might not have known, but those were military dog tags that spelled Fergus on them.

"He said it was his old man's, whatever these things are, I keep it as a memento of the old times."

Fergus wasn't a very handsome man, he had a very average face and wasn't particularly strong either.

His black uniform wasn't very stylish either. He sat outside the cell which was the living block of 567.

"I feel sorry for you kid. I really do."

The bulging creature said nothing, and made no motion either. Maybe he wasn't feeling so chatty after all.

"Fergus! New orders!"

A man in a similar outfit ran to Fergus and shouted.

"Coming in a second."

He ran off with the man from before. A minute later they entered the room of the white clothed man.

"Yes, so, how's subject 567's behaviors been as such."

"Nothing special sir. His mutation did allow his body to withstand the process for a longer period of time, but nothing else special.", spoke a person in a white coat.

"Hmm, fine then. You, take 2 men and have the subject disposed of. The usual drop point will not do this time. Make sure it is at least 500 kilometers away from here. You may take a vehicle from the armory."

Fergus instantly replied,"Y-Yes sir!"

With that Fergus went outside the room.

The white man faced another man in black and spoke to him.

"That guard knows too much and has been here for too long. Go and dispose of him as well."

The man nodded and went away.

Soon Fergus and three other men hopped into a rusted metal box, which calling a Jeep would be a very big exaggeration. On the back of the Jeep was a big black box in which now lied the body of subject 567. He breathed awkwardly while the heating sun made the box hot and unbearable, his bubbling skin when touched the box would cut open and pus, blood and what not would bleed out.

The Jeep was the epitome of transportation in the wastelands, it's tires were made out of metal and it was scrapped together using the parts of at least 5 vehicles. At the very least, it was functional.

The 4 men laughed and chatted as they went about. Fergus was not happy at all.

After driving for numerous hours they reached a grassland protruding into a forest which was truly more than far away from the Oasis.

The 4 men jumped off and stretched their limbs. One of them went back and opened the box.

"Oh, what the fuck! Did this thing piss off in here!"

A putrid stench permeated through the hot air filling the men with disgust.

"Fergus, why don't you take care of this thing, and we'll meet you right over there."

A man, handed Fergus a handgun and the three of them drove farther away from him after dropping 567.

Fergus looked at the bloodied mass of pus and flesh, while the creature let out a squeal and moved frantically as it possibly could.

His hand went up as he shakily pointed the gun towards 567.

The three men outside the car were smoking when they heard bullet after bullet going off from inside the forest. A few minutes later Fergus arrived with a dejected mood.

"Is it done?"

Fergus nodded.


The man shot Fergus square in the head.

Fergus' eyes went blank as his face showed disbelief and he flew back. His body hit the ground with a thud, but he was already dead before he hit the ground.

The man finished his cigarette and the 3 of them returned in the car. By the end of the day, they were back at the Oasis.