
Chapter 3

What the fuck! You're the dummy, you stupid ass bitch!

The boy was angry, but too terrified to voice his thoughts.

"Yeah dummy."

"Dum-dum, nice name."

"At least better than the last name she gave-Shithole!"


All the men started laughing at the last comment.

Even the woman let out a chuckle.

"Ok wrap up for today boys! Go, get the fuck out. Go, go, go!"

In a minute, every man cleared the room.

Only 'dummy' and the woman remained.

"I'll be back in a few minutes. Change your clothes, grab whatever he was wearing, eat something and for fuck's sake, wash your face. Dummy."

The woman walked out.

The boy looked at the dead man. He still had a terrified look on his face. Dummy quickly took of his rags, changed into what the dead man was wearing and washed his face with some water that was kept on the table.

After that, he finally felt that he could feel his face again. The desert sand was no joke. Almost every part of his body had been caked with sand. But now he felt good.

He covered the man with the rags he wore. There were some fruits and bread on the table, he devoured them and drank some water as well. After a while the woman came back.

She carried some papers in her hands. She sat where she was before.


Dummy sat down on the chair next to hers.

"So, Avrin said you know English."


"Ah, it's what the ancients called the language they spoke."


"Translate this for me."

She passed a few papers to him.

He stared at the papers for a few seconds.

"It's a poem.", said the woman.

The boy looked at her wonderingly.

"Read it."

"Twinkle twinkle Little stars .................in the sky."

"Hmm, good. Now the next one."

"Humpty Dumpty................fall."

"Hm. Now read this."

She passed a new paper, it was handwritten.

"The gen-genome of the subject has shown rapid trans-transmut-trans-"


"Ye-yes, transmutation, the new subject is able to adapt in a given set of conditions in a few moments. After conducting tests on human test subjects, we have finally achieved our goal. The mutation has a success rate of over 90 percent. Forced mutations cause the subject to feel a lot of pain, especially in the back of the neck, but after adjusting the dose of serum 9ZC, we have .....................

................and the last ingredient is the purple seeds that grow on the moon grass."

"That's all?"

"That's all."

"Good work kid. Now go home."

Dummy looked at the woman at this instant. She was scribbling something on a similar paper continuously.

"Oh right, you don't have one."

She finally stopped writing. She stretched her hands back while yawning.

"Pick these up and come with me."

Dummy grabbed the papers and followed behind the woman.

The woman walked out of the behind of the building. A man was standing there.

"Lock it up Wilde."

"Yes, miss."

She walked around the Oasis as if she owned the place. She went to the corner most house.

Dummy followed her without saying a word.

She entered a certain house and opened the lock. They both entered.

"Keep the papers on the table and lock the door."

She threw a bunch of keys to him and went to another room.

Dummy locked the door which had over 5 bolts and 3 locks. He looked around in the house. It was pretty good, having pale yellow walls, a table in the middle and on the table were various things. It was clean, this was the first time dummy had ever seen a clean and complete building.

Dummy didn't dare to step in the other rooms and just looked around from where he was standing.

The woman came back and sat on a chair.


Dummy sat across the table.

"Let's make a few things clear. I own you now. You owe your life to me. I'll take care of your food and stuff, but you have to follow whatever I say. I say you jump, you jump. I say you eat shit, you eat shit. If, for even a second, you try to act smart, you die. You make the wrong move, you die. You disobey me, -"

"- I die?"

"No, in that case you get punished. All you have to do is everything I say, maybe in a few years, you'll get a good life.

"That is, if you're not dead by then. That's the kitchen, that room is out of bounds, that's the bathroom and that room is mine. Go clean yourself or whatever and remember, I want everything to be fucking clean. If I see even a grain of sand anywhere, including your shoes or clothes....", she said while pointing to the rooms.

"I'll get punished."

"Exactly. Go."

Dummy walked into the bathroom. The woman was still wondering where this kid had come. Such a fucking youngster, a mutant and he also reads English. Of course, he was a bit of a softy, but still very cunning. The thin boy was surely agile as a monkey.

"Ah, cold! Water, magic!!"

She heard him and couldn't help but laugh.

Hmm, a promising youth, worth raising of course. She could practically smell the innocence off of him. He could become a loyal addition to her team. That was, if he survived.

She walked to her room and got some clothes.

Inside the bathroom, Dummy had finished showering and he was quite sad, that was because he had used so much water.

Fuck! That water was enough to last him months outside.

Knock knock!

He opened the door and saw outside.

"Wear this."


He wore the clothes the woman gave. A t-shirt and shorts. It was the first time he had worn something like this. Something complete, without a single hole in it. Of course he couldn't figure how to wear the shorts at first, he pulled them over his head, but in the end he figured them out.

He came out of the bathroom. He was clean! He felt weird. Good but weird. The woman was still sitting on the chair.

"Go in the room and lie down."

Dummy went into the room and lied down on the bed. It was soft and comfy. It also had a certain smell. A sweet one. He looked around, but it was too dark to see. Only the light of the kitchen was on and it didn't illuminate the room well.

Soon, sleep took the better of Dummy as he closed his weary eyes and slept like a log for the first time in a very very long time.

He was sleeping, when someone shook him.

"Move aside, Dummy."

Dummy awoke and saw who it was. It was the woman from before, her mask was off, but it was too dark to see anything, even her face. He subconsciously moved to the side. The bed was against the wall.

He moved towards the wall. The woman got in the bed with him.

Dummy felt her skin. Her skin!

"Wha-wh, should I go away?"

"Why Dummy? Don't you wanna share this bed with me. Aren't I beautiful enough for you?", said the woman in a coquettish voice. She was also in a t-shirt and shorts.

"Umm, no, I mean, yes, you are beautiful, but I mean, umm-"