
The Dead Walk

Nothin could ever prepare you for what I had to deal with. All the hard decisions I had to make in order to survive. After this it could never go back to the way it was.

BrownBabyBear · วัยรุ่น
1 Chs

Family Drama

The day when the world went to shit was the day I killed my father. He was a piece of shit of a man. He never gave a rat's ass about me, well until he was drunk and mistaken me for my long-gone mother. My mother was a beautiful woman with sunshine threaded into her hair and soft moss embedded in her eyes. Skin as soft as the sand on a warm day and lips pigmented as a rose. She was perfect. My father called her his dream girl and me his angel because I looked exactly like her. Later down the line, my mother left my father because he caught him cheating. I don't know why she didn't take me with her. Not like I would find out anyway she was killed in a hit-and-run a few hours after that. My father swears to me up and down he didn't cheat but he brought his whores home when I was home with him. He is not a very good liar.

My father was a tall man with a scruffy beard and a beer belly. His signature outfit was a wifebeater stained in sweat and worn-out blue jeans with car oil smeared on the sides, or it was maybe throwup or some other bodily fluids. Always had some worn-out cowboy boots on with the souls hanging on by a thread just like I was. The final touch of his look was a bottle of jack he carried around like it was a trophy. The many times I've resented that bottle. The many times I've seen that bottle crash against my face. Maybe it was a good thing it hit my face so I couldn't remember what he had done, only feel the effects of it.

That day he came home it was already about 10 and the news was on talking about a new virus spreading like wildfire throughout the nation. I thought it was bullshit because it was on FOX news and most things they say on there is bullshit anyways. I soon found out later it wasn't bullshit. I was in the kitchen making myself my lunch for tomorrow. I'd fuckin kill for some sliced fruits and veggies. Father comes home drunk again so I put the knife down on the counter and let him inside.

He walks in and says, "Alice is that you?"

"No father it's me, Daniel"

"Where have you been all this time?" He says while hugging me with his sweating body weight on me

"I've been here this whole time father. NOW GET OFF YOU'RE DRUNK!" I say trying to push him off of me.

"Don't fucking talk to me like that you are the one who left us YOU FUCKIN' SLUT!"

He winds back his arm with his jack in his hand and slams it down on my head. I stumbled down onto the tile and us one arm on the counter to pull myself up. But instead, I feel the handle of the kitchen knife and I grabbed it and slice it across his stomach in a fit of rage. I felt the spray of his blood splat across my face and the wall. For a few seconds, he just stood there slowly swaying until he hit the floor. He landed on his back trying to stop the blood pouring out of his beer belly. No matter how he placed his hands to apply pressure he was going to die. My mind had cleared when watching him sway before he hit the ground. Fascinating how that mind can do that. I squatted down on the ground to get a better look at his terrified face. This might of been the first time in a long time I've seen him sober up.

While wiping off some blood from my cheek I say," You had it coming. I've had enough of your bullshit, now go rot in hell you piece of shit."

Then I got up and cleaned my knife because you got me fucked up if you think I'm gonna leave it dirty.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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