
You Love Her....So Understand Her too

"Well, I'm going now."

Sue said then looked towards the Other Sue.

"Okay then."

Other Sue said with a smile then disappeared.

Sue smiles then walks towards the school entrance.

He peeks at Marie who's standing with other girls.

Marie smiles at him but no girls notice that.

Then he entered the school and went towards his classroom and when he reached it he entered and then sat on his seat.

He looked outside the window and muttered to himself.

"She's really brave. isn't she? I Never thought that she could manage our relationship."

Then he smiles while closing his eyes.

Soon, Marie also arrives and then sits on her seat.

She looks towards Sue, he's smiling while closing his eyes.

"Woah~ He looks so good."

She muttered to herself then sneakily took out her phone from her backpack and looked around.

No one is looking towards her.

She silently takes a picture of him.