
The day sauske became hokyage

Naruto and sauske

Shatkife · อื่นๆ
1 Chs

Sasuke and naruto rough beginnings

Naruto and sauske were fighting at the valley of death.It was winter and very cold tonight not only that there was a storm.Tons of rain and thunder for hours and hours flashback to modern time when the fourth hokayage was still alive

A masked villian named obito was fighting the fourth hokyage.his name obito stands for a lonely solider A battle to the death it was.So teary and filled with blood shed.

"Who are you..! "Minato spoke to the masked villian.He responded in a deep mundane tone as if they were brother or sister. The masked villian said im the hatred and sadness deep within your heart u who has taken what's mostly dear to me can't understand the hate "i have for you and this world.! Minato thought to him self where could i have possibly met this lunatic,i hve no other option im summoning karin who's my guardian spirit who is half wolf and half eagle) summoning justu karin ! ! Im glad your here.

What's the problem child u summon me after two years and no vist. why so shallow?