
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
319 Chs

Chapter 82: Aftermath

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The consequences of the Weasley brothers' nighttime escapade began to show.

Filch seemed to have identified that the students who went out at night were from Gryffindor. Every time a Gryffindor student passed by him, Filch would stare at them with his eyes wide open, intensely scrutinizing them as if he wanted to catch the person who had played tricks on him that night.

Filch's peculiar behavior left the Gryffindor students feeling bewildered.

Compared to the clueless Filch, Snape had apparently found the culprit of the nighttime adventure.

During the Potions class on Friday, Albert could swear that he heard Snape mentioning the words "nighttime excursion" and "detention" to the Weasley twins.

It was evident that Snape had identified the twin brothers as the ones who had fooled both him and Filch that night.

As a result, Snape found an excuse on the spot, deducting five points from Fred and George, and resetting their potion grades to zero for the day.

There was no way around it. Both of them couldn't resist the "stare of Snape" from behind. The potion they brewed to treat skin ailments was full of mistakes, and taking a sip of it would probably poison someone half to death.

Before the class ended, in addition to the regular homework, Snape gave Fred and George an extra assignment. They had to write a report on the preparation of a skin ailment potion that was no less than five inches long, focusing on their disastrous attempt.

The students in the classroom looked at the Weasley twins with sympathetic eyes because it wasn't just the Weasleys who struggled with brewing potions.

"How did Snape find out?" George was very puzzled. They were certain that Snape had identified them as the students who roamed the castle that night.

"He might be using Legilimency," Albert suggested without hesitation. "There's definitely magic that can read people's thoughts. Snape might be using it. Don't you think he seems capable of seeing through whether someone is lying?"

Albert was well aware of how Snape could see through their thoughts, but he couldn't directly tell Fred and George. It would be impossible to explain it to them.

"Is it really possible to do something like that?" Lee Jordan expressed doubt.

"I don't know, but I think it's possible!" Albert reminded them. "In the past few days, you guys should lay low. I heard that Filch now patrols the castle every night, hoping to catch the students who roam around and hang them from the ceiling to dry like salted fish."

"You'll be the one turning into a salted fish," Fred retorted sarcastically, but he acknowledged Albert's well-intentioned reminder. For now, they would refrain from nighttime adventures. Provoking Filch directly was definitely not a good idea.

However, they firmly believed that the next time they went out at night, Filch wouldn't be able to corner them as badly as he did last time.

"By the way, when did you guys discover this secret passage?" Lee Jordan asked, following the Weasley twins through the passage, surprised.

"We discovered it that night, of course," Fred attributed the discovery of the secret passage to their previous nighttime adventure.

Albert knew the real reason, but he wouldn't reveal it. He silently remembered the location of the secret passage.

On their way back to the common room, Fred suddenly remembered something and said to Albert with a serious expression, "Let us borrow your essay on the treatment of skin ailments from last time."

"I remember Snape gave you an E (Exceeds Expectations)," Lee Jordan added. He hadn't forgotten that Snape took Albert's essay on the treatment of skin ailments before class and returned it after grading, only giving it an E. Other than that, nothing was written on the parchment.

However, when Snape returned the essay on the treatment of skin ailments to Albert, he also warned him not to attempt it during the Potions class, threatening him with detention and the like.

Of course, Albert completely disregarded Snape's threat, repeatedly assuring him verbally that he wouldn't do anything.

"I heard Snape never gives Gryffindor students an O (Outstanding) for assignments."

"Of course, it's normal. Snape is a master of potions, so our potions must look terrible in his eyes." Albert didn't mind and handed the parchment to George, reminding him, "Don't copy directly, or we'll both be in trouble."

Fred took the parchment that Albert handed over with a smug smile and said, "We'll be careful."

"By the way, what are the grading options?" Lee Jordan suddenly asked.

"If the performance is satisfactory, it's usually O, E, A, corresponding to Outstanding, Exceeds Expectations, and Acceptable," Albert thought for a moment and gave a simple explanation to Lee Jordan. "If it's unsatisfactory, it would be P, D, T..."

"If your homework gets a T, you better be careful about getting expelled from school," Fred interrupted Albert, saying mysteriously.

"Why?" Lee Jordan was even more confused.

"T stands for Troll," George said solemnly. "It means your brain is as good as a troll's. You know, Hogwarts doesn't admit troll students."

Albert couldn't help but roll his eyes and said, "By the way, when you guys go for a nighttime adventure next weekend, remember to call me."

"You're planning to go on a nighttime adventure too?" Lee Jordan seemed to hear something unbelievable.

"Yes, I'm also planning to explore. You know, students are not allowed in the Restricted Section," Albert said mysteriously. "If you want to borrow books from the Restricted Section, you need to use special means."

"What book do you want to borrow?" Fred asked curiously.

"The Book of Spells by Miranda Goshawk."

"Why does that title sound so familiar to me?" Fred muttered.

"Idiot, the book we use for Charms class is Miranda Goshawk's Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1," Lee Jordan said impatiently.

"Fred is indeed an idiot," George had a look of confirmation.

"Then you must be an idiot too because we're twin brothers," Fred retorted.

"Both of you are idiots," Lee Jordan grumbled. "Isn't this set of books our textbook? How can it be in the Restricted Section?"

"The 'Standard Book of Spells' series we use now is actually an abridged version. There are seven books in the complete series, one for each semester. In fact, the original name of the series is 'The Book of Spells'," Albert explained. "The books we currently use have had some spells removed. I once wrote a letter to the owner of Flourish and Blotts, but he told me that the book is no longer available because it stopped being sold decades ago. The only version available now is the revised edition we use."


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(End of this chapter)