
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
319 Chs

Chapter 297: Inflation Again

Inside the Room of Accomplishment, an intense offensive and defensive battle was taking place.

The trio led by Frederick, George, and Lee Jordan were launching an attack on Albert. However, Albert was managing to block their relentless onslaught of spells with his Iron Armor Charm.

At this moment, magical light flickered before Albert as curses rebounded off his Iron Armor Charm, causing spells to fly chaotically around the room.

Compared to Albert's defensive stance, Frederick and his team attacking were in a more precarious situation. They had to evade the rebounding curses to avoid being defeated by their own spells.

The effects of nearly half a month of relentless practice with the Iron Armor Charm were clear. Albert could now activate the spell rapidly with just a slight movement of his lips. Of course, the Skill Panel played a significant role in helping him achieve this level of mastery in a short time.

Though he hadn't yet mastered the Silent Charm, it was evident from Albert's swift defense against Frederick's team that he was familiar with the Iron Armor Charm.

Of course, this situation couldn't be sustained for too long.

As the saying goes:

"Victory is gained in the first clash, decline follows, and depletion ensues on the third attempt."

The situation was roughly like this.

Albert's only regret was that he couldn't control the angle at which the Iron Armor Charm's rebounded curses were directed. It would have been even better if he could send the curses back towards the spellcasters.

Before Albert could catch his breath, Frederick's team preemptively ceased their assault.

"Congratulations, you've become even more formidable," George struggled to get up from the ground. He was the only unfortunate soul knocked down by a rebounded curse.

"It's not just me who's become more powerful."

Albert rubbed his lips with his hand. He couldn't help it; allowing anyone's lips to move nimbly enough to chant the Iron Armor Charm dozens of times in one breath required a moment to catch his breath.

"Give it a rest. Don't think I don't know that all three of us were brought here to practice with you," Frederick said with a hint of resentment.

Magic training? It was all nonsense.

They had all been dragged here by Albert to be free sparring partners. Especially now that Albert had become increasingly skilled with the Iron Armor Charm, the three of them realized this even more.

What frustrated them most was that even when the three of them attacked together, they still couldn't overpower Albert. Instead, they found themselves dodging the rebounded magic, preventing their own curses from backfiring on them.

"What do you mean we're here to practice with you?" Albert retorted irritably. "As if none of you gained anything from this?"

If you had to talk about gains, Frederick's trio had gained more than Albert.

There was no avoiding the fact that their foundations were weaker, and the benefits they gained from these days of practice far exceeded Albert's.

Most importantly, the recent events had left them feeling unbalanced.

"I'm the one here to practice with you," Albert said with a straight face.

His words were met with immediate booing from the trio.

"I wonder how you managed that," Lee Jordan couldn't help but mutter.

Swiftly blocking the three's Obstacle Charms with the Iron Armor Charm wasn't an easy feat.

Speaking of the Obstacle Charm, the trio had used it countless times in these past few days.

Currently, all three of them could skillfully use the Obstacle Charm, activating it easily with a soft incantation. Its power was much stronger than before.

"Haven't you noticed that my lips are practically cramping?" Albert said irritably. "My goal is to cast the Iron Armor Charm with the Silent Charm."

"Give it a rest. I heard from someone else that they only start teaching the Silent Charm in the sixth-grade advanced class. When you practice it, you have to hold your breath, like you've been constipated for days," Lee Jordan also invested a lot of effort into this and had made significant progress as well.

"Moreover, if you use the Silent Charm to cast spells, won't the spell's power be weakened?"

"The Silent Charm allows for faster spellcasting," Albert replied, unconcerned about this point, and reminded, "If it's a critical moment, do you have the luxury to chant spells out loud? Besides, you all saw it just now, chanting spells almost made your lips twitch."

Most importantly, Albert possessed strong magical power himself, and the Iron Armor Charm he cast was equally formidable. Even if Frederick, George, and Lee Jordan simultaneously used Obstacle Charms to attack, they still couldn't break through Albert's Iron Armor Charm.

The trio had attempted this before, only to have their spells bounce off the Iron Armor Charm and rebound back at them. Fortunately, they had dodged quickly; otherwise, things could have turned really bad.

"When are we going to the Forbidden Forest to search for Gryffindor's secret treasure?" Frederick couldn't resist changing the subject, eager to go on another adventure to find Gryffindor's hidden treasure.

As long as Albert lent a hand, their success rate for treasure hunting could increase by at least threefold, and it would be safer and more secure.

"Not yet, at least not now. Do you really think you're qualified to enter the Forbidden Forest with your current level of skill?" Albert snapped irritably. "Continue practicing your spells, and aim to enter the forest for treasure hunting in the days after the exams."

"The days after the exams?" George stared at Albert wide-eyed, as if he had heard something unbelievable.

"Don't be foolish. We're not going to our deaths. When the time comes, I'll prepare more things to ensure everyone's safety. If we end up dying inexplicably in the Forbidden Forest, it'll be thanks to me!"

"But..." Lee Jordan felt frustrated, but ultimately agreed with Albert's point of view.

After all, this roommate had always been steady, and besides, the Forbidden Forest wasn't just home to Acromantulas—it was genuinely dangerous.

"Once we master the Spider Repellent Charm, we should be able to easily deal with those Acromantulas," Frederick grumbled. All four of them had already mastered this spell; they just needed to practice it a few more times to become proficient and naturally become unafraid of the giant spiders.

"The most dangerous aspect of Acromantulas is their ability to ambush. After you've fully mastered the Spider Repellent Charm, we'll need to undergo intensive training. By then, I'll see if we can find a suitable location for spell practice," Albert couldn't help but roll his eyes at Frederick, feeling rather speechless. He hadn't expected this to lead to more inflation; it seemed they hadn't been chastised enough by reality yet!

The trio felt quite disappointed. They had initially thought Albert would lead them into the Forbidden Forest to search for Gryffindor's secret treasure during Easter.

"If possible, never embark on an adventure without proper preparation," Albert put away his wand and cautioned.

"Gryffindor students have never lacked for courage."

"Don't give me that 'courage' nonsense," Albert snapped back, "If your luck is good, that's courage indeed. But if your luck is bad and you end up dead, that's called foolishness and recklessness."

"But...," Lee Jordan felt frustrated, but ultimately agreed with Albert's point of view.

After all, this roommate had always been steady, and besides, the Forbidden Forest wasn't just home to Acromantulas—it was genuinely dangerous.

"Once we master the Spider Repellent Charm, we should be able to easily deal with those Acromantulas," Frederick grumbled. All four of them had already mastered this spell; they just needed to practice it a few more times to become proficient and naturally become unafraid of the giant spiders.

"The most dangerous aspect of Acromantulas is their ability to ambush. After you've fully mastered the Spider Repellent Charm, we'll need to undergo intensive training. By then, I'll see if we can find a suitable location for spell practice," Albert couldn't help but roll his eyes at Frederick, feeling rather speechless. He hadn't expected this to lead to more inflation; it seemed they hadn't been chastised enough by reality yet!

The trio felt quite disappointed. They had initially thought Albert would lead them into the Forbidden Forest to search for Gryffindor's secret treasure during Easter.

"If possible, never embark on an adventure without proper preparation," Albert put away his wand and cautioned.

"Gryffindor students have never lacked for courage."

"Don't give me that 'courage' nonsense," Albert snapped back, "If your luck is good, that's courage indeed. But if your luck is bad and you end up dead, that's called foolishness and recklessness."

"But...," Lee Jordan felt frustrated, but ultimately agreed with Albert's point of view.

After all, this roommate had always been steady, and besides, the Forbidden Forest wasn't just home to Acromantulas—it was genuinely dangerous.

"Once we master the Spider Repellent Charm, we should be able to easily deal with those Acromantulas," Frederick grumbled. All four of them had already mastered this spell; they just needed to practice it a few more times to become proficient and naturally become unafraid of the giant spiders.

"The most dangerous aspect of Acromantulas is their ability to ambush. After you've fully mastered the Spider Repellent Charm, we'll need to undergo intensive training. By then, I'll see if we can find a suitable location for spell practice," Albert couldn't help but roll his eyes at Frederick, feeling rather speechless. He hadn't expected this to lead to more inflation; it seemed they hadn't been chastised enough by reality yet!

The trio felt quite disappointed. They had initially thought Albert would lead them into the Forbidden Forest to search for Gryffindor's secret treasure during Easter.

"If possible, never embark on an adventure without proper preparation," Albert put away his wand and cautioned.

"Gryffindor students have never lacked for courage."

"Don't give me that 'courage' nonsense," Albert snapped back, "If your luck is good, that's courage indeed. But if your luck is bad and you end up dead, that's called foolishness and recklessness."

"But...," Lee Jordan felt frustrated, but ultimately agreed with Albert's point of view.

After all, this roommate had always been steady, and besides, the Forbidden Forest wasn't just home to Acromantulas—it was genuinely dangerous.

"Once we master the Spider Repellent Charm, we should be able to easily deal with those Acromantulas," Frederick grumbled. All four of them had already mastered this spell; they just needed to practice it a few more times to become proficient and naturally become unafraid of the giant spiders.

"The most dangerous aspect of Acromantulas is their ability to ambush. After you've fully mastered the Spider Repellent Charm, we'll need to undergo intensive training. By then, I'll see if we can find a suitable location for spell practice," Albert couldn't help but roll his eyes at Frederick, feeling rather speechless.

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(End of this chapter)