
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
319 Chs

Chapter 263: Look, See What We've Found

"It's unbelievable that you actually spent your Christmas vacation reading books?"

On the Hogwarts Express, Fred and George were giving Albert looks as if he were a curious creature. Beside them, Lee Jordan had covered his face with his hand, pretending to look extremely shocked.

"What kind of look is that?" Albert couldn't help but roll his eyes at the three in the compartment. "It's like you guys didn't have holiday homework to do."

"Ah, don't mention that." Lee Jordan was the first to let out a groan; he hadn't finished his holiday homework yet.

"Oh, dear Albert, I don't think you'd be cruel enough to watch us get detention!" Fred's tone changed from before.

There was no way around it. He hadn't finished his homework either and needed to reference Albert's family work.

"I don't need to," Albert stated a cruel fact, "I'm exempt from Transfiguration, Charms, and Potions."

"That's unfair. How can that be?" Fred couldn't help but exclaim in distress, "How could Snape allow you to not do homework?"

"I didn't think he was such a bat," George chimed in.

"Professor McGonagall really lets this happen? You're not deceiving us, are you?" Lee Jordan looked incredulous.

"Because I have other papers to write," Albert waved the books in his hand toward the wailing trio, "Besides, those assignments are not challenging for me, just a waste of my time."

"Is this something a student council member should say?" Lee Jordan clutched his chest with one hand and grabbed a Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean with the other, popping it into his mouth.

"All of a sudden, I feel Percy is really lame." George grumbled discontentedly, "That guy already thinks he's going to be the Gryffindor prefect next term."

"He really says that?" Albert had a strange expression. He couldn't believe Percy would say that; that would be incredibly foolish.

"No," George shook his head.

"That's what he means," Fred said, rolling his eyes, "Anyway, he's written it all over his face. Saying it or not doesn't make a difference."

"Percy probably will become a Gryffindor prefect," Albert didn't deny that, "Becoming student council president is also very possible."

"Oh, my, this is a disaster." Fred and George couldn't help but cry out.

Albert and Lee Jordan were a bit puzzled.

"We don't like people telling us what to do either. You know Percy, that guy is..."

"Alright, I admit he might not be well-liked by you, but Percy isn't that bad. He's ambitious and capable," Albert's initial impression of Percy was quite ordinary, but after getting to know him, he realized that Percy's ideas weren't completely wrong. He was someone with both ability and ambition.

"Wow, traitor, you actually agree with that guy," the twins immediately scolded Albert in protest of their displeasure.

Lee Jordan was so shocked by the twins' reaction that he accidentally swallowed the Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean he had just thrown into his mouth.

Alright, he had actually been frightened by Fred and George's reaction and swallowed the bean he had just put into his mouth.

"Having ambition is a good thing; it means he has goals. Just like us now," Albert stuffed his books back into his bag, giving Lee Jordan's back a firm pat; it seemed the beans had gotten to him.

"In fact, our situation is quite similar. After graduation, our families won't be able to provide us with much support. If we don't have money, we might not even be able to afford a joke shop."

"Percy's situation is similar to ours. He's also accumulating capital so he can progress further after graduation."

After a long silence, the twins stopped speaking.

"You guys just don't like Percy's personality," Albert shook his head. He remembered that Percy seemed to have had some unpleasant arguments with his family for some reason.

"What's that, an owl?" Lee Jordan heard a noise outside the window and turned his head, but was startled by the large mass of owls outside the window.

"Yeah, it's an owl, but why would there be an owl at this time..." Albert immediately noticed the letter the owl was holding onto with its claws.

"Who's it from? Could it be your old friends?" Fred changed the topic; he really didn't want to continue discussing Percy. Perhaps, as Albert had said, they simply didn't like Percy's personality.

George had already opened the window to let the owl in.

"Montague Flitch." Albert glanced at the sender's name, casually opened the envelope, and quickly read the contents of the letter. "It seems he's not too foolish."

"Montague Flitch?" The three of them were a bit puzzled. "Are you buying something from that guy?"

"Yeah, Swamp Digger's fur. He initially asked for 20 Galleons..."

"Twenty Galleons? Is that guy crazy?" Lee Jordan looked incredulous, his eyes wide.

"Do you even know what a Swamp Digger is?" Albert suddenly asked.

Lee Jordan's face froze immediately. Fred and George, beside him, had covered their cheeks and turned away, trying not to burst into laughter.

"I'm sure you two don't know either." Lee Jordan shot a scornful glance at the still chuckling Fred and George.

"I wrote him a letter asking for a more reasonable price." Albert cleared his throat, "He agreed and said we could discuss it when we meet next time."

"That guy is not trustworthy." Fred grumbled, "Dad deals with him often."

"I know."

"By the way, what do you need that fur for?" Lee Jordan looked at Albert with a puzzled expression.

"To make magical items," Albert didn't hide it; he just didn't tell the three what magical items he planned to make.

Speaking of magical items, Albert pulled out four wizard cards from his pocket and handed them to the three. "These are my new inventions."

"What's this?" The three of them looked curiously at the wizard cards.

"Blasting Curse and Transformation Spell," Albert picked up his own card and used magic to change the content on the card. All three noticed that the content on their wizard cards had changed.

"Wow, it can even do that?" Fred curiously asked, "Can we do it too?"

"Yes, but there's a prerequisite." Albert explained, "The user must be able to cast the Transfiguration spell. Of course, I can't achieve more complex changes at the moment."

"Oh, by the way, this is your Christmas present, even though it's a bit late!" Fred and George handed a box of sandwich cookies to Albert.

Lee Jordan's Christmas gift was a large box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.

"We originally wanted to give it to you on Christmas, but Percy occupied Errol," Fred complained, "Percy's been acting all mysterious, as if he's writing letters to someone."

"Errol is my family's owl. He's quite old now, so we didn't let him deliver your gifts anymore," George explained.

"Maybe he got a girlfriend," Albert blinked playfully.


"No way, he's Percy. How could he possibly have a girlfriend?" Fred said in shock.

"I was just kidding," Albert shrugged, "After all, only someone with a girlfriend would need to exchange frequent letters. Unless Percy has as many old friends as I do."

"Percy with a girlfriend, that's really beyond imagination." After exchanging glances, George and Fred wore pleased expressions, as if they had stumbled upon something amusing.

"By the way, how do you know so much? Could it be that you have a girlfriend too?" Lee Jordan said in a strange tone.

Upon hearing this, Fred and George turned their heads to look at Albert.

Wishing everyone an early Happy New Year's Eve!

*Vote Stones  Plz*

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(End of this chapter)