
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
319 Chs

Chapter 240: A Peculiar Feeling

Since the last time Professor Smith told Albert about the Ravenclaw's knowledge repository, he had been feeling a bit peculiar.

This matter was supposed to be a secret guess, yet Professor Smith had directly told him about it? Did that mean Professor Smith considered him one of his own, seeking his help to unlock the secrets? Or...

Various questions floated in Albert's mind, and the main reason was that the task in the mission panel related to Professor Smith, "Another Purpose," had not been completed yet.

If Professor Smith had come to Hogwarts only for the Ravenclaw's knowledge repository, then the task should have been completed when he revealed his purpose.

However, the task was still incomplete, which made Albert suspicious. The reality was clearly different from what it appeared to be.

Albert instinctively remained cautious about Professor Smith.

After all, in the Harry Potter novels, about half of the troublemakers at Hogwarts had something to do with the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors.

The task name "Another Purpose" was also full of meaning.

If Professor Smith didn't come for the Ravenclaw's knowledge repository, then what was his other purpose?

Albert wasn't quite sure yet, but he felt that Isabelle might know something. However, she had never mentioned it, and he didn't know how to approach the topic.

Speaking of Isabelle, he suddenly remembered the Centaur divination he had once received, predicting that he would encounter danger that would be difficult to avoid. His divination result was similar to Isabelle's, but so far, that prediction hadn't come true. Was there any connection between these two?

"Anyone planning to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas, remember to come and register with me," Professor McGonagall's voice interrupted Albert's thoughts.

In early December, Professor McGonagall had informed everyone that students who wanted to stay at Hogwarts during Christmas needed to register. In reality, there were very few students who would willingly stay at Hogwarts for the holiday. Today, before the Transfiguration class ended, Professor McGonagall brought up the matter again to avoid anyone forgetting.

"I actually think it's not bad to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas. We can explore the castle when there are no people around," George muttered during lunch.

"But then why are you still going home for the holidays?" Lee Jordan couldn't help but retort. "You can apply to stay at school for Christmas."

"No, I think it's better to go home for Christmas. I can tell Ron some things about the school as his older brother. He'll be coming to Hogwarts next year, and it's necessary to let him know a few things in advance," George winked at Lee Jordan.

"Tell him about the Sorting Hat test," Lee Jordan recalled what happened during the Sorting Hat ceremony.

"That's a good idea. I've decided to tell Ron that Hogwarts sorts students based on a test," George suddenly said.

"We should tell him that this test can cause serious harm to students," Fred added.

"Ron, the one who ate the Acid Pops you guys gave him and ended up burning a hole in his tongue?" Albert couldn't help but laugh. "Do you have to be such mischievous older brothers to your younger brother?"

"Wow, you actually remember that!" The twins both looked incredulous.

"My memory has always been quite good," Albert shook his head. "Next year, Hogwarts may see a big figure."

"What big figure?" The three of them asked in unison.

"Potter, of course!" Albert knocked on the books on the table to emphasize. "The famous Harry Potter. I've already seen his name in several books. He's known in the magical world as the Chosen One."

"Potter defeated the Dark Lord," Fred gestured with a grand gesture, "and he was just a baby at the time."

"Everyone is curious about how he did it," George continued, "the Dark Lord killed so many people, but couldn't kill Potter. Instead, he was defeated by a baby."

"Did the Dark Lord die?" Albert pretended to be curious.

"He did die, many people say he did, but Dad said Dumbledore believed that the Dark Lord might not be dead," Fred whispered, "those dark wizards have many strange magics."

"I'm more curious about why the Dark Lord failed," George muttered, "Potter is the only one who survived the Killing Curse."

"Which house do you think Potter will be sorted into?" Lee Jordan changed the subject.

"I hope he'll come to Gryffindor," George said without hesitation.

"I hope he's in our house too," Fred immediately echoed.

"There's a good chance," Albert nodded.

"Wow!" Fred exaggeratedly raised his voice, "Now I'm more confident that Potter will be sorted into Gryffindor."

"I have the same feeling," Lee Jordan said earnestly, "after all, Albert's predictions are always accurate, whether it's good or bad."

"Don't mess around," Albert rolled his eyes at the three of them and casually explained, "In the school's trophy room, there's James Potter's Quidditch Cup. I think he should be the Chosen One's relative. In the magical world, many wizards are sorted into the same house as their family members. Of course, there are a few exceptions."

This was a reason given to appease Fred and the others. Albert naturally knew that Potter would be sorted into Gryffindor.

"I heard Harry Potter lives with Muggle relatives," Lee Jordan suddenly said, "it must not be easy for him."

"You'll know next year. If Potter is very thin, it means he's not doing well, and if he's very plump, it means he's doing well," Albert thought for a moment and then asked, "By the way, have any of you secretly gone to visit Harry Potter?"

"No, considering that those dark wizards might harm him, Potter has been protected since he was young. Everyone knows he was left with Muggle relatives, but very few know exactly where he lives," Fred shook his head.

"Oh, do you have any plans to create a card for the Chosen One? I'm really looking forward to it," Lee Jordan's tone was very excited. Wizard cards were becoming more and more popular at Hogwarts.

Now, they often saw students playing cards in the dining hall, common rooms, and on the lawn, discussing how to build better card decks.

Wizard cards had now completely overshadowed wizard chess and Gobstones, but students still yearned for more sophisticated wizard cards.

Unfortunately, the wizard cards were still in their infancy and required patience and care.

The four of them somehow veered off the topic and started talking about the competition registration. Lee Jordan believed that they should increase the number of registrations and use the registration fees to reduce Albert's expenses on the prize money.

"This way, our workload will become heavier and heavier," Albert reminded.

"We can change the rules, as long as it's relatively fair," Fred suggested, "after all, only a small minority are really good at playing, most of us just want to join in the fun."

Albert opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Fairness and justice?

What were those?

Just think about the Triwizard Tournament, and you'll know that there's no such thing as fairness and justice. It's all nonsense, just empty talk, and no one really takes them seriously. Victory is everything.

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(End of this chapter)