
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
319 Chs

Chapter 210: Halloween Eve

In the morning, Albert opened his sleepy eyes and glanced toward the window. It was raining outside, and the raindrops were tapping on the window glass, making a crackling sound.

"It's raining again," he muttered, lazily rolling over and pulling the blanket over his head, intending to continue dozing off for a while before getting up.

After some time had passed, Albert opened his eyes again, got out of bed, stretched lazily, got dressed, and woke everyone else up to go downstairs for breakfast.

On the eve of Halloween every year, the Great Hall of Hogwarts always had some new changes. Of course, a swarm of bats and pumpkin lanterns were indispensable decorations.

After greeting familiar faces at the table, Albert found a vacant seat and sat down. He sipped his tea and read today's Daily Prophet, grabbing a piece of pumpkin pie from the plate and eating it absentmindedly. Occasionally, he chatted with Angelina next to him.

The conversation was related to flying brooms. There was an advertisement in the Daily Prophet for the Comet Racing Broom Company, which would be launching a new broom next year, the Comet 2000, which was the first broom Harry Potter ever owned.

"I heard that this broom company produces excellent products," Albert joked, "Do you regret not buying it early?"

"Not at all," Angelina shook her head. She knew it was just a joke.

Laughter interrupted their short exchange, and Albert looked up in the direction of the sound. He saw a large group of magically charmed bats hovering over Lee Jordan's head. Lee was trying to dodge them while waving his hands to shoo them away, but he couldn't get rid of the bats. He got so annoyed that he threw a piece of bread at the swarm.

"Okay, stop fooling around. It's fine like this," Albert said, covering a yawn nonchalantly, which earned him a glare from Lee Jordan.

Lee Jordan sat there eating with a sulky expression, and not long after, the bats flew away.

The first class of the morning was Herbology, and no one liked attending Herbology class in the rain, especially when the lesson took place in the outdoor greenhouse. Working in the greenhouse in the rain made you feel as if you were pulled out of a muddy puddle.

Fortunately, they were only going to repot Mandrakes today.

Mandrakes were magical plants with powerful potion properties. Just like the white billywig from last year, these magical plants would be used for many purposes, especially once they matured, as they could be made into powerful restorative potions.

Many dark curses that couldn't be undone by spells required the use of potent restorative potions made from Mandrakes to recover.

Since it wasn't their first time repotting Mandrakes, they all had experience and had already completed the task before the class ended.

After putting the last Mandrake back into the pot, Albert checked the task panel, and as expected, the task hadn't been completed yet. Although he had anticipated it, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed because it meant he needed to possess a pot of Mandrakes to truly complete the task.

Before the end of the class, they were told about the content of the next lesson: taking care of Shrivelfigs.

Shrivelfigs were also magical plants with powerful potion properties, and they posed certain dangers.

"Let's go, off to Transfiguration class," Fred shook off the soil from his work robes, used a cleaning charm to tidy up, then put on his robes again, ready to attend Professor McGonagall's class.

"Take your time," Albert muttered, dispelling the annoyance in his heart. He then joined the others to attend Transfiguration class, one of his best subjects.

Perhaps due to the Halloween atmosphere, Professor McGonagall knew that nobody was in the mood for a regular class, so she turned the lesson into a review session. She helped the students review the Transfiguration they had learned earlier and also shared several tragic cases caused by Transfiguration, aiming to warn everyone about the need to use Transfiguration with caution.

After listening to the stories, everyone got goosebumps all over. The stories told by Professor McGonagall were truly horrifying, especially the tragedy of the Quintaped.

The legend of the Quintaped originated from the island of Drear, which was now shrouded in mystery. It was said that the Quintapeds were once wizards. Just imagine a person turning into a terrifying monster with their mind completely twisted, unable to revert back to their original form. It was truly a terrifying thing.

Although Albert couldn't be sure about the authenticity of the Quintaped story, he believed it was highly likely to be true. In this world, many ancient stories were, in fact, true and had their reasons.

"Professor McGonagall, hasn't the Ministry of Magic tried to revert those creatures back to their original forms?" Katrina voiced her confusion. They all knew that even the most powerful Transfiguration spells could still be reversed using potions. For example, powerful restorative potions made from Mandrakes could restore Transfigured subjects.

"They refused," Professor McGonagall shook her head. "Rumor has it that the people from the Beast Division of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures attempted to revert them back, but those Quintapeds vehemently resisted being restored."

"Professor, do creatures that have been Transfigured revert to their original forms after they die?" Albert suddenly asked, even though he already had a vague answer in his mind.

He had seen the skeleton of a Quintaped.

"No, they don't," Professor McGonagall replied.

The Transfiguration lesson eventually ended with the stories.

After class, Albert stopped Katrina and brought up the matter of their previous bet. It had been lingering for so long that they had almost forgotten about it.

"The first Quidditch match will start in mid-November, and our bet is on that day," Albert said to Katrina as they walked side by side in the corridor.

Katrina looked at Albert with a strange gaze and said in a peculiar tone, "I thought you had already forgotten about it?"

"How could I?" Albert goaded, "There isn't much time left. Are you ready?"

"There isn't much time left," Katrina glanced at Albert, her tone becoming even stranger, "Winning or losing doesn't matter that much to me anymore."

"Um, it looks like I can save ten Galleons this time," Albert said.

"Save ten Galleons?" Katrina's tone became even more peculiar, "I think you shouldn't be short of money, right? I heard Isabelle taught you a lesson, and you generously gave her ten Galleons. Why not just admit defeat to me and give me ten Galleons?"

Albert's face darkened, and he retorted, "Isabelle told you?"

"So, it really is ten Galleons?" Katrina's tone became complicated, "No wonder she bought me an expensive birthday gift not long ago."

Albert's face became even darker. He didn't expect that he had been manipulated into revealing the truth. Was he walking in the dark and encountered a ghost?

"What did she teach you?" Katrina curiously asked.

"Go ask her yourself," Albert replied grumpily.

"She won't tell me and asked me to ask you."

Albert swallowed a lump in his throat, too lazy to answer Katrina's questions because he knew she was trying to trap him with her words.

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(End of this chapter)