
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
319 Chs

Chapter 205 - The Mouse

Time flew by quickly in the busy and fulfilling college life.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the end of October.

The rainy season continued as usual, and the weather became colder with each passing day, just like last year. The situation was as bad as ever.

"On rainy days, it's hard to get motivated!" Albert covered a yawn, looking up at the gloomy ceiling, seeking an excuse for his laziness.


Fred and George greeted Percy with a pat on his shoulder, causing him to choke on his food and cough continuously.

Albert found it amusing and handed Percy a drink. Percy took a big sip after swallowing the food in his mouth, then glared fiercely at Fred and George, who were using Albert as a shield.

The two behind Albert were puckering their lips together. If lip reading were possible, it would say, "You choked on your own; don't blame us."

Just then, the arrival of a large group of owls caught the students' attention. These owls, who traveled a long distance in the rain, swooped in through the rain-splattered windows and shook off the rainwater onto everyone in the hall.

A gray owl dropped a square package in front of Albert.

"It seems like you receive mail every day," Fred said enviously, pointing to another owl flying their way.

That owl brought a letter.

Albert looked at the sender and stuffed the letter into his pocket, then opened the package in front of him. Inside was a book emitting the smell of fresh ink - "Advanced Magical Translation." It was highly likely to be the book that Flourish and Blotts had just sent.

"Advanced Magical Translation?" Percy glanced at the title, frowning slightly because, as someone also taking Ancient Magical Languages, he had never heard of this book.

"This is a book compiled by Professor Babbling, seemingly a reference book for advanced Ancient Magical Languages courses," Albert explained casually.

To be honest, the speed of the book's publication was faster than he had expected.

"Professor Babbling wrote the book herself?" Percy looked at the "Advanced Magical Translation" and borrowed it from Albert to take a look.

After a while, Fred and George also received thick family letters, and they kept muttering, "Mom got us mixed up again."

"What's wrong?" Albert noticed that Percy's eyes were a little strange as he looked at him and asked.

"This...," Percy pointed to the content on the first page. There was no doubt that it was addressed to Albert Anderson in front of him.

"Yeah." Albert admitted directly, "I did help revise the content in 'Advanced Magical Translation.'"

At this time, the attention of the students in the hall was drawn by a long package held by six owls.

"The Firebolt!" Fred pursed his lips and murmured softly.

While everyone was still eager to know what was inside the package, the people around Albert had already guessed the contents.

Before the six owls that accidentally knocked over his breakfast, Albert quickly got up to catch the one flying towards him, carrying the Firebolt in its talons.

"Can I open it?" Lee Jordan stared at the long package with excitement and asked Albert.

"Sure." Albert agreed, letting Lee Jordan open the package on the spot, revealing the Firebolt inside.

"Sweeping Six." George also came over, admiring the Firebolt from the Sweeping series. The Sweeping Six was more expensive than their Sweeping Five and had faster speed.

"You actually bought the Firebolt?" Albert's roommates were all surprised that Albert would buy the Firebolt because he hadn't participated in Quidditch training for a long time.

"Fifty Galleons, not bad," Albert muttered under his breath.

When he felt someone's gaze on him, Albert turned his head and looked in the direction of the gaze. It was Isabelle, the Ravenclaw girl who had just withdrawn her scrutiny of him.

Since the last lesson on the Brain-Closed Curse, Albert and Isabelle had maintained a friendly relationship, somewhat like the saying, "A true friend is like water." Indeed, it was as plain as water.

They occasionally chatted when they met at the club. The most significant exchange between the two was through letters, and they discussed ancient magical languages.

While Lee Jordan was introducing the advantages of the Sweeping Six to others nearby, he suddenly turned his head and asked, "Are you going to try out the new broom later?"

"If you want to try it first, go ahead!" Albert didn't mind letting Lee Jordan ride the new broom immediately, especially when it was raining.

"Then I'll try out this broom for you first!" Lee Jordan said happily.

"By the way, do you know where I can get a live mouse?" Albert asked suddenly as he flipped through his notes.

The Cry of the Mandrake plan had been successful, and it was even from the crying of a juvenile mandrake. However, Albert couldn't be sure if the sound would kill a mouse.

In fact, Albert had originally hoped that Scabbers could catch a live mouse for him, but what happened?

Instead of a live mouse, Scabbers brought back a bunch of dead mice, which forced Albert to put a stop to the farce.

Originally, Albert hoped to catch a few mice at Hogwarts for his experiment, but unfortunately, he had been searching for a long time and still hadn't found any.

"In the kitchen?" Lee Jordan said uncertainly.

"No need to trouble yourself. Percy keeps a pet mouse," Fred said maliciously, looking at his brother.

"What do you need a mouse for?" Percy frowned and asked.

"Um..." Albert thought for a moment. "I'm trying a magical experiment, similar to the Stunning Spell. I want to test it on a mouse first, but I can't find one right now."

"So, you drew my Scabbers' attention?" Percy raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, don't put it that way. Albert will definitely pay you," George reminded with a smile. "One Cauldron Cake, or two?"

"Three Cauldron Cakes, not more," Fred suddenly said with a firm pat on his thigh, startling everyone else.

"Anyway, your Scabbers is not a pet mouse, so it wouldn't be a big deal if he died," the twins brought up the matter, causing Percy to frown slightly.

He couldn't possibly use a person as an experiment, right!

Although the crying of the Mandrake in its juvenile stage couldn't kill a person, Albert still didn't want to face its power directly, making finding a mouse the best option.

After all, the vast number of experimental mice still contributed to humanity.

Even if he couldn't find laboratory mice, house mice would do.

Hmm, Ron's rat seemed to be the pet his brother Percy originally had. He remembered that the rat seemed to be a wizard and called Peter or something.

By the way, does anyone know the exact price of a Firebolt?

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(End of this chapter)