
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
319 Chs

Chapter 115: The Barrier Curse


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Currently, Madam Pince had not yet noticed that three books had quietly been "borrowed" from the Restricted Section.

Albert was quite concerned about this matter. Every time he went to the library to do homework, he would specifically pay attention to any reports of missing books.

In reality, Albert was overly cautious. The books in the Restricted Section were all locked with iron chains and the librarians didn't have the leisure to constantly check if any books were missing from there.

After all, the locks used in the Restricted Section were protected by magical enchantments, and ordinary students couldn't simply open or break them. Perhaps someone might sneak into the Restricted Section at night to read the books, but it would be extremely difficult to secretly take books from there.

Compared to Albert's concern, another interesting incident had spread throughout Hogwarts.

It was said that a certain student who woke up in the middle of the night for a nocturnal stroll had driven Filch, the nighttime patrolman, crazy.

Lately, Mr. Filch had been wearing a perpetually grim expression.

Well, most of the time, Filch's face looked like that.

The rumor started when a student happened to pass by Filch and overheard him muttering under his breath, "I'll catch you for sure. I'll hang you up and give you a thrashing..." and other similar phrases.

Combining this with the previous incident, it didn't take long for everyone to conclude that Filch had once again failed to catch the student who was wandering the castle at night.

For Hogwarts students in need of interesting topics to discuss, this was undoubtedly an amusing piece of news.

Some students quickly indulged in their imagination, making the whole Hogwarts community aware of the situation.

However, the rumors they concocted were strangely close to the truth.

After being bombarded by these rumors, whenever Mr. Filch stood in the corridors, he would glower at every passing student, trying to find the culprit who was sneaking around at night.

Filch's fierce appearance frightened the younger students, although he had no idea that the true instigator behind all this was currently having a snowball fight outside the castle with someone else.

George looked at the suspended snowball in surprise and asked, "Have you mastered the Barrier Curse?"

"Yeah, I learned it not long ago," Albert replied. "This magic isn't actually too difficult."

Fred sneered at this, one of Albert's lies: "This magic isn't actually too difficult."

"It's not an easy task to use magic to accurately hit moving objects," Lee Jordan said, poking the snowball suspended in mid-air and then turning to look at Albert, curious. "How did you develop such accuracy?"

"Be careful," Albert warned.

"Be careful of what?"

Before Lee Jordan could react, he was hit in the face with a snowball.

"I warned you," Albert shrugged innocently, his hands raised. "Although the Barrier Curse can temporarily freeze the target, the effect doesn't last for too long."

Of course, if used by a wizard with malicious intent, it could also be effective in repelling enemies, depending on the wizard's magical power.


The three of them couldn't help but burst into laughter at the scene.

In the next moment, while still laughing, George was hit directly in the face by a snowball, and some of the snow even ended up in his mouth.

George wiped off the snow from his face and retaliated by throwing a snowball at Lee Jordan.

"I dare say, there aren't many first-year students who can use the Barrier Curse," Fred said, throwing his snowball at Albert while Lee Jordan was throwing snowballs at George.

Fred's sneak attack didn't succeed; the snowball was frozen in mid-air by a blue-green spark, as if someone had pressed the pause button.

"The effect is quite good," Albert reached out and pushed the snowball aside, and the next second, it landed on the snow next to him.

"No using magic in a snowball fight," Fred protested loudly. "You're cheating. Can't we just play happily?"

Fred was envious of Albert's speed in learning magic. They were all learning the Barrier Curse. However, unfortunately, apart from Albert, no one else had successfully mastered it so far.

There were already plenty of things to learn on a regular basis, and mastering a magic spell required a lot of time and practice.

Especially in the first year when everyone's magical power was still growing, someone like Albert who could quickly grasp magic seemed like he was cheating.

"Fine, I won't use magic," Albert put his wand back in his pocket and bent down to make a snowball from the thick pile of snow on the ground, directly smearing it on Fred's face, who was still preparing to speak.

"Let me finish my sentence," Fred protested. Then, in the midst of his words, he was hit by another snowball, this time thrown by Lee Jordan.

"So, you want to practice the Barrier Curse with snowballs?" Albert raised an eyebrow and preemptively said, "That's a good idea."


This time, before Fred could speak, he was interrupted by a snowball thrown by George.

"You three idiots!" Fred angrily exclaimed.

"Who wants to go first?" Albert ignored Fred's protest and asked.

"He goes first," George and Lee Jordan both pointed at Fred.

"Fred, get ready," Albert bent down, pinched a snowball, and shouted at Fred, "I'm throwing it now."

"Get ready for what?" Fred was still a bit stunned and was hit in the face with another snowball.

"Of course, to practice the Barrier Curse!" Albert blinked and said, "This is a rare opportunity."

"That's right, it's a rare opportunity," Lee Jordan and George nodded repeatedly, agreeing. "We're even giving you the best chance."

"Idiots, I don't want this kind of opportunity. Which one of you wants to get out and get hit?" Fred glared at the three of them in frustration.

"Him," both of them pointed at Albert.

"No, it's you, George," Fred was unhappy that his own brother, who should be on the same team, was actually siding against him.

"Fine, I'll go," George accepted the reality readily, but he added, "But let's make it clear, everyone gets ten tries, no one is allowed to dodge, and you can only use the Barrier Curse to block the snowballs."

"I have no objection," Albert said simply.

"Of course, you have no objection..."

As expected, none of the three could use the Barrier Curse to block the incoming snowballs, and they were continuously hit by snowballs. These guys seemed to have a particular liking for aiming at people's faces.

Lee Jordan brushed off the snow from his face and pointed to Albert, complaining, "Let's all go against him."

"Who made you guys unable to use the Barrier Curse?" Albert waved his wand and effortlessly froze the three incoming snowballs, took a step to the side, and let the snowballs miss.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Shanna, who happened to pass by, was hit by the three snowballs.

"It's all Albert's fault. It's because he dodged," Lee Jordan was the first to blame Albert.

"That's right, that's right," Fred and George chimed in.

"Want me to help you hit them with snowballs?" Albert offered help eagerly.

"Cough cough, Shanna, do you want to join us in a snowball fight?" Fred finally managed to smear a snowball on Albert's face when he wasn't paying attention.

"Albert is too cunning. He used magic to block the snowballs in the snowball fight," George said seriously, spouting nonsense.

Albert couldn't help but roll his eyes at the Weasley twins and muttered, "Actually, we were practicing magic."

"What magic?" Shanna curiously asked.

"The Barrier Curse," Albert replied without hesitation. "You bunch of idiots, trying to ambush me."

"I was just giving you the opportunity to use the Barrier Curse," George argued cunningly.

"Do you want to practice together?" Fred invited with a grin. "The incantation is quite interesting."

"No thanks, I'm planning to go ice skating by the lake," Shanna pointed to the ice skates in her hands. "I brought them from home during the Christmas break."

"Ice skates?" Albert raised his wand and intercepted the snowball George tried to throw at him. He turned to Shanna and asked, "You're going alone?"

"Angelina and the others don't know how to skate. You know, many wizards only enjoy Quidditch as a sport," Shanna said helplessly. "By the way, do you know how to ice skate?"

"I do know. However, my skills in that area are average at best," Albert casually remarked. "But I thought you didn't like sports."

"That's a rude thing to say. I've been playing this the whole Christmas break. Do you guys want to come along?" Shanna raised an eyebrow.

"Is it fun?" Fred asked curiously.

"I personally find it quite enjoyable. There are also many people ice skating by the Black Lake," Shanna nodded in the direction of the lake.

"Let's go and have a look," George became interested in ice skating.

"But you don't have ice skates. What's the point of going?" Albert couldn't help but roll his eyes at the three of them.

"We still have you, don't we?" Lee Jordan reached out and pulled Albert. "By then, you can use Transfiguration to conjure a pair of shoes. I believe you can do it."

"It's quite difficult to transfigure that kind of shoes," George disagreed with Lee Jordan's suggestion. "You should borrow ice skates from someone and use the Replication Charm to get us some."

Albert was dumbfounded by their words. The people around him were all talented in their own ways!

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=> Sailing with Whitebeard: Starting with a Question

=> Marvel: All the famous scenes were exposed by me

(End of this chapter)