
The friday before the first day of Senior year

This was gonna be my senior year and my life was a complete mess.I lived with my Aunt and my cousins on a luxurious lot that my mother had own but she passed away when I was eight.My story is kinda like cinderella except for the happy ending.The only thing I have left of my mother is her earrings.When my mother died everything became different,I wasn't allowed to eat at the table,I had to clean,wash and cook for my aunt and cousins.My cousins are twins,Sash and Sasha Aka the devil.We went to the same school were even in the same grade but two different personalities they were popular and I was just me.Its like I'm not apart of the family they treat me like a maid in my mother's house.

The Friday before school me and Gabriella

[She's my bestfriend] We've decided to have a goodtime on the beach but my Aunt wouldn't let me so I snuck out the window.I met Gabriella around the backyard n we both ran as fast as we could so that we wouldn't be caught.When we reached on the road to the beach there was nothing but slience and darkness on the road there was a street light but it was on the ground in tge middle of the road I started to get scared so I told Gabriella lets go back she had agreed When we turned around there was a man standing there in the darkness.Gabriella started to squeeze my hand and softly wispered"Lets go the other way" trembling and as frightened as I was I turned the other way...But when we turned the other way There was another man but he looked alot young he looked like someone our age.Then they both started to walk to towards us.My heart started racing and I saw tears falling from Gabriella eyes.