
What Happens Next?

What Chantelle said to me stuck with me, we haven't talked in a week and the big mans suprise was coming up. Regardless if we are going to die any feeling I had toward Chantelle was gone. But taday the guard came in and told us this " The big mans suprise is going to be tomorrow cause he has chosen already" the guard then left but before he did he told us to get change in these. They were very beautiful dresses that look like they cost more than my life. So by the next day we had are dresses all put on but Chantelle looked concerned but I didn't say anything to her, Then maybe 10mins after we got our dresses on the guard came and got to meet the big man. As we were going to see him the way we were going looked like we were in a dungeon there were cells that looked like could go for a mile, but that doesn't change the fact that 95% of them were empty. As we were getting closer to see him I wanted to spit in his face so much cause why did he pick us The main gaurd said something like " If you even try escaping we will hunt you down or kill you right now" so I guess spitting in the big mans face was checked off the list. We turned a corner and there's where we saw him the big man, for a man who kidnapped us he is pretty hot "hello ladys how are you?" Chantelle answered with "I would be alot better if you didn't kidnap me and throw me in a damn cell and get beat to death by that JACKASS OVER THERE" "quite a temper this one has, and what about you" "Uh why did you pick us, what did we do to deserve this" He looked at his guard's and " let me introduce myself if you will, my name is...

To Be Continued