
The day after

2 Chs

away with a group

It was dark I felt cold tired I felt like I was walking down a endless hall.I was on the ground sore a man with large hands and a torch quickly hauled me up.There were a few other outlines I couldn't see much more then glare.A sudden screech woke me up I knew that sound my body frozen. I woke up once again but this time it was hot a fire was rising a person was dragging me out of a fire.The face was so familiar I knew them then a screech cut though the air people rushed by.Like a wave then the outline of what would seem like a wolf was bolting towards us.Then it hit me I tried to shout but I felt my air ripped away and then large outline ripped away the person in front of me.M My wife I couldn't see more after that it was a blur everything but the eye it was cold it was dark.I finally could see clearly people shouting and rummaging through the rouble all I could say is hel but not enough for them to hear me.But then quickly after that I felt a tug I reached out. to find a familiar rough and burly man he was familiar not in the way my wife was he felt like a good friend.Bang my ears hurt I could feel the sensation of a strong wind.someone had thrown me on top of there shoulder and was in a hurry I could hear a few voices about 3.the outline of one was behind me I could hear the bones of something buckling and popping.A strong snap once and a while that would echo followed by a yelp of pain.There were moments were I could see the face behind me I knew her I called out her name but familiar felling set in.I could hear the water drop and hit the stone on the ground I don't think it was water but I don't like the sound.Light would leak though small cracks I could see every person around well there were 3. Which all had. Varying stature one larger then others.Then light slowly found its way to my eyes and the torch was dropped and tumbled down.Till it was out of site with small thumps then a splash and darkness from every where but in front. as we exited the cave the light surrounded us like it was a barrier. I was surrounded by the team of adventures which.Ive been with ever since the day my wife died.Sometimes I get transported back it's almost common whenever we fight beasts.Around this part of the world it's rare to see beasts of any type.We were not expecting a beast we are hunting a tribe of small creatures known as goblins.I joined up with them after they saved me from the beast attack at the village.Goblins are uncommon now a days but when they do pop up we snuff them out like the others.To be honest you cant find many guilds they were outlawed so they mainly are just known as traveling warriors.The day I met the guild I'm in was when the man known as bodvair saved my life from that beast that killed my wife.Hes barley and use to be a quiet man he welds whatever he can hold shields axes longsword,s.if it's big it's his style now the quite one is the mage that's what she calls herself but she is more of a necromancer.She is hard to talk to were pretty sure she is from a place that compared a month ago it was in the mountains. Small place they took over the mines of the dwarves which gone missing two years ago.That place has to be cursed not even evil goes anywhere with an a days reach of those mountains.They are known as the devils claws.She the mage never told us her name so we call her silence.Idont understand much about the last one of the team he sometimes leaves for months Bodvair used to live in his town he only talks to Bodvair.Hes called Martin has small tallish has a lance of some sort.He was the first one who ever heard a word from silence I hope he will open up eventatally.I I'm called halstore I'm a healer of sorts I've always tried to talk to Martin he is a wise person with little to speak he also sometimes is a happy person.Its rare bodvair is the one who ideally always happy he's a quote on quote well rounded person.We are all looking for something he says that a lot bodvair keeps us sain.When were down in a dungeon we call. dungeons well dungeons for a reason there Useally like a relish land scape of dead stuff cages and other things of that nature.We travel lots and span most of are time fighting creatures of the dungeons. we really want to enter a dungeon but when we have to its a shit show.There is never nothing better then getting to rest around a campfire and sing songs Says halstore he reached his hand out and said welcome to the guild that's where my.Story began know listen as we go back.To when I first joined the guild and start the story from the start.We were all sat around a fire Silence was out cold bodvair and Martin were talking up a storm and halstore was roasting what looked like a small rodent on a stick.All I could think about what awaited on are next quest was it goblins a beast or even a ghast.But I know I need sleep and in a instant I was out cold.