
The start of bloody adventure

We try to run away after what happened to mom. We got inside our car and try to open the engine and it does but we kept on returning to that house like we are just driving all over the same place.

Dane: Holy molly! Dad! Why do we keep going back to this freaking house!

Dad: I don't know either! (Panics while driving)

Dane: Woah woah woah! Dad! Look out! There's a tree!

Alice: Dad!

Dad: We need to find the right route (keeps blabbing)

Alice: Dad!

Dad: we need to get out of here or else...

Alice: Dad!!

Dad: What now Alice! What! Now!

Alice: Did you move mom's body?

Dad: No! I haven't move her body an inch.

Alice: But..but why does mom's body is not on the spot where she was killed...?

Dad: (stops the car...look at the window)

Alice: look dad..(points her finger) Maybe...Is it possible that..that mom is still alive? Maybe...maybe she escaped! Or she crawled down to the woods.

Dane: Are you freaking insane Alice!? We all saw what happened! We saw mom was hit by a big rock on her head by that something! We saw blood all over! And you think she is alive!? Could anyone be alive at that state!?

Alice: No, Dane. What if the wounds were not that deep!?

Dane: Could there be too much blood if the wounds are not that deep!? Don't think like a dumb lambhead!

Alice: But how!? How did mom's body dissapear when nobody touches or moves her!?

Dad: (opens the door)

Dane: Dad where are you going!?

Dad: I'm gonna find your mom. Maybe she is out there fighting for her life. I can't let your mother die here. Maybe Alice was right that your mom is still alive.

Dane: Dad you too have gone nuts!? Think y'all! Its that somethings fault! It move moms body elsewhere to make us think that mom miraculously survive after we all saw that her skull was crushed!

Dad: No! I won't leave your mom behind! Stay here! Don't go anywhere do not open the door! If something approches you move the car and leave me behind you got it!?

Alice: Dad no! Please stay. I was wrong. I... I..

Dad: It's okay Alice. (Kisses her in the forehead) stay right here. I'll be fine, I will find your mom in no time and we'll escape altogether okay!? Dane! Look out for Alice! Don't leave her whatever happens! (Gets out quickly)

Alice: Daad!

Dane: Now you've done it Alice! Now Dad might be also killed! It's your fault! Blabbering without thinking it first! What if Dad can't come back! I'll blame it on you!

Alice: But...I just thought...

Dane: Damn your thoughts Alice! You think dumb! You think dumb! What now!? Mom is dead and dad might be too. (Hold his head in distress)

(A noise was heard coming from the woods)

Alice: Dane.. what's that?

Dane: Oh no,were doomed were doomed. Crap!

Alice: Could that be...(looks at Dane)

(Something in the woods roll out slowly)

Alice:... (Looks closely at the window)... AAAAH!!!!! NO NO NO NO!! NOO!!

Dane: How could you!... (Shocked)

: HIHIHI, Did you enjoy my surprise dear!? Do you like my gift!?

(Scream of a laughing evil)

Chapter 4 will be released tomorrow! I will also update some of my stories! Stay tune! I'd love to hear you comments and review about my works!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

mastercutecreators' thoughts