

Monk had already informed Hao Xuan of the temple's renewed efforts. They had sacrificed dozens of their own cultivators and thousands of locals trying to create a path into the prison.

'But...if that is true, then-'

One by one Hao Xuan glanced at the faces of each of the protectors around him.

'-they are all my enemies.'

He felt a lot colder all of a sudden. Maybe it was because he finally realized that he had no friends here or maybe it was because he finally understood that he never would.

'They are not your people, don't you see?' a whisper burrowed into his ear.

But Hao Xuan didn't even register it. To him, it sounded like his own train of thought...and maybe it was.

'I know. I was never looking for that.'

'Yes, you were. Isn't that why you keep putting off the inevitable?'

'I don't know what you mean.'