
Lord of Pain

Some scenes were of great wars that Hao Xuan could barely wrap his mind around and many others were of strange creatures convening gatherings so grand that it made no sense.

Out of the thousands that could be glimpsed he could only recognize two. Those events had indeed occurred somewhere in the past and he had first-hand knowledge of them.

In fact, he was present for one of them and even played a key role in its undoing.

[The fall of Luna Empire??] he muttered under his breath. (Ch 1065)

"It knowssss!" a voice came from his immediate left.

"There you are, I was looking for you on the other side!" Baba Jedza called out impatiently.

Hao Xuan peered in its direction only to see a 4-meter-wide brass shield being pulled out from under the bridge by an army of slimy tentacles.

There were at least a few hundred thick tentacles flopping around but he couldn't see what they attached to since the shield blocked his view.