
The darkness Within

In every movies the protagonist are always be the one who solves the problems but have you ever thought that what if the protagonist is the one who needed help? Beatrice Finley is a girl who is everything what you wished for, but she is a mysterious one. She’s a girl who is seen to have a happy go lucky life, but oh boy… how wrong they could be, they always said that someone who is always smiling is the one who had a hurting heart… well, when you really focused closely to Beatrice you could see that all of the emotion she expressed is all fake but behind those fake emotions had something dark hidden within and behind all those things is someone screaming for help. Will someone manage to help her before it’s too late or will Beatrice fall into darkness forever…

Yoku_Manimeian · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Chapter 10: Regret

Please! Don't kill us! We'll do anything!"


"Don't come near us! You're a monster!"


"Mother! Father! Please! Please don't leave me! Don't die please!"






Blood, corpse, and destruction, as the sky was red because of the destruction. That's the only thing that could be seen around the place, whether it is a child, teenager, or an adult, the mafia could careless, Beatrice stood in the middle of all the corpses.

She was covered in blood, not her blood but the blood of the people she killed under the command of her boss, the mafia's boss to be exact.

She stared blankly at her surroundings as she started walking, when she did so, she heard a voice, a female voice that is too familiar to her, the voice of her mother, Cordelia Finley.


"Beatrice… come…"

The said girl look-around frankly as the voice echoed around the place.


The voice called again, Beatrice frowned as she couldn't find the source of her mother's voice. She didn't have other choice but to call whoever the one is the owner of that voice that sound so like of her mother's voice.

"Who-?! WHOEVER THE ONE THAT IS CALLING ME! SHOW YOURSELF!" Beatrice yelled, her voice echoed around the place. She run around the place, she was eager to meet whoever is calling her as she had a high hope that it was her mother who is calling her. Since it's been awhile, years to be exact, that she once saw her mother awake and wasn't in a coma.

The place turned into an eerily quiet one. The only thing the could be heard is Beatrice own breathing, as the place temperature dropped.

"Beatrice… how could you…"

The said girl turned around and saw her mother making her cry in happiness. "Mom!" But the next word of her mother broke her heart.


Beatrice was stunned, she couldn't do anything in her situation right now, they were right she is a monster. But for some reason, she didn't feel the person in front of her as her mother at all, these feeling give her the courage to speak. "What do you mean mom? I didn't do anything wrong…" Sadness took over Beatrice's emotions.

"I'm disappointed Beatrice… you could do better than these without killing any people that didn't do anything wrong in your life."

Beatrice look down in regret, she knows that her mother's words are true, she can just apply into some store or something, other than killing people, but it's too late now, what's done is already done, she can't turn the time back just like the fictional characters in the movie, Beatrice chuckled bitterly.


Her mother yelled the word 'monster' repeatedly as she started getting farther and farther away from Beatrice, when Beatrice noticed, she chased after her mother.



"MOM!" Beatrice woke up as she screamed, alerting the person beside her, the said person was Crisanto, he hadn't left her since he woke up and discharged out of the hospital, he had a bandage wrapped around his head as he was peeling the apple.

When he heard Beatrice screamed he immediately went to her aid and hugged her, Beatrice hugged Crisanto back as she sobbed on his shirt, but Crisanto didn't mind it, Beatrice is his friend and she needs his help. Even though it was bitter for him to call Beatrice his friend, she still didn't know what he felt to her and he was also confused of his feelings too, the most important to him now that Beatrice is safe and in his arms.

Crisanto was comforting Beatrice and tell her some sweet words just so he can calm her down. The two didn't manage to notice that the door of the hospital room that Beatrice was charged in creaked open a little, as Beatrice father watched the scene unfold.

He could tell that Beatrice was close to the boy, and the boy didn't have any ill intentions towards his daughter, all he see was a genuine-feelings from the two of them.

Edward smiled at the scene that he was seeing, as he closed the door quietly. 'It's better to just leave the two of them alone for now, and it seems that I was just too overprotective of her after all. I should apologize to her when she get discharged out of the hospital.' He thought as he walked towards the stairs to go and visit his wife.

When Edward arrived to her wife's hospital room, he closed opened the door, the sight of his wife bedridden for years made him regret the words that he said to his daughter more. She's probably lonely that's why she started befriending someone.

"Please recover sooner dear, I don't know how long can I handle Beatrice dear. You're the only one who could understand her." Edmond stated as he stroked Cordelia's hair.

He then leaned forward and kissed Cordelia's forehead and left her room with a sad sigh.

'How I wish there would be a miracle that will happen.' Thought Edward as he walked out of the hospital, but when he get outside, he saw his daughter Beatrice waiting for him next to his car.

"Your late." Beatrice frowned.

"Why are you outside of your room from the hospital?" Beatrice father Edward asked with a stern voice as he raised his brow.

"I was discharged when the doctor said that my body was miraculously healed quicker than what they had expected. But, I still need to go on a weekly check-ups." Beatrice answered as she went in the car and soon after followed by her father.

Her father drove the car and it was a quiet ride, not until Edward ruined it. "Beatrice… about what I said… I'm really sorry that I said those words to you." Beatrice look towards her father in surprise, but her father focused his eyes to the road, not wanting the past to repeat the past incident, he will definitely not going to let the past repeat again.

Beatrice thought back about what Crisanto said to her in the hospital after she calmed down from crying.