

Here’s the story of a jerk reincarnating himself into a "fantastic" world after being crushed by truck-sama. Our dear bastard will then have in this other shitty world, a wonderful system, which will help him in his quest for domination of this new world! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah i know the story may seem cliche in itself but i hope you will like to hate the main character ! (By cons I warn, my English is really bad, so be prepared to have some spelling mistakes, and also if you find this novel on the site scribblehub, it’s normal, I also put it there)

Ga_Guma · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Chapter 7 : UNKNOWN ?!

After pushing us all over the place, the adults in black took us to a door, they said our names so we could go inside, some of the kids would come out, some of the kids would stay inside, and we didn't know what had happened to them, I didn't know if it was best to stay there or go out...

"-Cheh Xolov"

It's my turn, I walk in front of the door, I go in, an old woman with the look of witches asks me to move forward, and then I see behind her a pile of dead children, I realize that it was all the children who had not gone out, I immediately said to myself, that I have to get out of this place, no matter what.

The old skin catches me and repeats a kind of strange formula by closing the eyes, then when they open them, it first remains frozen and then moves away from me, as if I were a demon... Before I whisper:

"say status" that I did, and a window appeared before me,


So I read the window more carefully;

Name : Cheh Arsturia

Age : ???

species : unknown

title : host of the darkness lord system

HP : unknown

MP : unknown

STR : unknown

INT : unknown

VIT : unknown

AGI : unknown

SKILLS : unknown


UNKNOWN ?! What is this? Why is my status so unclear?! EVEN MY SPECIES IS UNKNOWN! WHAT THE HELL?!

And why is my last name different?!

After the old person tested me, she said a word that I did not understand and adults in black entered inside the room, then took me to the same place that the children had gone earlier.

We were all lined up in the military, and in front of us was a podium with a young girl on it, dressed in a big pink dress, like those of the nasillard princesses of Disney films.

A few hours passed, while all the children arrived, then she spoke, like a host of a TV show:

"-Hello children! Here is the one and only princess of the kingdom of Igdrasia!!! You are all here today, for your two-year training in the dungeon! The dungeon is in fact a GIGANTIC maze, full of pitfalls, traps, half-humans, and monsters! The goal is to survive by finding the exit! Those who do not succeed in two years, will be abandoned, and will never be able to leave! Good luck with that."

Then magic circles appeared under our feet, and we all fell into a hole taking us into the dungeon.