
The Darkness Birth

Once upon a time, in the celestial realm of the Celestial Planet, angels thrived in a paradise of harmony and serenity. However, their tranquility was shattered when demons from the underworld launched a devastating assault, sparking the "Great Celestial War". In a bid to end the conflict, "the Ten of Gods and Goddesses" brokered a mysterious pact with "the Demon Government." As part of the agreement, humans were born on the holiest land of the Celestial Planet, ushering in a fragile peace between angels and demons. Yet, beneath the surface, tensions simmered, threatening to unravel the delicate balance of celestial power. Ten thousand years later, in the depths of the cursed forest, Mysterieux was born from the essence of darkness itself. With enigmatic origins and boundless power, his emergence signaled a new era of uncertainty in the celestial realm. As he ventured forth, his pitch black eyes filled with ancient wisdom and untold secrets, the celestial realm braced for the impact of his presence, knowing that the arrival of Mysterieux would forever alter the course of celestial history. (Note: Im using chatGPT assistance to fix my grammar. So if there is a paragraph or sentence that doesn't connect to the story or others reason, don't be shy to give me feedback ^_^) (Note 2: all the ideas for the story are mine, I only use chatGPT to fix my grammar and make it detailed so you can read it.)

Mister_T · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Time skip 2.

As Aneye delved into the history of the Titan Nation, Mysterieux listened intently, eager to learn more about this ancient and powerful civilization.

At the head of the Titan Nation stood King Uranus, a mighty ruler whose authority extended over the vast expanses of the celestial realm. Alongside him stood Queen Gaia, his consort and partner in governance, whose wisdom and grace complemented Uranus's strength and power.

Aneye went on to explain that the Titan Nation was comprised of six brothers, each possessing unique powers and responsibilities within the realm:

1. Kronos, the first brother, wielded the power of time and destiny, shaping the course of history with his divine authority.

2. Koios, the second brother, possessed great knowledge and insight, guiding the Titan Nation with his wisdom and foresight.

3. Krios, the third brother, was a master of strategy and warfare, leading the Titan armies to victory against their enemies.

4. Lapetos, the fourth brother, commanded the forces of nature, controlling the elements and shaping the world to his will.

5. Hyperion, the fifth brother, radiated with the power of the sun, illuminating the heavens and bringing warmth and light to the Titan Nation.

6. Okeanos, the sixth brother, ruled over the seas and oceans, commanding the waves and currents with his mighty trident.

Together, these six brothers formed the backbone of the Titan Nation, each contributing their unique talents and abilities to the prosperity and strength of their civilization. Under their rule, the Titan Nation flourished, becoming a beacon of power and influence in the celestial realm.

As Mysterieux absorbed this information, he marveled at the complexity and grandeur of the Titan Nation, eager to learn more about its history and legacy. With Aneye as his guide, Mysterieux embarked on a journey of discovery, uncovering the secrets and mysteries of this ancient and storied civilization.

As Aneye continued his explanation, Mysterieux listened intently, fascinated by the intricate details of Poseidon and Okeanos's realms.

Poseidon, the god of the seas, ruled over what was known as the Celestial Sea—a vast expanse of water that stretched across the celestial realm. In Poseidon's domain, the sea appeared much like any other, with its shimmering blue waters and gentle waves. However, beneath its serene surface lay a world teeming with life and wonder, where creatures of all shapes and sizes thrived in harmony.

On the other hand, Okeanos presided over the Ancient Ocean—an untamed and mysterious realm filled with monstrous creatures and ancient beasts. Unlike Poseidon's domain, Okeanos's sea was a place of danger and intrigue, where the depths concealed secrets beyond imagination. Here, colossal sea monsters roamed freely, from the legendary Kraken to the awe-inspiring Leviathan, each ruling over its own domain within the vast expanse of the Ancient Ocean.

Despite their differences, both Poseidon and Okeanos wielded immense power over their respective seas, guiding and protecting the creatures that called them home. Together, they ensured the balance and harmony of the oceans, each fulfilling their role as stewards of the watery depths.

As Aneye painted this vivid picture of Poseidon and Okeanos's realms, Mysterieux couldn't help but marvel at the sheer diversity and majesty of the celestial seas. With each new revelation, he felt a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the natural world and the beings that inhabited it.

As Mysterieux rose from his seat, Aneye watched him with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. The enigmatic figure before him exuded an aura of mystery, leaving Aneye to ponder the secrets that lay hidden within.

Aneye: "Where are you off to, Mr. Mysterieux?"Mysterieux's response was cryptic yet decisive, his words tinged with an air of purpose.

Mysterieux: "I've no further inquiries for now, Aneye. Your knowledge has been invaluable. Thank you. But I have matters to attend to." With that, he vanished into thin air, leaving behind nothing but a lingering trace of dark energy.

Left alone beneath the tranquil shade of the tree, Aneye resumed his quiet contemplation, savoring the remnants of their conversation as he savored his tea.

Meanwhile, in the bustling streets of Kafu Town, Mysterieux materialized within a dimly lit alleyway.

Shadows danced around him as he emerged from the darkness, his presence unnoticed by the passersby who bustled about their daily lives.

With purposeful strides, Mysterieux made his way towards the Hunter Guild, a beacon of activity amidst the otherwise tranquil surroundings. The once-quiet establishment now buzzed with the energy of hunters preparing for their next adventure.

Upon entering the guild, Mysterieux was greeted by the familiar warmth of camaraderie and laughter. Hunters of all ranks mingled, their voices blending into a symphony of excitement and anticipation.

Elara, the guild's ever-friendly receptionist, spotted Mysterieux's arrival and welcomed him with a genuine smile.

As Mysterieux stood before the guild counter, the murmurs of the other hunters filled the air, their whispers tinged with admiration and curiosity.

"Haven't seen him in ages..."

"Legendary Hunter, right?"

"He's the one who defeated those demon soldiers single-handedly, isn't he?"

Despite the attention he garnered, Mysterieux remained unfazed, his focus fixed solely on Elara as she greeted him warmly.

Elara: "Welcome back, Mr. Mysterieux!"

Mysterieux acknowledged her with a nod, his expression calm and composed. As he approached the counter, he couldn't help but notice the hushed conversations that erupted among the hunters.

Mysterieux: "I see my presence has stirred up some excitement."

Elara: "Yes, indeed! Congratulations on your promotion to political minister, Mr. Mysterieux. But what brings you back to the Hunter Guild? Shouldn't you be attending to your duties in Labentia City?"

Mysterieux's response was cryptic yet deliberate, his words hinting at a deeper purpose behind his unexpected visit.

Mysterieux: "While my responsibilities as a political minister are paramount, there are times when duty calls me back to the path of a hunter."

Elara's astonishment was palpable as she struggled to comprehend Mysterieux's decision.

Elara: "W-w-what? But... why, Mysterieux? What could possibly compel you to return to hunting?"

Mysterieux's answer was simple yet profound, his demeanor unwavering in the face of Elara's disbelief.

Mysterieux: "As a political minister, my duty is to serve the people. And sometimes, that means embracing the call to adventure once more."

Elara's initial shock gave way to a warm smile, her gratitude evident in her expression.

Elara: "Thank you, Mysterieux. For everything you've done for us here at the guild. Your presence has always been a beacon of inspiration to us all."

With those heartfelt words, Mysterieux's resolve was reaffirmed, his path as a hunter once again illuminated by the camaraderie and spirit of adventure that permeated the guild hall.

As Mysterieux bid his farewell to Elara and the bustling atmosphere of the Hunter Guild, a sense of purpose emanated from his every step. With a nod of acknowledgment to the hunters who whispered in awe of his departure, Mysterieux exited the guild hall, his silhouette framed by the dimly lit alleyway outside.

Elara watched him go with a mixture of admiration and respect, her smile a silent tribute to the enigmatic adventurer who had graced their guild with his presence once more.

Elara: "Goodbye, Mysterieux. May your journey be filled with success and triumph."

Mysterieux's departure was as sudden as his arrival, his form enveloped by the shadows as he vanished into the night. All that remained was the lingering echo of his enigmatic presence, leaving behind only whispers of his legendary exploits and the indelible mark he had left on the hearts of those he had touched.

Mysterieux appeared in Alia's shadow, startling her as he materialized beside her. Alia's initial shock quickly melted into a warm embrace as she welcomed him home.

Alia: "You scared me! But I'm glad you're back, Father."

Mysterieux: "It's good to be home. Where is everyone?"

Alia: "They're still at work. You should rest, Father." Mysterieux nodded and settled onto the couch. He reached for the remote and turned on the TV, greeted by a breaking news report.

News Anchor: "In a momentous event, Zeus and Thor clash in an epic battle on the Empty Field, a testing ground for the Ten of Gods and Goddesses to showcase their powers." As the anchor narrated the unfolding spectacle, the screen displayed the two divine warriors, each poised for combat. Zeus appeared youthful with azure eyes, long white hair, and two wings sprouting from his back, adorned in a white robe that accentuated his muscular physique. Meanwhile, Thor, with golden eyes and brown hair, mirrored Zeus's attire and exuded an air of formidable strength.

Alia: "This is what we've been waiting for!" Alia enthused, joining Mysterieux on the couch, eager to witness the clash of titans.

As Mysterieux's inquisitive mind sought understanding, he probed Alia about the intricacies of the recording process, his brow furrowed in thought.

Alia: always eager to share her knowledge, launched into a detailed explanation "Ah, the recording process is a marvel in itself! We utilize specialized anti-lightning drones, graciously bestowed upon us by none other than Zeus and Thor. These drones boast unparalleled technology, equipped with lenses capable of an astonishing 10,000× zoom. To ensure safety and capture the full scope of the event, they're stationed a staggering 10,000 kilometers away from the epicenter of the action. The vast expanse of the Empty Field serves as the perfect stage for such a monumental clash of power." Mysterieux absorbed her words, nodding in appreciation at the ingenuity involved.

The scene seamlessly transitioned to the expansive emptiness of the field, where Zeus and Thor stood as titanic figures, their presence commanding the attention of all who beheld them.

Zeus: the embodiment of regal confidence, broke the silence with a smirk playing upon his lips "Greetings, dear brother Thor."

Thor: his grip tightening around Mjolnir, responded with a thunderous voice that echoed across the heavens "Zeus, it has been too long since our last encounter!" As if in response to his words, the clouds above darkened, crackling with the anticipation of the imminent clash between the gods.

Zeus: "Ah, Thor, always one for dramatic entrances. No warm embrace for your elder brother?"

Thor, his frustration barely concealed beneath a veneer of composure, retorted with determination: "Enough banter, Zeus! I shall assert my rightful place as the ruler of the Gods and Goddesses!"

With a mighty swing of Mjolnir, Thor launched his first strike, aiming squarely for Zeus's right hip. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, kicking up a tempest of dust and debris as Zeus was sent hurtling across the field. Yet, even as the dust settled, Zeus reappeared behind Thor in a display of unparalleled speed and cunning.

Zeus: "An admirable effort, dear brother," Zeus remarked, his voice tinged with amusement. "But alas, your opening gambit falls short. Now, it is my turn to claim what is rightfully mine." Thor, his senses on high alert, braced himself for the ensuing battle, knowing that the clash of cosmic energies would shake the very foundations of the heavens.