
The Darklord Is A Boy

The Young Darklord needs to go to school, but needs to dress as a girl to hide his identity.

Chanwat · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

QI Test

"Wake up." A voice said.

I didn't recognise it at first so i just mumbled "Dad?"

"Dad? No it's me Ye Lin, Dummy. Now get up or else we'll be late.'' She said softly

"Okay." I mumbled and got up.

I didn't need to change clothes because i never put on my pajamas.

"Oh, You're already dressed up. C'mon We have 5 minutes." She said whilst waiting at the door.

(We go outside.)

She started running again.

It was hard to catch up.

(In the classroom)

all out of breath i said down, Ye Lin was not even slightly worked up.

"Good, your here" The old teacher said.

"This lesson is going to be a QI Test to see if you need extra training or maybe even less."

"Follow me to the pond."

(At the pond)

"Alright, Let's begin with rollcall." The old teacher said

"Ye Lin"


"Komi Saba"


"Chan Chai"


"Lie Mu"


It keeps going until everbody's name has been called.

"Alright, in today's lesson you are going against a random person. To start the duel you need to state your name and what clan you are from." The old teacher said

"Now here are the people fighting. Up first: Ye Lin Vs Lie Mu.

"Fight" The Old lady said.

The fight was happening, Ye Lin was winning at first, But then Lie Mu Turned the table by using 'Undead Rising' creating zombies. Grabing Ye Lin from under the ground.

"Is this allowed?!" Somebody said.

The old teacher simply said: "Everything except matial arts are allowed."

Ye Lin Turned the tables back around by jumpiing out of the grasp of the zombies then using a shockwave tactic to push Lie Mu out of the circle.

"10 Points for Ye Lin. -10 Points for Lie Mu" The teacher said cheerfuly

''Tan Qiang Vs Ren Shaung"

The two people start dueling.

I didn't really pay attention anymore until i heard my name being called

"Chan Chai Vs Komi Saba" The Teacher said with an evil grin.

I Walk into the circle, And this elagent Young lady with beautyful long white hair is already standing there. She was really stunning.

"I Komi Saba From the Komi Clan. Am Your opponment"

"I'm Chan Chai, Clanless. Am Your opponment'"

''Clanless!?'' a classmate said.

"How did you even get in this school." Another said.

"Shut-up evertybody! Now Fight!"

"Clanless Scum" Komi Saba said with aggresion

She jumps at me using her family's Move (Fire Fist) But i just use the Shockwave tactic i copied from Ye Lin to push her back trowing her out of the circle.

everybody was shocked. The teacher look was croocked.

"Alright, Everyone let's head back." The Teacher said whilst looking at me.

(At the classroom)

"Class Dismissed" The teacher said.

I stood up.

"Please, sit down Chan Chai." The Teacher said with a big smile

"I'll wait at our dorm." Ye Lin Wispered with a wink

The Teacher walked to my desk.

"Just how did you do that?" The Teacher asked refering to me copying Ye Lin's move

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently.

"You Know DAMN WELL. What i mean" She said with big mean eyes.

I started tearing up because big baby ig.

"Don't Cry. You're 13 right."

I Just nod.

"Your paper says:, No Parents, No Clan. Just how did you end up here."

''Th- Th- The Headmaster.'' I Replied innocently with tears in my eyes.

"He is a crazy man, I'll say that." She said whilst thinking about how i got an exceptence letter.


Principle: "You look cute, Here."

You: "Thank You?"

(End Thought.)

"Anyway, How did you just copy Ye Lin's Move?" She said.

"It was easy!" I awnsered with enthusiasm.

"Then Teach me, But everytime you teach me something incorrectly i yell at you." She said enjoying the situation.

A lot of yelling later i return to the dorms at a late hour looking al depressed with tears in my eyes and covered in dirt from trying to run away.

Al the lights were still on in our dorm.

I enter the dorm.

"How was it'' She said picking through my luggage.

She turns around and sees me standing there in the doorway

"OMG! What happened to you!" She looked shocked by my apperence. (Dirty asf)

"Wanna go to the bathhouse?" You ask her looking sad.

"Yea- Yeah, Sure C'mon."