

Karzan empire where people with mana, power and divine power exist and of course so does devils, monster, beast, dragon.

It's a world straight out of a fantasy novel. The empire was established by Karzen some 800 years ago.

And Rodriguez is one of the most influential family of karzen empire. And I sierra had possessed the youngest daughter of now current Duke of Rodriguez, Estelle serena Rodriguez.

I was an assassin in my previous life. Kidnapped at a young age, tormented and molded into a perfect killer. I died while destroying the whole base. It was a kind of institution where they either buy, kidnap or adopt children and turned them into assassin. And I was the deadliest of all.

I don't have any feeling about my death. Frankly I don't care whether I cease to exist or not. But here I am possessing this girl body.


After blasting the whole Institute I opened my eyes here. A white ceiling was the first thing that came into my view. My head was throbbing like someone is hammering it from inside and my body felt heavy.

I moved my body to sit and the whole room came into my view. An European style room with big bed, sofa and dressing table. It was rather simple and neat room. Although simple with bare amount of decoration and furniture you could tell it belong to someone rich from the size. I looked outside the window and it was night time.

"I was supposed to be dead. Did someone save me. No way . It's not possible to save me from that blast".

I murmured while trying to get up from the bed. I felt the throbbing pain coming back and I stood still. After few seconds I became normal.

I walked towards the mirror and looked. It wasn't me it was someone else standing in front.

The girl had long navy blue hair, hazel eyes with gold flecks, full plump pink lips, straight nose, slender shoulder and an hourglass body. She was a beauty and no not an extraordinary one but beautiful nevertheless.

I took few strands of hair and looked at it. It was indeed navy blue. I looked at my reflection again in the mirror and a girl with blue hair and hazel eyes was looking back at me.

It's a confirm fact that it's not me since I had short brown hair and black eyes. So who exactly is this girl and where is it.

The door of the room opened and a girl in her mid twenties came inside. She was shocked for a second and then returned to normal. From her dress she seems to be the maid.

"You woke up. I will inform the Duke just lay on the bed and dont cause trouble".

She went out after saying that. From her attitude it seems like the owner of this body is not very liked by everyone. For a maid to be like this I guess her family is a bunch of scoundrel. Not that I care about them.

I looked at my reflection again forcing my brain to remember the information. But to no avail. I shrugged my shoulder and went back to bed. I will think about it later I am kind of tired right now.

After sometime the door opened and a man in mid 40s entered the room. He had ginger hair and hazel eyes. He was tall approx 1.84m.

"Being unconscious for two days because of drowning what a problematic child. Tsk".

" The lady is born weak master".

The other guy who came along with him said. From his attire he seemed to be a servant.

"What's good about being weak. To think she is one of the Rodriguez. She is nothing but a disgrace. You, haven't I told you to live quietly. Don't cause a ruckus".

He said and went off while the servant went after him calling "Duke".

I guess he was Duke Rodriguez and I am his daughter but still that wasn't enough to clarify anything about my identity. But I was right this family is a bunch of scoundrels.

He doesn't even care about his daughter who drowned for God knows how, well whatever. It's not like I care. I don't know what happened to this girl but now I am gonna live in her place.

I slept thinking that. The next morning when I woke up I regained the memories of this body just like that.

The girl name is Estelle serena Rodriguez, the youngest and illegitimate child of Duke Kalcion Edward Rodriguez.

In a world full of power she is a normal human with no mana, power or divine power.

Rodriguez is a family which have produced excellent mages. The current Duke is an excellent fire mage with abundance of mana. His affinity with fire is better than anyone in the empire. Her mother is a water mage.

Her brother is an ice mage and also a good swordsman. While her sister is an alchemist.

Alchemist is greater than mages. They use mana to create something out of nothing. Alchemist have purest mana.

Divine power is given by the God. People with divine power can heal and eradicate monsters. People with divine power have to be registered in the temple. Same as mages have to me registered in the mage tower and alchemist in the imperial Palace. But compare to divine power holders mages and alchemist are rather free.

There are also swordsman with aura it's similar to mana. Nothing much different except they can't cast spell.

But the most powerful of all are the people who posses power. It derives directly from nature. Mana and even divine power can get exhausted but not power. And people who hold them are rather free. They don't need to register themselves to use it.

People with power are treated like a formidable person not to mess with. Their population is rather low though.

The imperial family have power but not all of them. Only the prince or princess with power have the authority to fight for the throne. The current king has the power of wood and fire.

In a family like that Estelle is quite pitiful, you could imagine. Such powerful family and here she is with no power, mana or anything of sort.