
Chapter 8

Phae ran for her life.

She didn't even know if any mages had followed her through the portal, but a deep, primal force told her to keep on running.

She followed a path heading roughly eastwards before it came to an end and she continued her journey cross-country. Every so often a sharp pain would take her by surprise and she would find herself disappearing, or perhaps running twice as fast, or even at times not even running at all but floating in the direction she wished to head. Her magics were out of control and there was no knowing when they might change again and increase the chances of her capture. At least she wasn't a shining beacon of light anymore.

Reaching a small copse of trees, Phae stopped at the first tree she reach and leaned against it, panting hard. Far in the distance to the east she could just make out the first rays of dawn breaking on the horizon which meant it wouldn't be long before her father learnt of her disappearance and started on her trail. She looked down into her hands to see what meagre packages of food she had managed to keep hold of as she ran. She must have dropped at least half her supplies on the way, which didn't bode well for her when all the wizards in the realm might be on her trail, but she would just have to make do.

As her breathing slowed and her heart stopped beating so loudly she greedily set to work devouring the first of her food parcels. Only one packet. If she was really careful, she might just make it to the Lake in that time.

She turned now towards the west in search of any sign of pursuit. Though she couldn't see anyone on her trail just yet, she didn't want to take any risks. She turned to face the north-east a direction she knew from memory would lead her towards the Lake. Without a second thought, she continued on her way.


Hours passed, and as they did so the last of Phae's energy reserves were gradually depleted. The sun was nearing its midday peak and before she knew what had come over her, she ravenously finished off the last of her rations. She dearly would have loved a sip of water, but she had lost her water-skin when she had lost her pack, and she was a long way from anywhere she could get another. Only the distant possibility of the enchanted Lake offered any hope of quenching her thirst, and that was still another day's travel away.

A wave of tiredness swept over her. Though she knew she had a long way to go, she couldn't help but find herself drifting slowly, inexorably, into a deep, deep sleep


In a flash of brilliant golden light Varrus, dark emissary of the destroyer-of-worlds returned from death to walk once more in the realm of those who drew breath. Lightning crackled and sparks of magical energy cascaded from the heavens to bring him back from his hidden purgatory at the behest of the evil star-god.

In a heartbeat the lightning stopped and the shower of sparks ceased. His body aching and weak, Varrus took a tentative step forward and surveyed the land before him. He was in the realm of men once more. In the distance he could make out the neat rectangular outlines of human farms with outbuildings scattered between them. If he strained his sight hard enough he could just make out the shapes of men and women working the fields.

He took a deep breath of the warm summer air. There had been a fog recently and probably a storm too for the air was still damp from the mist. Goodness it felt good to be alive again to be able to breathe, to smell.

Varrus' hand instinctively reached for his belt. He was grateful to find the magical sword Nu'ra still at his side. It had cost him a great deal to obtain the fabled sword, and though the Lintari now had its twin, it remained one of the most potent weapons in the realm. He caressed its hilt as he began to search for an unwitting victim.

Though outwardly at least he appeared the same as he did in his former life, he could sense he wasn't quite the same as he once was. His reserves of magic were vastly depleted and he knew he would have to obtain more if he was to return to his former strength. Not that he had ever been beyond murder to take the power he needed

Just then a scent reached him that was at once familiar to him, yet at the same time slightly different. It pulled him in the direction of a small outcrop of trees less than a mile off. Something told him what he'd find when he got there would make his journey more than worthwhile.

Slowly, carefully, he took another step forward. As he did so he felt his whole body creak under the effort of movement. It had been far too long since he had last walked in the land of mortals, yet with each step he felt the life of old returning to his ancient limbs, filling him with a vigour he had not felt for centuries. Not since he first took the robes of the mage under the tutelage of the corrupt wizards of Asturia had he felt so much energy so much love for life.

So, this is what it feels to be alive!

He gasped as he spotted the curled-up form of a young girl sleeping deeply in a small alcove beside a tree. Her thin, fragile frame made her look perhaps anything up to five years younger than she really was, but even without the majority of his former powers, Varrus could sense he was confronted by a creature of supreme power.

He stared thoughtfully at the girl; watched intently the slow rhythmic movements of her chest as she breathed. He took a step closer to her. She didn't stir. He took another step, and then another. He leaned over her until he was so close he could feel her breath on his cheek. So close now he could see just how small and fragile she really was a being of awesome power trapped in the body of a young girl.

Scared. She was scared alright he could smell it. The smell of fear hung like a musk on her body that pleased him and told him how best he could exploit her.

I wonder what she's doing here

Varrus considered the young girl more closely now. He drew in a deep lungful of her own expended air and tasted it on the tip of his tongue. There was something familiar in her scent that much was clear but there was something else too, something in the way she looked.

The girl slept so deeply Varrus didn't give second thought to turning her head gently in his hand so she faced him fully and he could stare intently at her slumbering features. He gasped as a hint of recognition dawned on him.

"It can't be," he muttered to himself. "Surely not"

He examined the girl once more. The scent certainly matched, and the power did too now he thought about it.

A cruel smile formed on his thin lips as he realised the true value of his prize. Skargyr had been most generous in his gift, and most meticulous in his plan. Varrus would not let such a precious gift go to waste.

Slowly, carefully, he reached towards the slumbering form