
Chapter 20

Callum stared into the distance through tired, half-closed eyes. He hadn't slept properly for weeks and as their cart trundled tediously on its way he would find his head sagging forward and his eyes threatening to close. But each time they did so, a bump or a jolt would snap him awake and so the cycle would continue. The cold certainly didn't help matters either.

Why was it so cold in the middle of summer?

He raised his head and stared long and hard at the dark blotch that continued to grow in the sky. It was almost like it was sucking up the energy of the world itself the weather was so strange. He couldn't help but think this all had something to do with Phae

In the back of the cart, Aaron dozed fitfully.

Seated beside him, Lena too stared at the sky.

Callum shivered as a particularly biting wind swept across the valley they were driving through. Lena reached behind her and produced a blanket. She put it round him.

"You really should try and get some rest you know," she said gently. "It'll do no one any good when we finally find out whatever's going on and you're too tired to act."

Callum raised a faint smile. If it wasn't for his two friends he didn't know what he'd do right now. As much as he felt compelled to stay awake and offer Lena what little company he could, with the blanket wrapped tightly around him, he felt himself drifting off to sleep.

He slept for the rest of the day and most of the night as well, until Aaron finally shook him awake for his turn on watch. He rubbed his eyes tiredly as they adjusted to the dark of the night.

He looked over to where Lena lay curled up beside a small fire his companions must have lit while he was still asleep. Callum clicked his fingers absently as he considered their situation. Their morale was at rock bottom, but since they had changed their course at least they felt like they had a purpose that they were taking an active step to try and alter their fate. Despite his fading sight and her failing magics, both Aaron and Lena had been stalwart in their resolve to continue on to whatever end their path might lead them to. Together they could conquer any enemy; defeat any challenge. The problem they faced however, was working out how.

He looked up to the sky as he continued to absently click his fingers.

It was an annoying habit he had developed over the past few months, but since he had started to study the powers of the elements more closely of late, it was one he just couldn't shake. Sparks crackled between his fingers as he did so.


Callum considered waking the others, but thought better of it. He sat in silence as he stared at his hands.