
Chapter Forty.

Ariana's POV -

I wake up with pain soaring through my temples all the way down into my body. Every muscle is on fire and I wither in pain, only just noticing I'm lying on a filthy floor. I remember the car crash, seeing blood drip down Alex's face, hear Caleb's cries for help. . .

And then I remember the hands that took me.

"Alex?!" I yell, sitting up straight. I blink until my vision clears and when it does, I've never felt fear like it before. I'm lying on a floor in a small dark room, the only light coming from a muted lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. The floor is covered in dirt, inches thick with black grime. The brick walls are cold all around me and there's no windows. The sickening scent of thick damp hangs heavy in the air. A metal fire door in the far corner of the room catches my attention and I slowly stand to my feet, my heart thumping wildly against my chest.