
The dark side of the Supernatural.

Twenty two years ago Samantha and Deanna Miller's lost their mother to a mysterious demonic supernatural force. In the years after, their father, John, taught them about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and back roads of America... and he taught them how to kill it. Samantha and Deanna are headed to Miami Florida, home to Hemingway hurricanes, and a whole lot of fog. Soon the two sisters will be face to face with God's wife the Darkness. And the Almighty God himself. Can Samantha and Deanna stop the Darkness from killing God and save the world? Or will the Darkness take her revenge out on God?

TravisLaRowe23x · ไซไฟ
4 Chs

(Getting out of prison. )

Chapter two:

Billions of years after the Darkness imprisonment, with Freya's help and the Book of the Damned, the Mark was removed, but the Darkness was also unleashed. The Dark took a newborn born baby girl as her vessel, and came to be known as Eden. She began feeding on human souls and demons in order to grow. Once in adulthood, she began searching for her husband God, demanding that he show himself so they could settle their score, which she referred to as the oldest score.