

Marriage , the basic necessity of life but a nightmare for Kajal - a gamophobic . She starts having delusions about her in-laws and fiancè that they have another dark , evil side which shall be shown to her only in private . Now its upto Madhu , her fiancè to convince her that marriage is not as scary as she thinks it is and they can lead a happy life . Let's join them in their journey from a crazy wedding to a destined married life .

Sweety_Patibandla · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs


" Ok , so that's the problem . I get it Kaju , don't worry I will settle your problem . Rest assured . " Nandu said after listening to Kajal .

Kajal replies anxiously , " No ! There's nothing to settle . Just ..... just cancel the wedding . That's the only solution . Madhu and his family are not correct for me . We will look for some other groom . We ....."

Nandu stops Kajal mid sentence and holds her hand . She then says , " Kaju , let me handle this ok ? Running away and avoiding Madhu or marriage is not the solution dear . Trust me . I know what I am doing . Stop sulking and get ready now . I will get someone to meet you in an hour's time . "

Kajal says , " Masi but ..."

Nandu says sternly , " No buts . Now get ready . Shoo ! "

At the same time , Madhu was anxiously pacing around his living room . He thinks , " Why is Kajal avoiding me ? What ... what if she doesn't love me and wants to back out ? No no no . How is that possible ? Didn't she willingly accept my proposal ? Why will she back out now . Maybe she's in some problem and doesn't want to share that with me ? Oh God ! That's even more of a bigger problem ! If she's not willing to share her problems with me that means she doesn't trust me . It was with great difficulty that I proposed her and she accepted me . Or else I would still be the best friend standing at the sidelines and decorating the Mandap while watching his love of life getting cosy and married to someone else , while I sulk in a corner with no one even noticing that I exist ! No I can't lose her this way . I won't be the Mandap sajane wala in her wedding . I will be her groom but ..... what if she needs space ? Should I go and talk to her ? No I will wait . I respect her privacy ! But how can I sit and do nothing ? No , I trust her but .... what if she really is in a problem and not telling me ? Or worse what if she's getting cold feet ? Aaaahhhhhhh !! What should I do ? I'll do one thing ! I'll go and talk to her but as her best friend not like her fiancè . Yes ! That should do ! I'll do it this way . "

Just as Madhu takes his bike keys and opens the door , Nadu comes into the house uninvited .

Madhu is surprised to see her and asks , " Nandu maasi ....?! what are you doing here ? And how is Kaju ? Is she fine ? Why is she avoiding me ? Does ..... does she want to back out from the wedding ? Is she in some problem and doesn't want to tell me about it ? Is she even alright ? Why aren't you saying something ? Tell me ! Is everything ok ? Is .... "

Nandu shouts , " Will you let me speak ? You are asking so many questions and not giving me any time to speak let alone explain the situation ?!! "

Madhu says embarrassedly , " I'm sorry , by you know that I am concerned about Kaju and I have no idea why she's avoiding me ? It's just I'm scared that I'm not good enough for her and she'll leave me . "

Nandu says , " Well , I won't say you're not good enough for our Kaju . In fact , I think you are the best choice for her but there might be a huge problem regarding your wedding . "

Madhu asks cautiously , " What do you mean ? "

Nandu takes a deep breath and says seriously , " There's a good possibility that your wedding could be cancelled . "