
Bloody impact

"Where have you been!"

Dumbfounded by his servant's attitude Acacius blinked once and then twice for good measure.

''Excuse me if I'm mistaken but I was under the impression that I am the emperor of this empire and it's inhabitants.

His once more brown hair brushed past him, once more charmed by the hair tie as it was pulled in a loose ponytail. The window he used to get back in with, kept hitting the wall as the stalemate with his servant continued.

As expected the other relented first. ''Forgive me, I was strung up with anxiety.

You having left made me worried as you are my responsibility and my highest priority."

"You keep saying that and yet your eyes follow me so closely.

I keep pondering over the reason.''

Face impassive, he let his already confirmed supicions fall. Watching how the other became more aware of exactly that.

The continues thudding behind them was the only noice within the tense silence, a silence that lasted until Acacius huffed loudly.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter. Do be more careful in the future, you won't always be safe.

Not like this, not right now."

Walking away from the corrider he had sneaked back into, Acacius nodded approvingly at his day.

While Cyra had been unexpected, the fresh air had been more than needed and was welcomed.

''Thank you...your highness.''

"Close the window, no one should know about this.

The silent and the previous words where filled with convictions, walking back silently to his private chambers.


"Still tired?"

His servant had barely finished yawning, flushing red in embarresment at being called out.

Chuckling slightly, Acaius went past pieces of garments in his clothes, judging them, discarding it and going on to the next.

"If I may be so direct as to ask what you're looking for? There is nothing planned anymore that would suggest a more then usual striking outfit.''

A soft material filtered through his hands and he pondered about wearing that before disregarding that one too.

''Too bright, expensive, too soft, to everything.

Is there nothing here I can use?"

June looked incredulous as he filtered through his spoken words, taking his time.

''Your highness-''The disbelief took over his entire voice.''-you can't be serious?"

"I need something fitting and appropria-''taking notice of the hidden suit farther off in the corner, he gently took it.''Now this looks nice and promising."

"What for, sir?''

Distracted by the unpacking of the unopened suit he quietly spoke ''Your fishing again.''

June's mouth thinned, apology hastily whispered. ''You have to do better than that.'' June must be so confused, a thought that merely humored Acacius. ''I will be going out once more tonight.''

''You can't be serious, your highness!"

"Do I look like i'm not?''

There was no sign of the apologetic boy as he rambled on, so Acacius just ignored.

The suit was better than he thought it would be, the reason why it was tucked into the farthest corner was bacause it was a gift from his brother but he, as not really Acacius, couldn't give much care to that fact.

Beside the initial recieving of the gift, the suit hadn't been touched once. And as there were dozens of chlothes to choose from, this one wouldn't be missed.

He was becoming rather spoiled, especially considering this was only borrowed succes.

The suit was perfect for formal events or luxurious trips, the silk fabric gave it a smooth and lustrous appearance.

Made for the sole purpose of gaining attention, flattering and seducing others.

What was his brother thinking while gifting this?

A coat down to his knees, a shirt and pants that would embrace Acacius's body and a belt that would fit like magic. Silver and red linings decorated the suit, like the cloak to the coak, a white ruffling wool on the shoulders.

"Are you listening , your highness?"


Defeated June hung his head low in dismay.

"Your highness.

Your making this ratehr difficult for me, what if something happens and they look for you?"

"I believe in your ability to handle it, you will make do.''

Deciding on the suit, he walked to the other side.

He was content with his choice but his stomach felt otherwise apparently.

A fussy feeling rose up, inhaling deeply he quickly dropped the suit on his bed before coughing loudly, attracting his servant's attention.

A worried question behind him and no sooner was a handkerchief shoved in his hands.

Grasping the arm he stabilazed himself and grabbed the offered handkierchief, breakfast from the morning rising up.

He only had eaten one meal today so he was lucky it was just that.

It seems he was still experiencing some after effects from that artifact and while he would like to curse for the feeling of unpleasiness inside him, it rather went with his plan.

Gulping his breakfast down, he let out a disgusted snarl, wiping the saliva from his wet lips.

Rising up, he took in the clear saliva surrounded with blood.

In comparisons there was way more blood then salive, a small amount but nonetheless worrying.

It seems Seriwen declaration had been right, he was living on borrowed years, luckily for him he only needed months not years.

"Your highness...I think it's best you stay inside.''

He wasn't worried however it seems June was. Clenching his hand around the kerchief, the blood vanished out of sight.

Letting go of the arm, he dismissed the servant entirely, instead he focused on cases full of jewellery.

Looking for something that would alighn with his suit and silver hair.

''Let me atleast call a doctor."

"Drop it, if I find out you spoke about this I will find your sister and kill her."

Bowing, he complied. ''I understand, your highness."

Settling on a thin silver pin with red gems he laid it next to the suit.

"Lete's go about our day then, my dear sister in law must be waiting already.''

His words didn't sound near as plotting as he felt, resigned was a more fitting word to it.


Donning his suit in silence, Acacius went over his day.

June had been so dazed by his threath, that he ventured on his tip toes.

Really he should have know better, Acacius was a known villain after all.

A ruthless one too, whenever he wanted too.

Seeing such a person puke blood must be somewhat shocking.

Attaching the pin, he carefully controlled his movement, cloak swinging behing him gracefully.

Nothing looked out of place and in one word he looked expensive.

It would be shame to ruin this, even so the real Acacius wouldn't care or blink away in tear in it's destruction.

It will all work out fine, he was sure of it.

His visit had also worked out splendidly, he even brought some flowers for her.

And as she didn't know anything about the language of flowers she accepted the combination of the spider flowers and immortal flowers.

Her surprise had been visible, while he had played it out to be a one time thing.

June was equally surprised yet had wisely shut his mouth shut, even now there was no reaction as he readied himself for his second adventure.

"Have you told the cooks there's no need for dinner?''

The answer was immediate. "Yes, however I must relay mine and their worries, your highness.

Especially with the incident this morn-''

''Don't bother, there is no need for worry.

Besides it's you job to keep such information to yourself.''

''I did howeve-''

''If I found you gossiped like the maids, you would wish you where still cleaning the toilets.''

Suprised he let slip. ''You know?"

"Ofcourse I do, for now I cans till keep it under wraps so it doesn't matter.

Now i'll see you later."

Jumping out, without another word he got farther away from the castle.

Tie now ripped from his hair as loose silver strands crashed down and the trill inhabitated his body.

There was a possibility June could see him but the possibility of it all being discovered vanished as air grazed his cheeks, making his hair go up and down in the same repaeted sequence.

It didn't take long before silently passed roof after roof, heads below entering and vanishing from his sight with a fast speed.

Acaius didn't know how long he ran yet he was faster then the day before.

So that would lead him to his next point, he was early.

There was still about an hour left before he needed to meet Cyra, plenty off time to walk around.

It was only ten minutes later that a very loud group of teens grabbed his attention, skidding down to halt he viewed the tavern they were feasting at.

Gazing over the street itself was a silent affair, everyone simply enjoying a walk, buying some cheap trinkets here and there and whatever else commoners did in their free time here.

They where of no interest as of yet, the persons that where stayed relaxed on the second floor of the tavern.

Louldy enjoying the breeze on the balcony as food and drinks scattered all around.

It was obvious the teens where drunk as theyscreamed and shouted nonsense, laughed at jokes that weren't even funny. From what he could see there was even reading and another doing his nails.

In the ten minutes he watched he saw them throw things, stare distastefully at the surroundings commoners and even flirt with however that deemed hot in their slurred state of mind.

No one dared to make a sound, the teens had backing and where unafraid as they even threw out some pretty younglings. From what he heard they just weren't interested anymore, much to the relief of the other teens as they dashed off.

The backing was obvious as he noticed green eyes, the same eyes he had stared in not too long ago as he kept on being opposed.

A hawk's spawn huh, it wouldn't be weird if the others had some influential parentage too.

Either a parent with some very deep pockets or members of his council or nobility.

He couldn't be bothered to sum it all up, the only thing that interested him was the hawk's spawn.

She was sure to be of some use before her death date came calling.

It wouldn't be hard to seduce some of the girls, to gain entrance in their little group and fish out some secrets or such.

Wiping away the nonexistence dust, he carefully jumped down. With his head covered he went past store and store, ever so slowly.

He couldn't help but gaze long and hard at the different kinds of foods, on a whimp he bought one.

A sweet, sugary snack that wasn't very healthy but whatever.

Putting it in his mouth, he saw the apparent leader of the group stare down and covertly swished his hand. A sudden strong breeze taking te whole street by surprise and ripping of his cover on accident.

Face bare and snack fallen on the ground, Acacius let out a groan in dismay and sadness.

Picking it, he threw it away because while he was bad, he wasn't that bad.

He started walking away or atleast that would have been the case before two burkley, identical twins jumped in front of him.

Startled he flinched away, stumbling.

From two stories?!

This isn't a magical enhanced kingdom!

He would have fallen, where it not for a strong hands grasping his thin and admittingly weak looking wrist. Thank god it was only looking that way.

''Bring him up Blaze, Blake."

How original, the parents must be geniuses.


Confused expression decorating his face he called out, head moving like lighting between the twins, voice and wisphering voices around him.

''They're at it again.''

''That poor boy."

"Should we--do something?''

"Shh, do you want to die. Don't you know who they are."

So it happenend frequently, tugging at the hand, he made a show of increasing his effort to free himself. If he wanted he could have yet now he just complained it hurted.

"I-it hurts."

As expected there was no reaction, just an ornament at their leader's side.

He had no idea wich of the two opened the sliding doors, Blaze or Blake but one did, the other threw him not so nicely inside. He could have caught himself, saved himself for landing harshly on the floor but underestimation would bring him farther.

So the moment his side hit a chair, he gasped for air.

"He's weak.''

''Yes Blaze, we can see that."

Shrugging Blaze sat down, twin closely following and soon both were chugging down another drink.

The woman who spoke traced over him with appreciative eyes, gulping visible his eyes flashed worriedly between the six teena s he back away, only to hit the chair once more.



Skidding sideways, he made his way to the slide door only to slightly jump as it slammed close and the clear sound of a lock clicking was heard.

''Entertain us and you will be allowed to leave.''

That spoke of experience in this, they've done this a lot.

He wouldn't be outdone.

"W-what do you wa--nt?''

"Why, you ofcourse."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Myst_Rinnontoyacreators' thoughts