
The Dark Mysteries Of Castle Free Sky

This story is a fantasy thrill ride based around several interesting characters. Della wants to marry Caine, but her family does not approve. Della and her mother argue and her mother leaves town for the engagement ceremonies, leaving her father Robert to try and clean things up. Robert hatches a plan to basically "get rid" of the problem and he opens the door to his own destruction and the craziest series of events he could ever imagine.

Shawona_Oxendine · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Where The Hell Am I?

 It was dark when she opened her deep green eyes. She couldn't remember exactly when she had gone to sleep. Clutching the side of her pounding, groggy head, she tried to remember the night before. As she slowly regained her senses, she realized that she was naked, and alone. She was in a strange room, and in a strange house.

  She panicked as her eyes began to desperately search the big, beautifully decorated room that she had mysteriously found herself in, as she tried to regain her bearings. 'Where in the hell am I?' She wondered to herself. She tried to stand up, but she quickly realized that she had been chained by the ankle to the bed by a fairly long piece of chain. It was heavy and it was padlocked into place.

  "OH MY GOD!" Della cried as her eyes caught sight of her battered reflection in the mirror that was placed on the wall across the room. She froze as she looked at herself in horror. Her olive skin was battered and bruised and her long, honey blonde hair was matted and dirty. "How?" She asked herself out loud as she struggled to remember. "Think!" she told herself as she closed her eyes tightly to try to focus, but no matter what, nothing was coming to her.

  She started to cry as she suddenly heard a noise. There were voices coming from what seemed like downstairs. She now knew that she must be on the upper level of the mansion. She tried to hold her breath. She wasn't sure that she wanted to draw attention to herself at the moment, so she sat there frozen in place, trying to swallow her tears and sobs as the voices grew closer. 

  She could now hear footsteps and other voices. Two, maybe three people. More talking...a little laughing...one male for sure, and at least one female. They were right outside! She could hear the male voice say, "I have to feed my kitten, I'll catch up to you in a minute." The female voice replied, "Don't be silly, I'll wait for you, when did you ever get a kitten anyways, I thought you hated cats?" The male voice then told the woman curtly not to worry and to go ahead. She finally agreed and she left reluctantly. She could still be heard giggling as she walked away. 

  Silence..."Where did he go??" She whispered to herself out loud, as she desperately tried to stay calm. Just then she heard the doorknob start to turn. She held her breath again and she froze in place once more, as she sat in the middle of the huge bed and she clutched the silk bedding to her naked body for dear life. Della had never been so scared and confused in her whole damn life. How could she be so damn stupid? How could she let this happen to herself? She had been raised better than that. She cursed herself silently as she held her breath some more and she waited for the door to open. 

  The door slowly opened and a man appeared in the doorway. It was dark in the room, so because of the lights that were on in the hallway behind him, he looked HUGE, and extremely sinister. He was tall, and as wide as the side of an old red barn. Not fat, but HUGE in every other way. His hair was as black as night. It was very curly and it was long, really long. It flowed from the top of his large, round head and around his wide face, and down his back to his waistline. It was sleek and soft. It was well kept, and he had a matching goat tee that was just as meticulously groomed.

  He had thick black eyelashes and large, raven colored eyes that felt like they were piercing Della all the way to her very soul. He was well dressed in a dark blue tailored suit and polished alligator skin shoes that Della was sure were quite expensive. He wore a lot of jewelry, as well. Big, flashy jewelry, from his neck to the tips of his flashy shoes.

  "Della, you're awake," he said those words more softly and with more sweetness than she had ever heard a man's voice have in her whole life. She was caught completely off guard. Then a big, perfect white smile came across his perfectly shaped lips. She had to admit that he was quite beautiful, even though she was actually scared shitless at the moment.

  Della was completely stunned. I mean...what the Hell?? She all of a sudden realized that her anger had somehow faded into an odd curiosity...she snapped herself out of it and quickly summoned all of her anger again. "Who in the hell are you?" She asked as confidently as she could muster at the moment. She was not about to appear weak, "AND WHERE THE HELL AM I?!!" She shrieked as loudly as possible, in hopes that it would alert the woman that she had heard in the hallway earlier to her situation. She knew that it was risky, but she had to try.

  When the big man heard her scream his eyes got wide and he quickly shut the door. "Shhh....they'll hear you, Kitten," he said as he rushed over to the side of the bed. "I HOPE SO!" Della screeched again. "BE QUIET," the man warned her through his teeth in a low growl. He was losing his patience quickly, and he wasn't very good at hiding it.

  "Tell me who you are right now!" Della demanded again in a slightly lower voice. The man relaxed a little for a moment. "Where am I? Who the hell are you? What do you want? Where are my clothes? Why am I naked? Why is my skin bruised and my hair matted and why am I chained to this bed?" Della shrieked all these questions at him in one breath as she started to become hysterical.

  The unnamed man's body language was changing, it was clear that he was getting angry. He stood tall and he said, "Listen..." but Della was freaking all the way out at this point and she began to squeal and struggle and fight her chains. She grabbed the chain around her ankle and began to violently snatch it against the part of the bed where it was attached. 

  The mystery man rushed over to calm her, but before he knew it, she had pounced on his back! Her naked limbs were flailing as she was violently boxing his ears while shouting, "Let me GO! You better let me go NOW! Do you know who my daddy is? Do you know what you've DONE??!!!"

  The large man's patients had finally run all of the way out. He stood straight up all of a sudden and he roared like an ogre while flexing both of his stout arms, throwing the crazed Della back on to the bed. "LISTEN!" He roared loudly, as if he no longer cared who heard him. He looked a little like a wild animal at this point. His eyes were huge and his nostrils were flared.

  "I'll never listen to YOU!" Della spat back at him as lightning flashed across her young and pretty eyes. She tried to look as indignant as possible. She pinched her face and turned her nose up. "Fine, Della, have it your way. You can stew in it for now. I'll come again later to see if you're ready to listen." He said as he turned to leave. "Never!"  Della cried to the door as it was pulled shut behind him. "I'll never be ready." She quietly vowed.

  "Damn you Della you dumb ass," she muttered to herself as she started to sob. Suddenly she got the idea to scream. Scream as loud as she could and pray that someone else would hear her...so she did. She pulled so much air into her lungs that she thought that she might actually explode...and she screamed.  "HHEELLLLPPPP MMMEEEEEE!  HHEELLLLLPPPPP MMEEEEE! PPLLEEEASSSEEE! SSOMMEEBBOODDDYYYYY PPLLEEEASSSEEE!!" She screamed and screamed until she felt something pop in her throat and she could no longer make a sound. Still...nobody came.

  Just as she was sinking deep into desperation and she had begun to silently sob again, the door opened once more. The big, nameless man stepped inside and laughed at her mockingly, "are you done yet?" He sneered at her. Had he been out there the whole time? She wondered in disbelief. It seemed that his personality had flipped. As beautiful and sweet as he was earlier...he was twice as ugly and evil right now. 'Who is this man?' She silently thought to herself, as she sat motionless on the bed, still clinging the expensive silk sheets to her sore naked body.

  He moved closer to her. That made her want to flinch, but she dared not move. He lowered his eyes to hers and quietly said, "scream all you like. This room is completely soundproof, and we are completely alone." With that he smiled a perfect and evil smile, "rest a while and I'll send help for you to get cleaned up." He said as he turned to leave. "We have a big night ahead of us tonight Kitten, so sleep well," he said as he left and closed the door, leaving Della alone again and wide eyed in the bed.

  Della didn't know what to do or how to feel. She tried to remember again what had happened the night before, but her head was still pounding and everything was still fuzzy. She fell over in the bed  with a sobbing plop and she slept. There was nothing else she could do at the moment and her head was killing her.

  She had no idea what anything that man had just said even meant. She did know for sure that he would be very sorry when her Daddy caught up to him. Very sorry. He did not know who he was messing with. That made Della smile a bit as she was losing touch with reality to sleep. She just needed to sleep.