
The Dark Lord Revenge

My name is Roy Darkness! I was used to be the weakest of my village. But one day I've awaken a strange analysis skill. From that moment I began to train harder to gain more power. And one day I've become the best strategist of the humans' land. Then the king convoked me to help the prince to defeat the demon lord. I accepted and we went through many battles and I thought that I was his friend. But the night before the final battle the prince betrayed me and triedvto kill me. After his return he was called the hero who defeated the demon lord and It was told that I was a coward who tried to run away during the battle was killed. Now I seek for revenge. Now I'll tell you what happened and how I took my revenge. The story of the Dark Lord Revenge The one who took over from the demon lord.

Riujin_Jaka · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Let's be friends

Roy was a little kid, he was one of those without power in this world.

He had red eyes, black hairs and a pale skin.

He was 5 at that time, and the only one in his village without power.

Humans kingdom Hshhok, Shudbup village.

In Roy's house:

'Mom why am I different of everyone ?' he asked his mother with a sad tone.

'You're not different !' she replied with a gentle tone.

'But why don't I have any power ?' he asked with some tears forming in his eyes.

'Don't worry, that's won't the fact that you are an marvelous kid !' she reassured him before hugging him.

'Don't let that change who you are, you aren't weak even without power, you can change your fate with your will power !' she added.

Roy felt all the love of his mother at that moment and and decided to change his fate by himself.

'Thanks, mom, I'll get strong by myself and make you proud of me !' he announced her with a big smile as wiping his tears off.

'I am already proud of you, you know !' she replied with a warm smile.

From that day he never cried again. During three years, he persevered to get strong, he had gained his own style in fencing. He was the best swordman of the village at that time.

He didn't stop there, he trained his body aiming for the best physical condition.

During these years, he haven't given any care toward all the mockery of the others.

He stayed positive from that day and did his best to become strong enough to become an adventurer.

'These fools won't be able to break my determination !' he tought.

He was always training on the beach of Shudbup.

His body was now well built.

One day when he was going home he saw something in the water.

It was shining under the water.

So he went nearer to see what it could be.

Then he grabbed it and saw what it was, it was a black shining ring.

'What is this ?' he asked himself.

It was like the ring was special by he didn't know what it could be.

'What kind of secret could be contained in this thing ?' he asked himself.

Unable find anything spécial,he put the ring on his middle finger and decided to go home.

On his way home, he ran into a boy with green eyes, pale blond hairs and long pointed ears.

'Hum…, Sorry !' Roy apologized.

'No, It's my fault, I weren't looking where I was going !' the boy replied.

Then they continued their way.

The next day, Roy was going to train when he met the same boy at the entrance of the forest.

'Hum…, it's not my business !' he thought.

So he went training like always.

During his training he heard some screaming from the village.

'What's going on ?' he asked himself.

Then Roy rushed toward the village.

There was a crowd.

'What's going on ?' roy asked a man standing there.

'Hum…The hunter were attacked by a strong beast in the forest and there is one dead !' the man replied calmly.

'I see, thanks !' he responded.

Then, he went closer to check the state of the hunters.

They were three, two of them were badly injured and the last one was lying down on the ground lifeless.

'It was at least a 'C+' beast !' one of the hunters stated.

'"C+"? Our best hunters are at most "D+" the difference of level is obvious !' Roy thought.

There was a woman and a little girl crying near the body of the dead hunter, certainly his wife and daughter.

It was a sad scene to be seen.

'So that must how mom had reacted when Dad was killed by a beast too !' Roy thought.

Effectively, Roy's father was killed by a beast when the village was attacked when his mother was still pregnant.

It was said that he was a "master C".

That is one of the reason of the mockery, "the son of the strongest is the weakest !".

Then he remembered that the boy he saw the day before was still missing.

'He must still in the forest !' Roy concluded.

Then he rushed in the forest to get the boy back in the village before something bad could happen.

He ran as fast as he could and went deeper in the forest, fortunately he cognized perfectly the forest due to the year when he was training there.

It took him half an hour to find the boy.

He was in a clearing in the middle of the forest.

But unfortunately, the boy was surrounded by a horde of biped monster with green skin, yellow eyes and a long nose.

The boy was armed of a knife.

'What are these monsters? I've never seen them before!'

Suddenly, Roy began to see words above the monsters.

「Goblins: rank"E", individually, they are weak but they are always hunting in group, some of them are able to use magic, and their claws and teeth are poisoned」

'What is this ?' he asked himself.

He didn't noticed but his eyes began to glow at that moment.

He was taken out of his thoughts when the boy he was searching began to slash the monsters with his knife.

The boy sliced them like butter, but it wasn't normal for a kid to be able to slice through a monster even E ranked one like that with a knife.

'There must be something else but what ?' he was thinking, when words began to appear again.

「Magic enhancement: the knife has been enhanced with magic to give it incredible power」

'But from where did these informations came from ?' he questioned himself.

During that time the boy with long ears was fighting with all his might, dodging, slicing,… he was well trained and fast.

But the high number of foe, made him run out of stamina quickly.

Then one of the goblins jumped from behind the boy and tried to slash him but he managed to dodge. Unfortunately, he lost his knife in the process and bumped his head on a tree. The unconscious boy was now at the mercy of the goblins.

'I must intervene' Roy thought.

And then, Roy went the battle and punched and sent off all the goblins blocking his way.

A goblin was wanting to slice him down but he dodged it by rolling on the floor, then he grabbed the knife and sliced all of them like it was nothing.

That magic enhanced knife plus his sword mastery made him impossible to be beaten by these foes.

Seeing that he was stronger, the goblins fled.

The boy with long ears was still unconscious.

Roy shook him to wake him up.

And it worked.

When the opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a bright smile from Roy.

'Who are you ?'

That was the first thing that the boy said.

'Well, I am Roy !'

That was the reply given by Roy.

The boy then remembered the situation where he were before getting stunned.

He then stood up quickly and noticed that all the goblins were gone, the only things around were corpses.

'Where- Where are the monsters ?' the boy asked.

'Don't worry I made them flee !' Roy simply responded.

'How? They were too many for only you !' the boy stated with unconvinced face.

'Well I used your knife and it was easy to dominate the battle with such a good weapon !' He replied.

The boy was more convinced by that.

He was calmer after that.

'By the way, what is your name ?' Roy asked him.

'Huh! My bad ! Sorry I forgot to introduce myself !' he said a little embarrassed.

'My name is Kyle !' He stated.

'Nice to meet you !' Roy responded with a big smile.

'Nice to meet you too Roy !' Kyle replied.

Roy was wandering why Kyle's ears were so long and pointed.

He was lost in his thoughts.

He was sending a very strong gaze at Kyle's ears, that made the boy a little uncomfortable.

'Could you please stop gazing at my ears like that ?' he politely asked.

'Huh?! Sorry sorry, it just that it's the first time I meet someone with ears like yours !' Roy replied.

Kyle understood his interset so he did got mad at him, he was curious as well, that's the reason why he was lost in the forest he was searching new herbs there.

'I see, it's fine !' he replied.

'So, you had never seen an elf before ?' Kyle asked.

'Yes !' he simply replied.

'By the way, why are you here ?' Kyle asked.

'I should be the one asking that !' Roy replied with energy.

'Well, I was searching some herbs, I am the apprentice of an alchemist and we just moved in this village !' he explained.

'I see, and me I was a little worried that you were still missing !' Roy stated.

Kyle was wandering why was Roy worried for him. Then he remembered that they have met the day before.

'But why were you worried ?' he asked.

'Well, apparently there is a "C+" beast and it have already killed one of our hunters !' Roy replied.

'Oh then, shouldn't we go home ?' he asked.

Roy noded in response.

On the way to go home

'Say Kyle ! Do you have friends here ?' he asked.

'Not really, I didn't have time !' he replied with a little sad expression.

'Then, let's be friends !' he proposed.

'Well, why not? Okay, let's be friends !' He replied.

'From now on we'll be friends !' Roy said with a bright smile as he pointed his fist at Kyle.

Kyle put his fist against Roy's as to confirm what Roy have just said.

I'll try to update 4ch/week

So please give me some support

Riujin_Jakacreators' thoughts