
The Dark Chronicle

The Dark Chronicles, tells the story of eighteen years old Audrey Monroe, who finds herself pulled from the first and only place she managed to call home for up to five years and forced to attend sophisticated highschool in San Francisco when her mom moves again. Determined not to get attached to the environment again as she was certain that they would still have to move again, she didn’t expect to fall in love or to start changing into something that she doesn’t understand. The hatred between two races; humans and vampires will risk their lives, their love and would force them to decide whether to risk it all for each other or to part to save their races…

EllaChimezie · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter One

(past New York City July 1st, 2013)

Wyatt looked around the club, taking in the half-naked bodies around him. The club was packed tonight as always, it was full of women who looked like prostitutes and men who looked like they live to commit crimes.

Wyatt didn't quite fit in here, he is a killer but he only kills when there is a need for it especially when it comes to protecting the identity of his race from those who hunt them. He never kills for the thrill of it nor does he do hard drugs or commit any other violent crime but the one he was waiting for has all these qualities and more.

"So are you really going to do this?" His best friend Mark asked him.

Wyatt glanced sideways before taking his bourbon in his mouth and taking a few sips.

"Yeah. I am. There is no changing my mind on this one,"

Mark took the bourbon from his hand and drank all of it, he coughed due to the effect of the drink but he regained himself in no time. He smiled grimly, causing only the tips of his fangs to show. "You're a crazy man, this shit is crazy. You can't do this, you should have a rethink."

When he said nothing, Mark continued. "For you to leave without a goodbye is shit! It's messed up but you have to go home urgently so I am not against you on that but for you to entrust an innocent girl, who has no idea what she is getting into and put her in the hands of someone like Ace. That's bullshit!"

"He isn't bad, despite all the facade he pulls up," he said and signaled to the waitress to get him more beer. "At least try to be positive,"

"I'm not gonna be positive for something we both know ain't right! Come on, this is a bad idea,"

"He is my only hope,"

"Fuck that! You know if only you'll ask me to watch over her, I'm more than willing to do so. You know I'll treat her right, even more than you would,"

"Don't get into that Mark, you won't have her custody and we both know why. I can't do that to you," his voice held pain.

"Fuc–" Mark began.

"No, I won't let you do something you'll regret and I'll regret later so drop it,"

"Sure I will but why are you hell-bent on picking him? There are thousands of other males out there who are not me that'll jump on an offer made by you. Why him? As your best friend, I deserve to know why at least,"

"He used to be human,"

"Don't give me that crap, there are other vampires who were humans before they were turned. Evans for example used to be a human before he was turned. He doesn't smoke nor does he drink or do shit as Ace does, he is perfectly groomed for the job at hand,"

"He is mated, how would his mate feel if she learns her mate is assigned to care for another's half-breed daughter? That's the beginning of trouble and I'm not ready to be the cause of a failed marriage," Wyatt said, the waitress seized that opportunity to drop the drinks ordered.

"Thank you, and here's your tip," he squeezed some dollar bills into her hands.

"Thank you, sir, I really appreciate it," and with that she left, happiness was as clear as day on her face.

"You know you didn't have to tip her, it's her job to serve you, she's getting paid for doing so and you pay for your drinks. No need at all," Mark pointed out that he was certain that Wyatt's kindness would one day bite him in the ass so the question is not if, it is when it will; when will it bite him in his ass?

"She needs the money, her mom is sick and she needs money for treatment. It has been on her mind all day and I could smell the frustration emitting out of her since I got in here. Normally it shouldn't be my concern but she was just contemplating selling her body for a couple of bucks, so I figured why not give her something that'll help her, something I don't need to explain the reason for giving her, something that wouldn't arouse suspicion, you get?"

"Oh, yeah I get it. I didn't know your visions are back, you told me it dried up," Mark said with raised eyebrows.

"It did dry up but it came back yesterday, I had a vision yesterday and this is the reason I had to leave home, there is no time Mark, the end is drawing near."

Mark looked into the eyes of his beloved friend, he saw the fear behind those hooded eyes, he became afraid of what might happen to his friend.

"Are they back?" He asked the million-dollar question.

His best friend didn't answer but his silence alone was enough to confirm his suspicion.

"What are we going to do about this?"

"Nothing. We do nothing. After I talk to Ace, I'm leaving for the realm. If they can't find me they won't cause any damage to humans and vampires, and most importantly they would be able to find my family and disrupt their peaceful life,"

"Ana would be devastated," Mark stated.

"I know and it hurts me to leave her and the kids but I made provisions for them so that they wouldn't have to miss me too much,"

"They will still miss you, especially Aubrey. She is attached to you and well since I cannot change your mind, if she demands answers from me as to why you left, I would tell her you did it to save her and the family's life."

"Thank you man, it will mean a lot to me."

"Yeah right, but that doesn't mean I'm okay with you leaving. But why do you choose Ace, you need to tell me the truth at least. I'm not buying that crap of he was a human and he is my only hope shit so talk!"

"Fine I'm gonna tell you but you can't tell anyone, ever,"

"I swear on my great grandmother's grave, I won't let even a word out."

I'm here again, dropping my very first chapter. I need your thoughts on this. Drop it in the comment section, thank you!!

EllaChimeziecreators' thoughts