
The Dark Assassin

Markus, a man lost from the guide of justice and mercy, has lived a life of pain and suffering. Abandoned by his parents and sold into slavery he was forced to learn how to fight and survive on his own. He abandoned his duties and killed his master so that he may feel the sunlight not as an oppressive watcher but as the warmth he's never felt, but he was never able to feel that warmth. When he wakes up in a large city with people controlling powers he's never seen before. To forge a path forward he must take these powers for himself and be merciless.

Duck_ManBird · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

The walls of Becck

Markus walked down the road to a nearby lake. Since they were apparently a large caravan group security had to check them all one by one and then the cargo. Markus feared that he didn't have any identification, but he found a small stone name tag in his pocket. He was one of the first to get checked in, so he didn't have to worry about not getting let in with the others.

Him and two other young men brought the horses down to get food and water. By the time they got back security was almost finished with checking all of their cargo. Everything was accounted for, everything except one last cart. 

It was the special delivery cart that they had transported. Markus had casually asked the other two about where they were and what their goals were in the town. One of them, Fraan, had said that they were in the town of Becck. Famous for their cheese and their famous Gratewell wine. 

Run by the nobles of Becck, the Banks, people who were known for controlling water? Markus didn't understand that part, but this was a new world... supposedly... he didn't know much from his past before slavery. But he knew that people could access magic some way. Like the sorcerer, who created the magic circle.

Their main goal here was to deliver a cart with something inside, classified to young handlers like them. The gate in front of them was massive, close to 10 feet tall and 3 feet thick. More than enough to keep anyone out. 

Finally everything got checked through and they took the delivery through the gates. The caravan had to stop at a stocking depot. Restocking food and items was a necessity in order to travel weeks on end.

"Well that was boring" Walking ahead and closing the doors to their cabin the other young man complained. "Michael, it was a quick job to get some cash, the next one will be around two weeks. And we're going to the capital as well. It's a great way to get experience." Fraan responded to shut him up. 

"Yeah yeah, but still a week of travel just to get back on the road for another two weeks is so boring." The two of them were sitting on one of the carts that they slept on. Markus was laying on the ground looking at the sky. 

For the first time in his life, he had no worries except what he was going to eat and what to drink. "Hey did you hear though? Apparently, they are hiring a mage and knight squad to help guard us." Michael brought up suddenly, Fraan just rolled his eyes at him.

"Why would the old man hire two different squads from opposing factions to guard us from here to the capital, that would cost him a fortune. Even if he did they aren't going to protect us, just the 'special cargo' which we don't even qualify to breath on." Michael rolled his eyes as Fraan spoke. 

"Yeah yeah, whatever... Maybe I can impress the knight's squad and they'll take me as an apprentice." Fraan just ignored Michael and ate his sandwich. "As if, my goal is the mage squad. Explosions are better than chopping with a sword." "Take that back Fraan! ONE DAY, one day the name Michael Hart will echo around the Greenwood Kingdom."

"HEY BOYS," an old and grumpy voice road across the winds "Get ready to leave by dawn or get left behind. Less I need to pay you, and be quiet, you'll get a chance to see the squads when they get here tonight." Turning back around the old man continued to eat... whatever it was he was eating. A leg or something, looked almost like a bird but way too large and muscly. 

"Stupid old man." Michael muttered under his breath. "At least that is something that we can agree on." Fraan said. Getting up the three started to pack all of the newer supplies in the back. Restocking all of the supplies took about an hour but by the time they were done they could go have supper. 

Becck was one of the entrances to the kingdom of Greenwood, but Becck had the largest walls in the kingdom. It was an outlier town which lead to the grand kingdom. Markus was expecting a long old beaten path towards a far-off kingdom, but the only path to the town was the one that they walked.

"Alright boys, get some sleep. We leave early in the morning tomorrow with the two guards teams. Your job on the journey will be to just set up camp every time we stop and to take care of everyone's horses after we set up camp. Other than that, you can spend your time however you want."

"Yes sir." The three boys replied. Walking back to their carriage they soon feel asleep listening to the crackling of the fire. The day finally ended, and the peace of the night could finally rest. 

Waking up to the sound of rainfall, Markus sat up on his makeshift bed. It was still dark outside the carriage but at least there was a small amount of moonlight shining through the clouds. He could see a small bit around the carriage. 

The other two guys were fast asleep on top of their beds still, sleeping peacefully. The moonlight glowed on the ground and in the glow Markus could make out two groups slowly walking towards the caravan. One was wearing clothing colored in a faint orange while the other was wearing a deep purple. 

They arrived at camp and the old man greeted them quietly, as most everyone else was asleep. They set up their camps and disappeared from sight, leaving Markus curious about them. There were around ten people in each group, each lead by someone who looked important.

'Welp, tomorrow will decide what I want to do. These powers and mages are quite interesting, but the knights look strong as well.' Climbing back into his bed, Markus falls back asleep.

The waves of air became silent from human interference. The wind howled against the tents and the fire crackled with a strange intensity. The birds chirped their songs until they too fell asleep. Soon everything was calm and quiet. Awaiting the warm summer sun to awaken everything again.