
Chapter 1 Alana Heartlee

Nightmares are always descriptive in any way shape or form, somehow helping me remember every single detail of a weird place or event. Something happen sometime in my life that I believe I remember from when I was a kid. Nightmares can also be dreams no matter how you put them. They will always remind you of something.

I have never been able to keep track of what is a dream or a nightmare at times, but as I've fallen asleep, I've had these nightmares plaguing me to where I believe it could be real or I so quietly hope so. Reassuring me that I had a family at one point to recognize the loneliness that I've had all my life. These dreams or memories consist of when I was only, but an orphan. I can say I remember my mother's face or someone that looks like a mother figure. Giving me the warmth and gentleness of what it would be like with a mother. I remember this woman curling me up in a purple blanket as I cried and screamed. I can remember these feelings of panic as fire loomed around us. I can see the reflection of the fire in her eyes as tears stream down her face. Just saw a tiny newborn's reflection in her eyes seeing as she panics. The most I remember is the echoing screams from every direction in our surroundings. Women, children, and even men can scare anyone. With those flashbacks, memories, nightmares, or even dreams. I don't know what to call them anymore. Just remembering her golden brown eyes somehow brought me comfort as they looked back at me even though there was fear painted all over her face and her cheeks stained red as she smiled pained me.

Suddenly, I wake up in a cold sweat clutching onto the sheets underneath me. Feeling them in between my fingers and I can feel my pulse thumping through my hands. Gasping for air with tears staining my skin. They to soon interrupted by the beating of my alarm echoing through my home as the sound of it bounces off the walls. It was silent for the most part, but for the alarm waking me.

Groaning at the sound with annoyance, rolling my eyes to grab the blanket curling back into it throwing it over me to feel the warmth from my breath. Closing my eyes Taking a moment to relax. Opening them once again taking a deep breath, feeling more like a sigh. Probably not helping that my body is still trembling. Sitting up and slamming my hand onto the alarm making it uncomfortably quiet. In this place, I call home. Slowly sitting up swinging my feet over the side of the bed onto the cold wood floor. Stretching and reaching to the sky as I hear my spine crack and pop with every movement. Scratching my back and then my head. Slowly stand on my feet and look back at the time shocked and confused. Rubbing my eyes realizing it's 7:45 a.m. Taking a back, I realize I'm going to be late for my classes. With those thoughts run through my mind as I scramble through my bedroom grabbing any fabric of clothing I can find. Frustrated at the thought of me running late.

I snapped at myself; "Of course out of all the days I'm late, my teacher is going to kill me." Just annoyed at me. Today was going to be the first day of class after weeks of online training. Just waiting to finally put all that work into practice. Being a teacher is all I wanted to do. For high schoolers and college students teaching them math or history is.

Grabbing my things and throwing my olive-green jacket over me. Then swiftly grabbing my notebooks, pens, and papers somehow making their way into my bag as I rush out with breakfast in hand wearing blue jeans and a black T-shirt not caring that I haven't washed them in three weeks.

Snatching my car keys from the little bowl with a black cat keychain hanging from them. I'm out the door, pushing the button to then hear a beep of my small four-door car as it unlocks, I get in shoving my bag in the seat next to me. Feeling the keys fidget as I start the car. I'm finally on my way to class, I drive through the gravel roads and the trees covering the path as I drive. Making my way through the forest to see the multicolored leaves fall with dark green pine trees glistening from the breeze wrestling them.

Driving swiftly around the curve I see a gold car stopped in the middle of the road. Slamming on my brakes coming too close for comfort as the front end of my bumper almost kisses the back end of the car. Taking my keys in hand and adjusting myself as I take off my seat belt coming out of the car to take a closer look. The car hums with a little bit of smoke coming from the front of it. The hood of the car smashed in from the tip of the tree probably coming down as they were driving. Asking myself what the heck happened. Why now of all times?

Growling at the frustration. I'm probably not going to make it to class today. My thoughts fill with more questions than answers Taking a step back and rubbing my hands through my messy brown hair. With a long grumble of breath, I calmed myself down a little bit more. Trying to think of a way to make it to class or even letting them know what's happening. Rubbing my hands together and breathing into them. Just to get some feeling back into them I noticed that they turned a slight shade of pink from the chilly air. I'm looking around and noticing that no one is around I'm just confused and puzzled. What's going on? "Hello?" I questioned. Hearing wheels rolling over gravel I assume a car is coming up. Spinning around to its direction behind my vehicle. Noticing a van pull in. Why is that out here? How did it get here? That doesn't look familiar. I questioned with so much on my mind. It's a black Chevy I believe, but why would it be out here? Why now? To feel a dark pit of fear in my belly telling me that I should not be here was an understatement. As it pulled in, the door quickly slid open with metal hitting against metal as a man or woman jumped out of the vehicle with a large gun. They are wearing some sort of armor. It looks like broken CDs that have been posted on their form like an old middle school project. The sun coming through the tree branches above us reflects the light off their frame as they take a few steps closer. Taking a few steps back, I lose my balance as I hit the gold car behind me. Trying to keep myself standing, my body starts to tremble, my hands start to become clammy when I see the machine gun in their arms. Such a large, molded piece of metal creates so much destruction just by the trigger. Amazed yet terrified at the site I couldn't even move my body when I was struggling to breathe. Holding myself up with the car I can hear the leaves crunch and shift underneath their feet as they come closer. Saline the dark presence looming over like a dark thunderstorm is coming.

Without realizing it I find the gun barrel is pointed in my direction only a few feet away as they snap at me in their deep voice. "Are you Alana Heartlee?" Gulping at the question. My legs buckle making me fall to my knees.

How does he know my name? What's going on? "Yes. Who wants to know?" I snapped back trying so hard to make my voice not crack under the pressure. I know for sure I failed.

What could I do to get away? He starts by grabbing my arm and dragging me in the direction of his van. Without a second thought.

I ripped him off me yelling "Let go!"

He grabs me by the collar of my shirt lifting me with no problem up and off my feet just enough that my feet graze the ground beneath me. The wind hits me as they throw me into my car. An indent where my body was left as it, I hit the dirt feeling it move underneath me. Trying to give myself a moment to breathe I look up at them wide-eyed as I catch my breath and the dirt that has seared itself on my cheeks.

Sitting myself up as I feel the bruise already forming. My back is on the front tire of my car. Feeling the cool metal on my back and the warmth of the rubber. My arms just barely hold my body up. They press the barrel of the gun onto my head. It's cold upon contact.

My throat hitches making it hard to breathe.

My eyes start to well up. "Am I going to die?" I mumbled. At the sight as I'm unable to get to my feet, frozen in fear. Everything seems lost.

I suddenly have this image come forward. It's of the woman from my dreams and she's saying something, but it's so hard to hear.

Until I see the determination in her eyes as her words hit me in the face like a hot skillet. "Fight! Fight Alana!" She snapped. Waking something inside me. Taking me back to the moment at hand.

I feel the gravel in my hands with the chill whip of air flying by. I glared daggers at the person before me. They took one hand and pulled it up and off their face. Showing a scar from his jaw across his right eye. Looked like a burn, but also cut. I can see the dark bruising around it with scar tissue. Opening my mouth about to speak.

The stern voice overcomes the quiet air as they yell "Are you princess Alana Heartless! I won't ask again." Clenching my hands into fists as my body shakes, I stutter with a grunt; "Yes... Who wants to know?"

As if satisfied, he nods and places the gun to the side. Now's my chance! Grabbing a hand full of the earth I throw it in his eyes. Hearing him growl rubbing his eyes. Run Alana! Run! My body yells as my legs move on their own going into a sprint down the road. Leaping over the down tree. Too scared to look back I take a hard turn into the forest trying to lose him. Assuming that man was right on my tail. Should I head home? No, he will find me there. If he knew where I was, he must have watched me for days. Maybe the park? It's not far. Could I make it? Swerving through the trees and falling logs. It gets hard to breathe. My lungs are on fire as my brain goes wild. Yet how did he know my name? Why did he call me princess? I hope I'm getting close. I need to find a place to rest for a few minutes. I attempt to make a plan in my head but too worried about what's happening.

Focusing on the horizon I can see the grass field just barely coming forth. Peering through the trees to see the field opening to the grass with picnic benches covering it. Leaning on one tree on the edge of the green field about to kill over.

"Keep moving." I struggle to motivate myself with a huff. With sarcasm taking hold: "You can do this. Run from a killer." That doesn't make me feel any better now that I hear it. Coughing and wheeze as I continue to move again.

Walking onto the grass field seeing a family on one picnic bench. Then trees scattered throughout the greenery. Making my way behind a tree in the distance. Did I lose him? I can always hope. Covering my ears to block out the noise right when everything processes.

He just held a gun to my head. Was he trying to kill me? Tears just start falling down my face uncontrollably. Crouching to the ground-hugging my knees to my chest silently trying to keep my sobbing to a minimum. I hold my hand in front of my eyes as I tried my best to keep it steady, but all I could see was a blurry hand in front of me. Crashing my handing onto my face rubbing the tears away. Why is he after me? What did I do wrong? My body is responding to this new fear unlocked. With my breath heavy, shaking from my panic. I tried to calm myself to the best of my ability by... Breathing in... and breathing out.

Closing my eyes to see the flash of the woman mouthing those words. "Fight?" I mumbled to myself with the wind kissing my skin. Why did she? How did she know me? Is this connected?

Giving myself the determination to find out who she is and why reminded me that she could be something important. Opening my eyes again to see mother nature before me with the tweeting of the birds playing their music and the cheering of children in the distance. Feeling the autumn breeze itself sending a cold shiver down my spine.

Finally, my nerves subside enough. I lean my head against the tree feeling the bark behind me. Opening my eyes feeling like someone was watching me. To look to the side for where a little boy stood. He smiled at me and then walked away. Somehow that comforted me giving me the confidence I needed.

"Okay let's do this." Using the tree to my advantage as I get myself back onto my feet.

The next thing I hear is a bang! Bang! Bang! The piercing sound of shots is followed by screams of people. Panic broke the silence of happiness with overall destruction and terror. With wooden shrapnel flying everywhere to kids screaming.

Covering my head as I squeal peering around the tree to watch the man walk out of the tree line and open fire on the unexpected family.

"ALANA HEARTLESS! WHERE ARE YOU!" He shouted over the screams and flying bullets.

Yet all I can think about is how he's going to kill me. He's going to kill me, kill everyone. That was all I could comprehend. No! that can't be the end. I'm a fighter. She told me. I need to know who she is. I'm going to fucking fight! Breathe you got to breathe I tried to remind myself. Hearing the kids scream was unbearable as it rattled my bones. With a throbbing piercing pain in my head probably because I led him here of all places.

My body starts to tremble again my legs begin to shake and buckle then feel something hit me in my legs making me jump. Snapping my head down to see the small boy looking up at me in tears. Kneeling to him I hold my arms out and he jumps in grabbing me as he screams and cries into my chest. Holding him tightly I looked to my left and I look to my right to see a bench to my right where other kids are covering their heads with their parents surrounding them as they scream. With the shrapnel or splintering wood covering the ground. Jumping and rolling to the table, putting him down whipping his face with my thumb.

Smiling at him I speak with reassurance as my voice cracks; "Cover your head, mister. Everything will be okay." Nodding his head, he places a hand over his head and looked back at me; "What are you going to do miss?" he questioned. I had so much gone through my head. Why is this man risking hurting others for me? If I'm that important that it doesn't matter who's around. I need to make sure they are safe. No one deserves to die so brutally. Picking the boy up in my arms as I said, "Take care of yourself."

The boy doesn't speak, but I know exactly what he is thinking. Please don't leave me alone. I can see it in his eyes. Loneliness, fear, panic. Like me all my life I see this boy looking at me. I reflect in his eyes. If the woman in my dreams felt anything. I can relate to her. Reminiscing about what happened in my dream. That I think is my memories of something. Yet what?

Taking no time I leap to the table hitting my back on the picnic bench. Giving the boy to a young man.

Rubbing my hand on his cheek I smiled at him as I spoke. "I'll take care of the bad guy. Everything will be okay."

With tears running down his face he finally nods back. Reminding me so much of myself. Bang! Bang! Echoing behind me as my ears ring from its destruction leading a wake for us to witness. Thinking of something, anything to get him out of this place making sure everyone is safe. I know what I must do.

Waving my hands up in the air as I jump to my feet racing a little way and yelling "Hay! Over here! Come get me. I'm the one you're after, right?" Sticking my tongue out at him and waving my hands. Glancing at the boy he starts to yell, and the young man is holding him tightly. "Take care of him." I barked. His eyes locked with mine for a moment, and he nods in response nervously.

Facing the man in the armor sensing his annoyance. He aims his weapon my way and fires a line. Spinning around on my heals and dashing into the park. A little way down a small path emerges from the trees I spotted a sign imprinted with the words hiking. With a thought coming forward.

Glancing over my shoulder to see the man a little way down "Hay! Over here!" Yelling at him I run down the hiking paths going up a hill and swerving around through the path.

Starting to lose steam and gasping for air, my body hunches over to my knees and glances over to see the path behind me only able to hear the bang! Bang! Echoing shortly behind. Grunting as I sit up straight. "Fucking hell." Stumbling back to my feet noticing a small bridge over a little creek at the bottom of the hill. Going to the bridge with a nice jog. Taking a moment, leaning over the railing to look. It's no more than three feet above the creek. I can jump, right?

Without a second thought, taking a chance to leap over the ledge into the creek. Landing and rolling into the creek. Stumbling to my hands and knees into the rocks. Being drenched in cold water and feeling the burning needles in my knees and arms. Quickly get back up scooting under the bridge, melting into the bushes as I kneel by a fern in the damp mud.

"Did I really need to do this?" I mumble to myself in disbelief.

As I start to shiver, it's easier to breathe for the time being. My lips are dry from my activities, I'm starting to taste the metallic battery acid in the back of my throat. Hoping and praying that he doesn't find me, my thoughts begin wandering off into tangents to the little boy that was crying. He looked so scared. So lonely. The kids and their families screaming. The guilt felt like I was punched in the stomach. My lips quivered from the thought of what he could do to the boy.

My head ached at the thought. With another image flashing before my eye. The woman handed me to some man and ran into the fire.

I heard someone yelling at her. "Bella! No!"

Screams from the park are becoming more pronounced. Covering my ears as I start to cry again wondering. Why does she keep coming up? Who is she? Why me? Bella? Is that her name? Why just why. Trying to get away I was hoping that no one got hurt.

"Is the little boy, okay?" Asking myself. Grasping at straws to figure out what's happening.

It's my fault. I led him here. I did this to them. I just lead them to their death. Fear is just eating me up inside. Feeling this tightness of pain. It's so overwhelming. Hearing footsteps on the bridge above me. Gasping I cover my mouth with both hands hoping it's not him to only see a runner just going over. What?

"Why? Don't you hear the gunshots?" I shudder. Standing to my feet with tears threatening to fall.

Or is that more of them after me? The silence of the creek running by my feet drenched them in the process. Not even bothering to care at this point. Watching as the water goes over the rocks helps me think of something else, soothing my mind. Closing my eyes, and taking in a deep shaky breath. Why won't they give me answers? Opening my eye as I breathe out. Hearing nothing, the silence was not as comforting as it should be at this moment. It's better than nothing, I guess. Now I hear small frogs croaking in the background of the creek. With a shaky breath, I start to get moving stopped by a soft and steady voice.

"Alana? Princess? Is that you?"