

"Follow my voice... Luc. Keep moving forward... Yes, you can do it..." The familiar woman's voice kept on guiding Lucas while trying to keep his conscious awake.

Lucas continued to crawl on the ground with every ounce of his will. The burning sensation he was feeling in his mouth was gone. The blisters and the charred skin doesn't hurt him much. His sense of feelings is slowly disappearing.

"A little farther... just a little farther...," Lucas kept telling himself in his mind. His bones were creaking under his skin with every movement. The thirst for water has also disappeared from his mind. All he did was follow the voice and crawl.

Hours passed or minutes passed, maybe days passed. Lucas doesn't know. 

The familiar woman's voice was becoming fainter and fainter. He was losing his sense of hearing, "Where are you...? I... I can't hear you...," That's what Lucas wanted to say, but he doesn't have any more strength to do that.