

[Sizzzle] [Bang] Berserker's energy sword disappeared. Lucas grabbed his face and slammed him to the ground.

"Arrrg... Cough..," Berserker coughed out blood from mouth and nose. He suffered a severe concussion and almost lost control over his body due to massive blood loss.

"Weakling...," Lucas said in a cold tone, seeing Berserker's bloody face.

"Limit Break Bloodline Skill: Blood Explosion," Berserker muttered, releasing the last wisp of his red energy.

[Ultimate Bloodline Skill: Blood Explosion. This skill allows Berserker to explode every single cell in his blood that he used to release his Ultimate Skill.] 

[Booom] [Bang] The explosion began. A pillar of swirling red energy erupted from the puddles of blood on the ground, exploding over and over again on Lucas's position. The stench of rotten blood covered the entire battlefield.