
The Cursed Love Story: Cupid's Curse

chocolate_boy88 · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

Underestimate Her

Originally, he had asked her to wash his car, like she said she would, but that turned out to be an excuse to get her to accompany him for dinner. What she did not expect was that, after dinner, he would really drive her to go wash the car. Moreover, he stayed there, watching her the whole time while she was washing the car. This made her think of a landlord and the landlord's maid.

After she finished washing the car, he checked it and was very satisfied.

She took off her large, yellow rubber gloves and threw them to the side. "Mr. Erickson, can I go now?"

Robert curled his lips into a smooth smile. "Sure. Get in the car. I'll take you back to school." "No need," she said. "I'm afraid I'll dirty your car all over, and I'll have to come out again and help you wash it." She turned around and left the car wash parking lot Robert did not stop her. His car rushed past her.

She stood still and punched and kicked into the air at the back of his car as he drove away. In the car, Robert watched her in the rearview mirror and could not help but smile. Childish.

After driving two blocks, an unfamiliar phone rang in the car. He turned his head and saw that her bag had been left on the floor in front of the passenger seat. He parked the car and took out her phone. The caller was 'the principal's stupid son.'

He frowned. What kind of nonsense is this? He answered her phone. "Hello."

Emma walked to the bus stop and was dumbfounded. Her bag had been left in Robert's car. So, now she did not have any money. She did not have her bus card. She did not have her cell phone. She sighed. This was bad. How could she go back? Run back? Other than that, was there any other way?

She looked at the endless road in the distance. She should be able to reach the school before dark. She was depressed. Ever since she met Robert, she had not had any good thoughts. She took a step and started to jog.

However, before she could even get a mile behind her, a car stopped beside her. She took a closer look Wasn't this the car that she had washed earlier? The passenger side window rolled down. Robert looked at her coldly. "Get in the car.

She walked over but did not intend to get in the car. "Give me my bag.

"It will take you at least an hour and a half to jog from here to your school. Are you sure you can still make it back in time for class?"

She pantomimed looking at the time by twisting her wrist and immediately opened the car door.

Robert's lips curled into a smile, and he started the car to leave. "Someone called you just now."

She took out her phone and looked at it, then frowned. "You answered my phone?"

"What if something urgent happened?"

She bit her lip. "What did he say?"

"He only asked who I am and where you are."

"Then how did you answer?"

"Is it important?"

"This is my phone. You answered it on your own. Why aren't you telling me the contents of the conversation? It's not appropriate."

"I said, I'm your extortion target. Your bag is in my car."

Emma heaved a sigh of relief and did not say anything else.

Robert raised his eyebrows. "A boyfriend? Did you guys fight?"

She looked at him. "It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, Mr. Erickson"

Robert's lips curled once more. This woman suited his taste very well. She made people want to conquer her. He drove the car back to the entrance of Northern City University. Emma got out of the car and nodded to him. "Mr. Erickson, thank you for getting me back. Goodbye. Without saying another word, she turned around and walked towards the school.

But not long after she walked, she heard something. Nearby, someone shouted, "Emma" She looked to the other side of the school gate. There was a Porsche parked by the road. Beside the car door, a tall and handsome man leaned against the car and smiled at her with his arms crossed. Emma saw him and was delighted. She ran over and hugged him.

From the Bentley parked opposite her, Robert's face went ashy pale. Was that the oldest son of the Meyer family, Jack Meyer? Heh, he seemed to have completely underestimated Emma Green.

Emma left Jack's arms and looked at him happily. "Brother, but you said it would take two months for you to return to the country?"

"Dad broke his leg a few days ago, so I came back early." Her face froze. "I see."

"Do you want me to take you to see him?"

She shook her head slightly, "I don't want to see him."

"You still can't forgive him?"

She exhaled. "How can I forgive him? Besides, I know my place."

"Emma, don't be like this. I have never treated you like an outsider."

She nodded and smiled. "I know."

He turned to look at the Bentley that had just left. "Was the person in that car Robert Erickson?"


"How do you know him?" he asked.

"I'm his brother's tutor."

"Are you still working?" Jack asked. "The card I gave you, you're still not using it?"

She was silent and only smiled.

He sighed. "That's not the money from the Meyer family. It's the pocket money I wanted to give to my sister as her brother."

"But your surname is Meyer."

"Emma, don't be so stubborn. I still feel sorry for you."

"What's there to feel sorry for? I really like my life right now. It's very fulfilling."

"If not this then at least promise me to stay away from that Robert Erickson. He is very dangerous. He is not someone you should try to provoke. Do you understand?"

She laughed. "I know. I am not stupid."

He rubbed her head. "Come have dinner with me tonight."

"You just came back. There are probably a lot of dinner parties to attend."

"Whose dinner party is more important than my sister's. I'll pick you up when you're dismissed."

"No need. Where are we going to eat? Just send me the address. I'll get there on my own."

Jack frowned. "Do you still need to work in the afternoon?"


"You're amazing."

She smiled and looked at the time. "Brother, I have to go to class. Send me the address for the meal. She turned around and jogged back toward the school.

Jack turned his head and looked back to where the Bentley had disappeared a long time ago. Robert Erickson was not someone who would just drop Emma off at school to be a good guy. What was his agenda? Could it be... that he had found out something?

After her afternoon class ended, she was the first to rush out of the classroom, because she still had to make Samuel Erickson's tutoring session.

The villa in the middle of the Erickson family estate was very imposing. It was surrounded by four two-story buildings. The first two buildings were occupied by Robert's youngersiblings, Samuel and their younger sister. The second one used to be the second brother's residence, but after he got married, he moved out to live with his family. The other building was the main building of the Erickson family villa, and it belonged to Robert.

Because the Erickson siblings each had their own independent residence, Emma had spent most of her time tutoring Samuel in his own home. And in that time, she had only ever seen Robert twice during their three months of tutoring sessions.

The first time was during the job interview. He had given her only a few test questions, and she had solved all of them. The other time was after Samuel's results had started to improve. Robert had tried giving her a necklace that looked expensive, but she had rejected it.

Back then, she never would have guessed that she would be in contact with Robert so often, especially in the matter of just a few days. In order to avoid him, she went straight to Samuel's residence. When she arrived at the door of his study, she heaved a sigh of relief and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

She stopped at the door, stunned for a moment. That's not right. Isn't this... Was that Robert's voice? She pushed the door open. As expected, she had not heard wrong. Samuel was not there. The person sitting in front of the desk was Robert. "Mr. Erickson, why are you here?"

Robert said calmly. "This is my house. I am waiting for you."

"Waiting for me? Isn't Samuel looking for me?"

"Of course. But, from now on, I think you should stay here and focus more on helping Samuel with his studies."

"Live here?" she exclaimed.