
The Cursed Love Story: Cupid's Curse

chocolate_boy88 · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

Eat A Meal With Him

At noon, Emma appeared in the hall on the first floor of the Erickson Emblem Corporation, standing in the sunlight. The driver met her there, then brought her to the underground parking lot and pointed to the car he had driven for them yesterday.

"Miss Green, it's this car. I'll give you the car keys, and then I'll head back to the office."

Emma took the car keys and felt a headache brewing in the center of her head.

Robert had asked her on the phone, "Do you have a driver's license?"

She answered truthfully, "Yes." She did not lie at all. But... having a driver's license and not knowing how to drive seemed to be two very different things. She circled around the black car and sighed, preparing to get into the driver's seat. But before she could press the key, the door to the back seat opened. Robert got out of the car.

Emma was surprised. "Mr. Erickson, why are you in the car?"

"Isn't this my car? Can't I be in it?"

"Oh, that's not what I meant. Didn't you tell me I was going to drive your car to wash it?"

Robert's expression turned cold. "You don't know how to drive?"

Emma looked at him with an expression that said, "How did you know?"

Robert spread his hands, "Give me the keys. Get in the car." He got into the driver's seat. She was about to sit in the back when Robert said calmly, "I never drive anyone else."

She thought for a moment and retreated. She opened the door and got into the passenger's seat.

He started the car and left. Emma was distant and polite. "I dirtied your car, and now you have to take me to go wash it. I'm really sorry."

Yes, and just because I don't want you to apologize... So, before washing the car, I'll give you a chance to do something for me. Then we would be even."

"What is it?"

"Come and have a meal with me."

She looked at him. "Have a meal? Forget it. I'm not hungry. Besides, it's not appropriate for me to go out with you alone."

"My car and its accessories are very expensive. The towel you used yesterday was worth about fifty dollars. I can't use it anymore. But I'll give you a fifty percent discount. Twenty- five dollars. So, do you want to pay me back, or do you want to go to dinner with me?"

"You're taking advantage of the situation, aren't you?"

"I learned it from you yesterday. Don't you like to raise the price on the spot?"

She looked at him unpleasantly. "Are all Capitalists as calculating as you?"

"Haven't you heard? The richer the person, the more stingy they are. So, what is your choice? Pay me or eat with me."

"I'll eat with you." She was also someone who could not give in. When she saw the corner of his lips curl up, there was a hint of evil in his smile. Why did she feel that something was not quite right? The car suddenly seemed too quiet. She exhaled and felt a little uneasy.

"Would you like to hear some music?"

She shook her head. "No need."

"Then relax a little."

"I'm very relaxed."

"Is that so?" His lips curled into a mocking smile.

She was a bit speechless, because she was really relaxed. "Mr. Erickson, you didn't fall for me because of what happened the other night, did you?"

Robert shot her a sideways glance.

When she saw his eyes, she immediately regretted asking him that. Now it seemed like she was being too sentimental. "Haha, it's good that you're not."

The car stopped at the entrance of the restaurant. Robert pointed at the back of the car and said, "There's a set of clothes in the back. Go and change.

"Change in the car?"

"It is safe in the car. He got out of the car and leaned against the door to wait.

Soon, she changed her clothes and got out of the car.

He looked at her with satisfaction in his eyes. He pulled at her wrist and casually curled her arm around his.

The two of them went upstairs together. "Today's task is to laugh and eat. Don't talk nonsense."

She grew even more puzzled because something told her that today would not be just a simple meal.

After entering the dining room, Emma found out that they would not be eating alone. A person was waiting for them, and it appeared the person they were going to have a meal with today was another woman.

The woman waiting at the table was beautiful and elegant. She was stunned when she saw Robert with a woman. She stood up and smiled gently. "Robert, this is..."

Robert's lips slowly curled into a smile. "This is Samuel's tutor. Her name is Miss Green."

When the woman heard this, she smiled. "So it's Miss Green. Hello, I'm Jennifer Walt."

Emma nodded at her. "Hello, Miss Walt."

Robert sat down. "Sit down."

Emma sat beside him.

Jennifer looked away from Emma and looked at Robert, "I was worried that asking you out for dinner would affect your work."

"No, but I brought Miss Green here. You don't mind, do you? After all, I made an appointment with Miss Green first."

Jennifer shook her head and smiled. "No, it's good that Miss Green doesn't mind. Just know I already ordered according to the dishes I know you like. It's just that I don't know what Miss Green likes to eat. I'll get someone to bring the menu to Miss Green so she can take a look."

Emma waved her hand. "No need, Miss Walt. I am not picky about food."

Robert's hand slowly stroked Emma's head twice, and he said, with love in his eyes, "She is not picky about food. Because what I like, she likes to eat."

His actions made Jennifer's smile freeze on her lips. But she quickly recovered, smiling more naturally. "That's good. Miss Green will have to eat more later."

Emma was even more embarrassed. This sudden head-touching filled her with wonder and doubt.

During the meal, Robert would occasionally offer her portions of his food. He was being very gentle, almost like a boyfriend.

Jennifer didn't say much. She just ate elegantly. However, she would occasionally glance at Emma, but Emma could not recognize any of the emotions in her eyes.

After the meal, the three of them left the restaurant together.

Robert put one hand on Emma's shoulder, and they followed Jennifer to her car together.

She turned back to look at Emma and said gently, "Miss Green, can I talk to Robert alone for a while?"

"Okay, then I will just go back to the car." Emma turned around and walked towards Robert's car.

After she left, Jennifer nibbled at the corner of her lip and looked at Robert with slightly red eyes "How have you been?"

"I'm fine."

"Don't try to piss me off again, Jennifer said. "I don't want to make you feel bad."

Robert looked sideways, aiming his words away from her. "I am not angry at you. I really feel that Miss Green is not that bad. Don't you agree?"

"Robert, I know you. I know you are doing this because of me."

He looked up and curled his lips into a smooth smile. "Go back early. I still have to send Miss Green back to school. There will be a meeting in the afternoon. He opened the car door for her.

Jennifer sighed. She lowered her gaze and said, "I'm sorry." She got into the car and left.

As he returned to the car, Emma crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked at him with a naughty smile.

Robert frowned and said haughtily, "What are you laughing at?"

"You like that young lady that I just met, right?"

Robert looked at her with a sharp gaze.

She frowned. "You obviously like her. You brought me here to provoke Miss Walt on purpose, didn't you? Actually, you don't have to do this. She clearly has some strong feelings for you, too."

"What do you know? Don't speak nonsense in front of me in the future." With that familiar cold expression, he started the car and left.

Emma watched him with confusion. In the future? They would never see each other again. She didn't want to have too many more interactions with such a big shot.

Her mother had said that even rich men could not be relied on. When they meet rich men, they must run and hide, run as far away as possible.

If Ted was any kind of an example, she did not want to repeat the same mistake. Of course, with Robert, she might be overthinking.

Knowing that he had someone he liked, she actually felt much more relaxed. At least, she did not need to be on guard.